Note: Dates discussed in these messages reflect scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of actual fulfillment, but dates to Watch.

Interim Update (May 10, 2024) — Friends, if the war in Rafah moves quickly, we may see the first Trumpet before June 21, which could mean the battle of Armageddon.

While the head wound to the first beast has not yet taken place, we remain on high alert for the entire month of May as we near the end of William’s 41st year.

Hollywood pales in comparison to political drama in 2024 as President Trump defies the odds and eludes the Deep State in his bid for reelection this Fall!

I want to share a scenario in which we may reach the first Trumpet this Spring, while the rise of the Antichrist may not occur until 2025.

In the event God returns President Trump to power in November, the head wound to the first beast is more likely to occur after the election.

This would mean that the harvest also begins in 2025, as both the head wound and the rise of the Antichrist are connected to the catching up of the Man-child

The Daniel Key suggests that the first and second Trumpets occur very close to one another, however there may be a gap in time of several months between them.

November 5 appears pivotal to our entry into the events of Revelation 13 due to the great struggle between the forces of darkness and the Kingdom of Light.

I remain hopeful for the start of early harvest this year, but the head wound to the first beast must take place before our exodus can begin.

A large solar storm will reach the Earth late on May 10 and may affect telephone and Internet communication for days or weeks.

Click the image below for a Q&A with NOAA.

I will leave this interim update open for now in case of additional comments before June.

Stay tuned!  -PJB


APRIL 27, 2024


Friends, the tenth birthday of the Man-child fell on April 17, meaning only 36 months remain until the Hebrew princes reach maturity in 2027!  

Recent Clock measurements point to the final months of William’s 41st year, highlighting both May and June as we near Critical Mass in real time.

Another vector points to the night of June 21, falling about two hours before William’s 9:03 PM hour of birth.

This may refer to news out of Europe concerning the impact of the meteor (Rev 8:7,8) that we know as the second Trumpet of Revelation.

The appointment of the Prince to his new role over ten EU states following this calamity, however, may not be immediate.

The June 21 vector shown below points to Revelation 17:12, where a one hour agreement is made between the Antichrist and ten Kings, who then give their power to the beast.

One hour on the Clock is equal to about 9 months, so this may converge with the Clock end date next March, meaning the agreement may begin this Summer.

Or, the chaos following such a disaster may delay the formation of a new government until near the Clock end date next year.

In either case, I don’t expect the EU pact to survive past 2026.  

If the Antichrist endures for less than one year and new temple construction begins in 2024, we can see how time for us may be shortened as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:22. 

The Antichrist may perish before the takeover of the nations in the Spring of 2027, the year in which the Man-child reaches maturity (Rev 12:5) to begin his rule with Christ.

The second beast, who is the Antichrist, can only rise to power after the head wound to the first beast, so we are watching for the Obama event to know we have arrived at Critical Mass and the start of the harvest!


If the period of harvest is shortened rather than the 1,260 days (42 months) recorded in Revelation, then the arrival of Critical Mass this Spring might place the second coming in late 2027.

I want to show how this would look with the understanding that no one can know an exact time for these events.

We begin by subtracting 1,260 days from the opening date of Sukkot (Tabernacles) in 2027:

We now subtract 1,260 days from the closing date of Sukkot in 2027:

As you can see, the time separating the head wound to the first beast (Rev 13:3) and Jesus’ return may point to the Obama event in early May!

I believe the War of Psalm 83, or Armageddon, to be the first Trumpet, and I expect this battle to take place just before a false flag in which Obama is returned to power. 

You may recall that May 9, 2024 was the date resulting from a two-hour jump across both Clock layers covered in the August 1, 2023 Special Update.

Here we find this date just inside the window shown above, perhaps indicating our progression to Critical Mass just days from now.


Several red heifers may be used as an oblation by the Jewish orthodoxy in Israel during the final week of April, which is Passover.

