Note: Dates discussed in these messages indicate scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of predicted fulfillment, but dates to Watch.
December 26, 2020
Friends, as you know, I was out of town in late November, and when I returned, I was very tired. On the evening of December 2nd, I went to bed earlier than usual and slept for 12 hours. However, my sleep was interrupted a few minutes after midnight when I was awakened by two short knocks on the bedroom door. And, as you might imagine, there was no one there.
This had happened to me 11 years earlier in March of 2009 when a single violent knock at the front door of the house shook me out of bed. When I opened the front door, there was no one there.
The knock in 2009 was one of several supernatural events that preceded the divine visitation I received in the Spring of 2010. In fact, a relocation occurred a few months later that I tried hard to avoid, but was unable to. The knock that occurred last week was a double knock, and perhaps it also signals a change of residence for me. I recorded the time of this knocking sound as soon as it happened and it was exactly ten minutes after midnight.
Our place on the Clock on the morning of the knock was 11:57, which you can see in the calculation below. This refers to prophetic time, where the passage of one minute on the Clock is equal to about 4.35 days based on 480 minutes of prophetic time over a period of 2,086 days.
As of December 3, 2020, we have moved forward in time 1,553 days and about 357 minutes on the Clock since the end of the fourth Watch on September 2, 2016.
We will reach 12:10 on the Clock prophetically in just a matter of weeks from now, in late January. Whether or not it is meaningful that time on the Clock is currently morning rather than night I don’t know.
Here is the math:
December 17, 2010 = Clock start date
12.17.20 + 2086 days
= 480 prophetic minutes, or 8 hours
= September 2, 2016 (6AM prophetic time)
Dec 3, 2020 – Sept 2, 2016 = 1553 days
1553 days / 4.3458 (Clock min per day)
= 357 minutes (rounded)
357 minutes + 6 AM = 11:57 AM
(prophetic time as of 12/03/20)
12:10 – 11:57 = 13 minutes
(rounded from 12.65 minutes)
13 x 4.3458 days (Clock minutes per day)
= 54.975 (not rounded)
Dec 3, 2020 + 54.975 days
= Jan 26, 2021 (11:24 PM)
I left out the more tedious math involving seconds, but the end result puts us at 12:10 on the Clock prophetically just before midnight on the night of January 26, 2021. Perhaps it is also significant that we reach 12:10 on the Clock just six days after the US Presidential Inauguration.
Even without this latest news, a new Watch Window was approaching as we reach the end of an 80 year generation since the modern decree for the rebirth of Israel, on March 17, 2021. See the previous update for the historical context for that decree, or read the introduction of my book for a more complete discussion.
I had expected to open the start of our Watch in late February, however this latest Clock convergence moves it up a few weeks earlier to January 26, 2021. You may recall that the book of Psalms provides a second witness to the Clock Prophecy by linking future events from Revelation to equivalent prophecies in the book of Psalms. This is proven in Chapter 3 of my book using several mathematical monographs.
I point this out because our Watch date in January shares a remarkable placement on the Clock with Psalm 29:7, a key passage I believe points to the second Trumpet of Revelation and the meteor that brings us to Critical Mass, the war of Psalm 83, the head wound event, and the rise of the Antichrist.
Here is what the Psalmist wrote:
“The voice of the Lord divideth the flames of fire.” (Psl 29:7)
I believe this refers to the object that strikes the sea near Rome after it has broken into two fragments, one of which becomes the second Trumpet and another that becomes the third Trumpet. One object strikes off the coast of Italy, while the other impacts the interior waterways of the earth, possibly Lake Erie or some similar topography where natural lakes, rivers, and streams connect.
Now let’s calculate where Psalm 29:7 falls on the Clock.
2,520 / 2,461 = 1.024 (days per verse)
Psalms 29:7 = 376th verse
376 x 1.024 = 385 days
Dec. 17, 2010 + 385 days = January 6, 2012
Note: All Clock placements originally fell inside a span of 2,086 days before September 2, 2016, as these were dates to Watch, not dates of predicted fulfillment. We continue to keep vigil for fulfillment at their appointed times.
I believe the object in Revelation 8:8 is likely to break apart before two primary fragments strike the earth, and that such fragmentation could occur several weeks before the first object arrives.
If a large meteor breaks apart in early January, the January 26 placement could mark the arrival of the first object, while the second object (third Trumpet) could impact the earth weeks later in February or March.