This has prophetic significance because the sacrifice will be performed for the purpose of cleansing the land before construction of the temple can begin. 

While this does not mean animal sacrifice will take place on the temple altar, for reasons explained in the September 3, 2023 Update, the upcoming ritual is necessary for preparation of the temple site.

I expect temple construction to begin only after the Psalm 83 war, also described in Ezekiel 38, which we see approaching as conflicts intensify in the Middle East.

Elijah will soon reveal the identity of Messiah to the Jews, thereby fulfilling Paul’s words in Romans 11:26 for the salvation of all Israel.

Elijah’s guidance will also prevent oblation on the new altar of the Messianic temple, preserving its sanctity for use by Christ when he returns!


A government psyop promoting the existence of ET’s has taken root in Catholic circles, and Vatican acceptance of ET’s has become well known.

This ruse will probably be used to persecute Christians after the MARK is rolled out in the months ahead.

New laws criminalizing the Christian faith may target Christian believers as an existential threat to humanity!

As unbelievable as all this sounds, it could be the “strong delusion” Paul refers to in his prophecy concerning the end times (2 Thes 2:11)

Satan’s efforts to prevent the return of Christ is the reason for so much that we see happening in the world today, but soon the forces of darkness will come to an end. 


Let us pray daily for the peace of Jerusalem. Amen.

I believe Netanyahu is aware of the imminence of the Ezekiel 38 war, and he may also be aware of his identity as King David in fulfillment of the words of the prophet Hosea:

The Prime Minister’s brief ouster in 2022 did not prevent his return to power, nor will it prevent Messiah from receiving the keys to Zion at the appointed time!


In closing, as the harvest approaches, the takeover of the nations by the Man-child will soon bring the governments of the world under Christ’s divine rule.  

A Trump reelection victory this Fall may delay Critical Mass until early next year, however since this would take us past William’s 41st year, I am hopeful for earlier fulfillment.

The next seven weeks may bring us to the start of early harvest, otherwise our vigil may carry forward into next year where the Clock ends.

Knowing that our time is short, it is my prayer that you stay alert and share this end time message with others while you still can!

God bless as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches: 

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim Update (April 6, 2024) — Friends, we are watching for the eclipse on Monday as a sign to us that the harvest could begin this Spring!

We discussed the completion of a cross pattern formed by this upcoming eclipse and one in 2017 in the previous update. 

The X pattern shown to me in a vision was quickly followed by a head wound to the first beast, thus we are extremely close to the events of Revelation 13! 

In southern Texas, the eclipse will reach Totality at 1:27 PM and in Buffalo New York at 3:20 PM, with partial visibility along a 150 mile wide path that ends in northern Maine at about 3:33 PM.

The map below illustrates why most of us will not see the eclipse, however it can be viewed online as it makes its 4 minute and 28 second transit across America. 

The number 428 in Strongs biblical Greek is the word aneuthetos, which has the following meaning:

This word only occurs once in the New Testament, where it appears in Acts 27:12, a passage that also makes mention of Winter.

In the Clock Prophecy, Winter refers to the final harvest group, a final Rapture of those called to the Marriage Supper (Rev 19:9) rather than those called to the Wedding (Luke 12:36).

This is a warning for us to pray that our flight not be in the Winter, as Jesus also instructed in Luke 21:36.

You may be aware of a targeted attack on Iran’s senior officials by Israel that took place only a few days ago, another sign to us that the war of Psalm 83 is very near. 

Since we have passed Revelation 16:16, the battle of Armageddon and the start of harvest can occur at any time!

We expect the first Trumpet to precede the head wound event, therefore the great war in northern Israel may be only days away.   

keep in mind that our skies will grow dark after two meteor impacts during the 2nd and 3rd Trumpets of Revelation due to a massive cloud of dust covering the Earth.

Finally, apostasy in the Church is yet another end time sign with only half as many attending Church since 2002, so I encourage you to spend time with other believers before the harvest begins.

I will be going offline on Monday in terms of my usual duties for the purpose of seeking the Lord in prayer, which is why I wanted to touch bases with you before the eclipse on Monday!

God bless all of you and keep Watching! -pjb



MARCH 31, 2024


Friends, we will exit Revelation Chapter 16 on the Clock just hours after the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, at which time Chapter 17 will open.

We are now past both the Armageddon passage and the harvest passage next to it (Rev 16:15,16) meaning Critical Mass can occur at any time!

A Spring Rapture does not apply to Church saints but rather to the 144,000 Hebrew children who are the first fruits of the harvest, as stated in Revelation 14:4.

The in-gathering of barley in the Spring is followed by Wheat in the Summer and refers to gentile believers, or harvest Group 2, with a focus on the month of July.

I want to talk about the upcoming eclipse and how its path across the US forms an “X” when overlaid with an eclipse pattern that occurred in 2017.

One intriguing aspect of this intersection is that it will occur in the Midwest just south of the region between New York and Chicago.

This may be the impact site of the second object in Revelation 8 based on topographical details found in that passage.

Here is the map that I published in 2020 showing how this blast zone might affect the northeastern US from a possible epicenter at or near Lake Erie.   

The much larger impact of the second Trumpet (below) will strike Italy first, destroying both the Vatican and one third of Europe, the trigger event for the rise of the Antichrist.

I saw both impacts in separate visions a few weeks apart many years ago.

I feel that this separation in time may reveal a similar delay in time between these impacts when they occur. 

Many videos on the April 8 eclipse point to other details you might want to learn about, and are easy to find on YouTube. 

The main reason I decided to mention the “X” pattern formed by the upcoming eclipse is because at one point during my vision, an “X” appeared moments before the deadly wound to the First Beast! 

The appearance of this “X” in my vision points to the imminence of a false flag involving Barack Obama, thus the upcoming eclipse may be a final prophetic marker before we reach Critical Mass.


Yet another rare stellar sign awaiting us is the exploding star T CrB in the Constellation Coronae Borealis, predicted to become extremely bright between now and September.

This star goes nova about every 80 years and last detonated in 1946, shining as brightly as the North Star (Polaris) for at least several days in the night sky.

While a supernova only occurs in the largest stars and brings their light to an end, T CrB will continue to shine long after it goes nova.

Note that the name of the constellation Coronae Borealis means, Northern Crown.   

Is it possible that Jesus was referring to T CrB as the sign of the Son of Man in heaven when it appears before his climactic return to Earth?

It may be that T CrB will not return to its normal appearance and might exceed the brilliance of other objects when it appears in the sky above us!  


If all of this wasn’t enough, a comet called 12P Pons-Brooks will be passing overhead between late April and early June at a distance that is about the same as that of the Earth from Venus. 

While this is not considered a near miss, the comet will be at its closest approach to us at a distance of 144 million miles in early June!

As you know, the 144,000 Hebrew children will be caught up to God near the start of Critical Mass where the events in Revelation 8 and 13 begin.

This number on the Clock marks the 666-adjusted birthday of Barack Obama on November 26, 2014, exactly 1,440 days forward in the AM layer.

Incredibly, this was also 12 days from his unannounced meeting with the Prince in the Oval Office on December 8, 2014! 

Likewise, the same point in the AM layer marks the start of William’s 41st year on his date of birth in the PM layer exactly 12 prophetic hours after the Obama date!

This explains why I was expecting us to reach Critical Mass in 2023 rather than in the final half of William’s 41st year, where we are now.

Also note this Clock matrix points to Revelation 14:2 which falls between two final references to the 144,000 in the verse immediately before and the one after!


I recently learned of Masonic author Leo Taxil who in 1891 infiltrated the Vatican in Rome by first converting to Roman Catholicism.

Taxil used his false conversion to gain the trust of Pope Leo XIII before writing a series of books and articles that he hoped would alleviate criticism of Masonry by the Catholic Church.