This would indicate the early (Jewish) Rapture taking place near Passover as opposed to the Feast of Trumpets in late Summer. This seems compelling since the departure of a Jewish remnant was originally tied to Passover.
It may be that the Feast of Trumpets is appointed solely for the rapture of the Church since it follows the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost.
While there is no certainty Critical Mass will arrive in 2021, the completion of an 80 year generation since 1942 makes it more compelling than earlier Watch Windows of our vigil. Passover on March 27, I believe, could mark the early Rapture of the first fruits harvest described in Revelation 14:4, referring to the Jewish man-child, or the 144,000.
A Summer Watch Window (which I may be unable to discuss at that time due to disruptions caused by the meteor) will be a key period of vigil during the Feast of Weeks as we approach the Feast of Trumpets.
This will be a Watch for the second Rapture group, meaning the Church saints who are the “companion virgins” found in Psalm 45:14.
Keep in mind that the Feast of Trumpets was not a single trumpet blast but at least 100 separate blasts, which is why I do not teach a single, universal date of Rapture for all believers. It is difficult to have a “first fruits” catching up (Rev. 12:5 / 14:4) without subsequent raptures, companion virgins, and a catching away for those who are alive and remain at the last trump.
All of this is consistent with the Lord’s commandment (Luke 12:36) that we are to watch for him when he returns from (rather than before) the wedding.
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If the election outcome is determined on January 6 when Congress certifies the Electoral College result, it will converge with the placement of Psalm 29:7 on the Clock and the ‘dividing of the flames of fire,’ a possible dual prophecy pointing to a surprise outcome for President Trump. Whether that happens or not, the arrival of Critical Mass (and with it the start of the four-part harvest) will occur at their appointed times.
We should take note of several volcanic eruptions at the time of a cosmic conjunction that some believe to be the original Star of Bethlehem. This took place a few days before Christmas and appears to signal the war of the Lamb (Jupiter) against the Dragon (Saturn), which is now unfolding at a more rapid pace.
The eruption of Mount Etna, a Volcano in Sicily just 180 miles from the site of the meteor impact based on my analysis of the Agropoli image in the March 10, 2019 Update (see the Critical Update link from the main page), may in fact represent the first Trumpet of Revelation before we reach Critical Mass. Keep in mind that Internet access may become impossible for millions of us (even globally) once the meteor strikes.
I want to remind you that you are in my prayers daily and that your vigilant Watch assures your place in the harvest to come!
As always, remember me in your prayers and God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
INTERIM UPDATE: Friends, I have felt led to update the New York area impact map in the previous update. The new map shows a larger impact perimeter consistent with the statement in Revelation that a comet or asteroid fragment will strike the interior waterways of the Earth. I believe Lake Erie to be the likely site of that impact. For reasons I won’t go into here, I expect Chicago and New York City to lay at opposite points of a 700 mile wide diameter blast zone.
Due to this larger geographic area, a larger population would also be affected. As best I can tell, the population of this expanded perimeter is roughly 85 million people, but since the meteor is likely to enter water directly, the force of the impact would be far less than it would be otherwise. Overall, we might expect a loss of life that is perhaps a tenth of the total population in the affected area.
I know there is great concern over the Presidential election. My next update could be uploaded during Thanksgiving week, however I will be out of town that week and so a new message may be delayed until the month of December.
Please bookmark TheClockProphecy.com URL in case this website has to be migrated to the new domain. If the current domain remains accessible to you after a server upgrade by my present host provider, you will continue to access my updates here until we run out of time. For emergency access, use the “Community” area at my YouTube channel.
God bless you and keep watching!
October 26, 2020
Friends, we are nearing the 80 year anniversary of a seminal date in Jewish history as discussed in the introduction of my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches. That date, May 11, 1942, marked a public utterance by the celebrated David Ben-Gurion, who was Israel’s first Prime Minister, for the rebirth of the Jewish state.
In his prophecies, Daniel counted time from points of prophetic decree as well as from points of fulfillment, but always using the lunar cycle as opposed to the solar cycle when measuring time. In this update, I want to provide markers in time that reflect these different approaches so we can establish a possible window for prophetic fulfillment.
In light of these measurements, the arrival of Passover in the Spring of 2021 may also mark the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock!
As you know, I have been discussing two impact events, the first pertaining to the destruction of Rome, and a second impact that we know to be the third Trumpet of Revelation. I have been shown that after the first meteor (second Trumpet) strikes off the southern coast of Italy, a second object (third Trumpet) will impact an area whose description fits the topography of New York State.