Taxil recanted his conversion more than a decade later, exposing his own exaggerated claims regarding Free Masonry.

In this way, he hoped to counter the public perception that Masons were engaging in ritual Satanic worship at the highest levels of government. 

Whether or not Taxil was successful in that aim I don’t know,  but I want to make you aware of a prophetic declaration he attributed to Masonry that I learned about only days ago.

Taxil said that Free Masons would orchestrate the birth of the Antichrist in the year 1962! 

In The 7 Thunders Special Update published in 2021, we identified Barack Obama as the “image” portion of 666 using Microsoft’s global date reference system, calculating a 666-adjusted date of birth for him on November 26, 1962!

There are those who believe Obama is the Antichrist, however this end time message asserts separate roles for 666 so that three persons (not two) make up a false Trinity.

The Antichrist, identified on the Clock as Prince William, occupies the figurehead role, followed by a supporting role in which Obama incarnates as the “image,” and finally the Pope, representing the False Prophet from his seat of power at the Vatican in Rome.  

In Revelation 13:16, the Antichrist calls for the construction of an “image” to which he then directs worship, just as King Nebuchadnezzar directed worship to the statue or “image” he constructed in the book of Daniel. 

After a meteor destroys much of Europe, the Antichrist will rule over 10 surviving EU states while the First Beast rules over America from his prosthetic facsimile or “image,” a speech-enabled robotic device possibly AI-enabled and linked to the First Beast.

The term “Robama” was invented to mock Mitt Romney during the 2012 US election cycle, however it may be revived when the synthetic Obama rules from his seat of power in Washington!  


US abstention at the UN during a vote calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas has now led to its passage as a Resolution.

President Biden’s failure to veto this UN vote means he has effectively taken a stand against Israel, moving us ever closer to Critical Mass.

This strengthens my view that America will be impacted by the second object in Revelation 8, meaning the third Trumpet, in response to lukewarm US support of the Jewish state.

This might include a seismic shock-wave so great that it splits our nation into two halves as some have been warning. 

Another issue is that of a rebuilt temple, whose construction may require two or more years to complete.

Since the return of Christ is tied to the erection of the Messianic temple, the year of Christ’s return may depend on whether the 1,260 days in Revelation unfold fully or become shortened.

In the event we don’t reach Critical Mass during the next 10 weeks, these various timeline issues will be addressed in a future update!

God bless as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches: 

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal


FEBRUARY 19, 2024


Friends, I have mentioned the fact that February 19, which falls one week from this Monday, is also President’s Day.

This may well mark the arrival of Critical Mass, however we will not reach the Armageddon passage until verse 16 on March 3.

In addition, a prophetic warning for early Rapture arrives on February 26, where Revelation 16:15 falls on the Clock.

These portions of scripture point to the catching up of the 144,000 Hebrew boys as the First Fruits of harvest (Rev 14:4) during an epic assault on Israel.

We are watching for Group 1 of the harvest to be gathered in the Spring due to the fact that barley is the First Fruits of harvest.

I encourage you to read the detailed harvest message posted September 25, 2022, which I have updated to address our current Watch window.

You can find this message in the 2022 archives linked from the main page.

It is my expectation that the war of Psalm 83, meaning Armageddon, will not occur until after the start of Spring, which this year begins on March 19.

Before I move on, let’s take another look at the arrival of Revelation 16:15 on the Clock where it falls on February 26.

Here we see this date in numeric format:


You may notice that this date is also an anagram for 666!

Since the head wound event must take place before the Antichrist comes to power, this date in February may bring us to the events in Chapter 13 where the false Trinity begins to emerge.


I expect the events of Revelation 13 to begin near the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024, or about 10 weeks before William turns 42.  

If we reach this marker without the first Trumpet, or without a false flag involving Obama, then President Trump may be returned to the White House.

In that event, the arrival of Critical Mass and the start of early harvest may wait until the Clock end date next year.

Looking past the Clock end date in March of 2025, there are no Daniel key measurements due to a four hour gap lasting almost three years. 

The next 10 PM juncture on the Clock is February 4, 2028, which is after the Man-child has reached 13 years of age in April of 2027.

For this and other reasons, I expect the takeover of the nations by Christ to begin before the end of the PM layer on the Clock, and to conclude roughly three years from now!


Be aware that President Trump may be at great risk before the November election due to the desperation of the global elite.

It is easy to imagine a scenario involving President Trump that leads to the false flag in which Obama himself is returned to power.

Things are going to get very ugly very fast, so remain in prayer and remember that the harvest will be ongoing as the 7 Trumpets of Revelation unfold!


We first discussed Clock time 4:52 and the arrival of Elijah in the August 1, 2022 Special Update.

We arrive at this juncture on the Clock just four months from now, a few weeks before the end of William’s 41st year.  

Elijah won’t appear until after the battle of Armageddon when he will guide construction of the Messianic temple.

His revelation of Messiah to the Jews will also prevent any possibility of animal sacrifice taking place on the new altar. 

The Messianic temple will be occupied by Christ when he returns, therefore it cannot be defiled or desecrated. 

This is why we find no mention of the Antichrist or animal sacrifice in Revelation 11 where the temple is measured!


A key theme shown to me during the visitation was God’s Judgment of corrupt individuals in government, industry, and also ministry, even before Jesus has reentered Jerusalem.

We have seen those in positions of power and influence exposed by the light, especially in recent years.  

God is unmasking the misdeeds of the wicked, and this will increase as we near the Lord’s coming.

A passage in Revelation we have not yet reached on the Clock points to this:

This passage says those who follow Christ will be empowered to bring some measure of recompense against his enemies!

The purpose of the 144,000 is not to evangelize but rather to execute God’s Judgment upon those who try to prevent the takeover of the nations by Christ.  

The Man-child will remove those who oppose the rule of Messiah, becoming the princes who fill the earth as prophesied in Psalm 45!


Another remarkable prophecy for the time ahead is the song of the 144,000 that we find in Revelation Chapter 14.

Many of us are likely to hear this song while waiting for our redemption during the four part harvest ahead!

In closing, remember that after the 2nd and 3rd Trumpets impact the Earth, our access to the Internet may come to an end, so be sure to share this end time message while you can.

God bless as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches: 

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal


JANUARY 6, 2024


Friends, the 41st year of the Antichrist, which began on Rosh Hashana in 2022, will end at the Summer Solstice on June 21, 2024 when William turns 42 just five months from now.

We had hoped for Critical Mass to occur in the first half of this 21 month period, but our attention has now turned to the final half as we near the mid-point of the 4th Watch on the Clock this Summer!

I have said for many years that I don’t know the day or year of any future event, only where Clock measurements converge with prophetic scripture to guide our vigil.


Several key dates that were a focus for us in 2023 are again the focus in 2024, some based on the Daniel key while others are based on details shown to me during the 2010 vision.

One such date is January 27, which in 2023 was the date linked to either the first or second Trumpet.

The first Trumpet is a preemptive fire that might be related to war, possibly Armageddon, and is the first event of Critical Mass.

The second Trumpet — a massive meteor impacting one third of Europe, has been discussed often in these messages.

The date of February 19 was also highlighted, possibly linked to the third Trumpet.

Trumpet three is a second object that strikes the Earth, possibly impacting the northeastern United States, as we have discussed previously.

Another key date of great importance was March 5, linked to a false flag assault on the first beast, who will survive a deadly head wound (Rev 13:3-5).

The first beast of Revelation has been identified on the Clock as Barack Obama.

The first beast will soon after appear before the public at the urging of the second beast (Rev 13:14), who is the Antichrist.

It will be the second beast who calls for a full-body prosthesis, or facsimile, to be made in the first beast’s “image,” meaning Obama.