I have not previously discussed two visions I received in 2002 in which I experienced both of these events shortly after going to bed. It was made clear to me that these two objects would strike the earth during a span of not more than a few weeks.
Before we continue, I want to pass along a testimonial in which musician Mark Murchison recounts a dream that he recently shared with his listeners. To my knowledge, Mark has not seen any commentary by me about New York City as the possible site of a meteor impact as described in the book of Revelation.
The map below shows the placement of two meteor impacts, one off the coast of Italy, and another between Chicago and New York City. I have used concentric circles to show what I believe to be the blast zone areas of each impact. As you can see, the blast zone affecting New York is much smaller, and it may in reality be even smaller, however there is not enough detail in the Revelation passage to know for sure.
In the vision, I saw far more devastation during the first impact than the second. My sense was that the loss of life during the second impact may be only a tenth as great. In 2017, I used computer modeling software to learn that up to 250 million could perish during the first event, which is associated with a meteor impact off the Italian coast.
This would suggest that up to 25 million might perish as a result of the second (smaller) impact, however these numbers are based on population figures that were not part of the vision. New York state has a population of about 20 million, and there are another 65 million in the surrounding areas indicated by the impact perimeter shown above.
I believe the First Trumpet, characterized by massive fire, has now been fulfilled, as destruction by fire has swept over the globe on a scale not seen before. It could, however, be only a preview of things to come as the Seals and Trumpets begin to overlap one another.
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In Psalm 90:10, we read that the days of man are up to 80 years, and this may well refer to the final generation Jesus said would mark the end of the Age (Matt 24:34.) We can measure a period of 80 years using the lunar cycle or the solar cycle with some divergence of timing, and in this update I will share both results.
We must ask, however, Which date in history are we counting from? Over the years, we have talked about the true start date of our final generation, and many believe that the inception date of Israel’s statehood in 1948 is the best answer to that question.
In my book, I cite the words of David Ben-Gurion when he declared the rebirth of the Jewish state six years before Israel’s statehood was recognized by the United Nations. I did so because of a divine visitation in the Spring of 2010 when the Lord appeared to me in my home.
These events in modern Jewish history were unknown to me until the visitation, and it followed an audible message two years earlier, which pointed to the year 1942, but which remained a mystery until 2 AM on the morning of April 16, 2010, when it was explained to me.
I have come to believe that our final generation began with this utterance by David Ben-Gurion on May 11, 1942, a date that supersedes time-keeping by the United Nations and which reflects Daniel’s measurement of time from points of decree, not simply from dates of fulfillment.
If we measure 80 years from both of these dates using the lunar and solar based calendars, we can establish a six year time span in which I believe all the prophecies in Revelation are likely to occur. While key events described in John’s visions may have already begun, this upcoming Passover may bring us to the most critical juncture in our progression to Critical Mass.
Let’s do the math:
May 11, 1942 (decree date) + 80 lunar cycle years = March 17, 2021
May 14, 1948 (inception date) + 80 lunar cycle years = March 21, 2027
I am using the lunar cycle to count from both historical dates to show a six year span of time in which I believe the 1,260 days of Revelation must occur.
Now let’s use the solar cycle to show how it differs:
May 11, 1942 (decree date) + 80 solar cycle years = May 11, 2022
May 14, 1948 (inception date) + 80 solar cycle years = May 14, 2028
In each case, the result is a six year span of time, however the lunar cycle brings us to fulfillment about one year earlier. I believe the lunar cycle to be the correct approach since it coincides with our discussion of 2027 as the year in which the man-child reaches adulthood.
I believe we are less than 7 years from the complete takeover of the nations by the 144,000, referred to as “princes in all the earth” at the end of time:
“Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.” (Psl 45:16)
A more specific prophecy is found in Revelation:
“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.” (Rev 2:26,27)
We previously discussed time mark 2:58 on the Clock, and how this was tied to July 4 in 2020 during our Watch over the summer. This was a result of counting forward 1,260 days from the start of President Trump’s presidency on January 20, 2017 to mark the passage of 42 months from Israel’s flight to safety (Rev. 12:14) and away from the face of the Serpent.
With the end of Obama’s presidency, and with the elevation of the fortunes of the Jewish state under President Trump — not to mention several signed peace accords between Israel and her neighbors — I believe this key prophecy in Revelation has now been fulfilled.
It is important to remember that this time on the Clock originally fell on July 4, 2014, however it was the exact convergence of these calendar dates in both 2014 and 2020 using separate Clock measurements that led me to highlight July 4 during our Watch window leading up to the Feast of Trumpets this year.
I have learned that nothing with regard to the Clock Prophecy is a coincidence. We need to understand that 2:58 on the Clock, now partially fulfilled, also remains in front of us, in that it represents our progression to Critical Mass in the days to come. We will talk more about 2:58 on the Clock in a future message.
Some may look at prophecy as foretelling particular events on particular dates in the future, but that is found nowhere in the bible. In scripture, God uses prophecy to show that he has divinely ordered current events in such a way that we can see his will unfold in real time.
Our ultimate redemption will be a result of these prophetic markers as they come to an end at their appointed times.
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I want to briefly address the upcoming US Presidential election. I intend to vote, and I encourage you to do the same if you feel led to do so. The truth is that whether or not President Trump is re-elected, our progression to Critical Mass will occur at its appointed time.
It may be, however, that placement of Critical Mass on our modern calendar will occur during a somewhat different set of circumstances, and at a slightly different point in time during the six year window noted above, depending on whether President Trump remains in office.
Our 80 year generation may end with Passover in 2021, or it may not end before the Feast of Trumpets in 2027, or at some point in between.
A Trump victory in November, in my view, provides the most immediate path to a false flag event involving Barack Obama, which is why I believe Critical Mass may occur in 2021. In Chapter 6 of my book, I reveal the meaning of 666 and why the First Beast (Obama) is not the Antichrist but rather his forerunner.
A near-fatal head wound will trigger the rise of the Antichrist (the Second Beast) and it is he who will call for the image of the First Beast (an advanced medical prosthesis in Obama’s likeness) as stated in Revelation 13:14-15. This facsimile will be used as a kind of banner to garner support for the Antichrist’s military exploits and to enforce his MARK.
Note that the Vatican’s False Prophet is never referred to using the word “beast” even after 23 references to one or both beast figures before the words “false prophet” appear in Revelation Chapter 16, three whole chapters after the Antichrist and his image are introduced.
A second Trump term would push the Antichrist team into sacrificing the First Beast on the altar of globalist power, most likely in the earlier portion of that final term. We know the First Beast will survive the assault (Rev 13:3-5) and that he will thereafter communicate through his image (due to the severity of his injuries) using synthetic speech and movement.
John’s depiction of a robot manufactured in the image of a man was conveyed as only someone living 2,000 years ago could have. We already know that Satan’s favorite tools of control and deception in the modern era are technology, tracking, and artificial intelligence.
If Biden should win, the arrival of Critical Mass may be a response to major upheaval when those loyal to President Trump threaten to upend the globalist takeover now seeking to bring his presidency to an end. Social unrest in the days to come may be far greater than anything we have seen so far.
As you can imagine, either scenario could move us to Critical Mass in 2021, however a Biden win may extend that window of fulfillment into some later year for reasons we may need to explore later.
Please note that a technical issue may force me to switch to a new hosting service for the website, which may result in some downtime in November. I will do everything I can to minimize this, but if for some reason you lose access to my website, save a bookmark to my YouTube channel and click on the word “Community” from the toolbar to see any updates there — you should also make note of the ministry email address… TheClockProphecy@USA.com.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Signing of the Abrahamic Accord
(Peace and Safety as Trumpets Near!)
Click Image Above for Important Message!
September 2, 2020
Friends, it might appear that political upheaval and social unrest are out of control, however, it is important that we understand how the opening of the first seal of Revelation, where Revelation 6:1 fell on the Clock in 2012, is moving us forward on the biblical timeline, and that God is directing all of these events.
We read throughout the book of Revelation the words, “Behold, I come quickly,” and we understand this to mean the arrival of Christ at the end of time, but it also means the revelation of his Judgment throughout his campaign of conquest during all the events of the 7 seals of Revelation.
Every salvation and every act of Judgment is a revelation of Christ, who “comes quickly” for those who watch and for those who don’t.
“And [be] like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return FROM the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” (Luke 12:36)
Notice the words from and immediately. This is how Jesus will come quickly for those who were unable to enter the Marriage early but who continue to Watch.
The war between the Lamb and the beast is becoming more intense as the wheat and tares are separated. It is also moving believers into position for a four-part harvest of barley, wheat, grapes, and olives. The door into the marriage is open to all believers, but some enter first while others enter last, just as Jesus said.
The One-Day-Rapture-for-All doctrine will be used by the enemy to deceive many into taking the MARK, believing there was only one window of harvest available to them. Jesus taught instead a divided harvest, but his words are sadly absent in our modern churches as foolish preachers fail to prepare their congregants for the great falling away.
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The meteor observed by NASA that I mentioned in the interim update is too small to be the first object described in Revelation Chapter 8, however it may be the second object found in the same passage. If that is the case, it means the larger object must strike first, and the smaller one not later than the Feast of Trumpets in mid-September.
If we reach Yom Kippur without an impact off the southern coast of Italy, destroying Rome and much of Europe, I do not expect Critical Mass to occur in 2020.
Rosh Hashanah falls on September 18 this year, a date we discussed in earlier updates. I said in the interim message that no holy day falls on September 18 again until after 2030, however I was mistaken. Yom Kippur will occur on this date in the year 2029, thus a prophetic overlay may bring us to key events in either year, or even both years.
While we watch for fulfillment during a period of 1,260 days, the question is whether this 42 month period begins in 2020, three and a half years before Sukkot in 2030, or at some point in between. We know the first Trumpet of Revelation pertains to fire, thus fire is a key element we must see before the impact event that destroys Rome.
It may be that arson committed by rioters in cities across the US during this time of social unrest is a partial fulfillment of the first Trumpet. If so, our progression to Critical Mass may be sooner rather than later.
This seems more compelling due to the bloodshed we see occuring in our streets and because of the word “blood” in the Revelation passage noted above.
Another remarkable prophecy concerning fire pertains to the destruction of the wicked during a period of testimony by the two witnesses of Revelation, a prophecy also found in the Gospel of Matthew, but a topic rarely addressed from the modern pulpit.
Let’s read both passages:
“The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one; the enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels. As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity; and shall cast them into a furnace of fire…”(Matt 13:38-42)
“And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days… And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed.“ (Rev 11:3-5)
Do you notice anything remarkable about these verses? They are not about events on the day of the Lord’s return, or even God’s final Judgment at the second resurrection, rather they describe the work of angels during the harvest as the testimony of the two witnesses of Revelation unfolds!
This means we may well see the removal of “those who offend and those which do iniquity,” even as their destruction by fire consumes them from within throughout the harvest before Jesus returns. Again, this fire is not man made, but rather comes from the sword of the angel whose mission is to consume the enemies of God.
The prophet Isaiah wrote:
“For by fire and by His sword, the LORD will execute judgment on all flesh, and many will be slain by the LORD.” (Isa 66:16)
We would expect this Judgment to be dispensed over the same 42 months as the period of testimony by the two witnesses. As a result, such divinely ordered Judgment will not occur in a single moment of time, but rather across the duration of the four-part harvest prophesied by Jesus, a period of up to 42 months.
We still don’t know if the time allotted to us will be cut short further, or if the half-week of Daniel devoted to the Lord’s ministry will be further reduced. I address this in Chapter 4 of my book, which explains why a 7 year tribulation doctrine is not supported by a single verse in the bible.
The “tribulation of those days” referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24 is the final generation following fulfillment of Ezekiel 20:34 and the rebirth of the Jewish state almost 80 years ago. The Great Tribulation, on the other hand, refers to the time of Jacob’s trouble, or the remaining 1,260 days (if not further shortened) of Daniel’s final week.
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Assuming we don’t reach Critical Mass in the next few weeks, I believe President Trump is likely to win re-election during the most tumultuous political process imaginable. This would force the agents of Antichrist to move forward with their Obama false flag, an event I have described as a sacrifice on the altar of globalist tyranny.
This staged assault on the First Beast will trigger the rise of a second beast, who is actually the Antichrist. I have identified him by name using a convergence of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock and his time of birth in Chapter 6 of my book. He met with President Obama in the Oval Office shortly after Rosh Hashana in 2014.
The individual who promotes a full-body prosthesis in Obama’s image (Rev. 13:16) will be the Antichrist. He will use that image as a kind of banner to marshal support for his military campaigns, and to enforce acceptance of his mandated MARK.
The False Prophet, never once referred to as either of the two beasts in the book of Revelation, is the head of the Papacy in Rome.
Keep in mind that according to Daniel, the Antichrist does not achieve global dominance, rather his ten nation consortium of EU states endures for just one hour. One hour on the Clock is a period of about nine months.
As a point of clarification, the window for Critical