A key harvest related date was March 20, 2023, or the first day of Spring, and it will remain a key Watch date for us in the new year.

The date of April 20 in 2023 marked the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock, converging with a full solar eclipse on the same day.

This passage is the first mention of the Antichrist, who is the second beast, as I have explained in prior updates.

In 2024, a full solar eclipse will take place on April 8, and is therefore a key Watch date for William’s rise to power, as well.

We recently discussed a prophetic two hour delay that ends in May of this year, pointing to the first fruits of harvest (barley), and thus the catching up of the Man-child (Rev 14:4) in the Spring.

Another Clock vector points to the month of July and is linked to Rapture Group 2, referring to Church saints, represented by the in-gathering of wheat.

Remember that Jesus divides this group in the parable of the ten virgins, meaning the exodus for some will occur after the wedding, as he says to us in Luke 12:36.

It may be that such delayed raptures will overlap with Groups 3 or 4 and provide encouragement to those in later groups.

While Critical Mass seems likely to occur before the Presidential election this Fall, it may not occur until nearer the end date on the Clock in 2025.

In that event, Trump may retake the White House and bring us to Critical Mass shortly afterward.


As AI advances beyond human-based intelligence, the media has also been hyping UFO’s supposedly controlled by non-human intelligence.

Are these two things related?

I believe that both are being used by the globalists to prepare the public for roll-out of the MARK.

The Antichrist team may already be using an AGI in order to learn the best possible means for achieving global power.

AI may even be recommending the events we know to be a false flag involving Obama in order to prevent Donald Trump’s re-election!

A road map for America’s overthrow would indeed require the first beast to be restored to power.

In the 2010 visitation, I was shown a scene resembling a lab in which a synthetic human was receiving a transfer of non-human consciousness.

While I did not see Obama’s image, it may have been pointing to experiments with Artificial Intelligence, a technology Satan hopes will prevent the takeover of the nations by Christ.

God is permitting these things to unfold just as the Israelites were permitted to see the plagues of Egypt before they were taken to safety across the Red Sea. 

Such technology will only go as far as God allows, and Antichrist’s defeat will occur at its appointed time.

We are told in Revelation 11:15 to rejoice when we see the fall of Babylon, which is near as we approach the takeover of the nations in 2027.

Christ’s conquest will become more apparent to us when the Vatican is destroyed and much of Europe is decimated at the second Trumpet.

We may be only weeks away from the start of the great harvest if the events of Critical Mass take place during the Antichrist’s 41st year!


It is my conviction that the Antichrist will indeed come to power in the first half of 2024.  

If for some reason we are further delayed, then I expect it to occur near the Clock end date just 14 months from now.

That could mean Daniel’s half-week is shortened since the takeover of the nations in 2027 marks the year in which the Man-child reaches maturity at the age of 13.

If the 1,260 days of Revelation are shortened to a period of just two years, or about 726 days, the harvest may end in early 2026.

The Antichrist himself may come to an end in 2026 or in 2027.


It is important to be aware that a variety of prophetic material on the Internet may now be AI generated, as such programs are quickly infecting social media.

There are also competing narratives, such as the claim that President Trump will without question return to the White House, in contrast to those who, like myself, leave this in God’s hands.

It is also helpful to understand that even the words of those who falsely prophesy are, according to scripture, used by God to accomplish his will, though not in the same manner as the words of his true prophets.  

It is best to avoid those who prophesy events outside what is recorded in scripture, or those who don’t tell their listeners they do not know the day, hour, or year, of any future event.

In the parable of the wheat and tares, Jesus warned his disciples they might not always discern who is of God and who isn’t.  

We are to allow the tares and wheat to grow together until he sends his angels to separate the tares and gather the wheat into his storehouse at the end of the Age (Matt 13:24-30).  

As we move deeper into the 4th Watch of the night in 2024, stay alert and share this message as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal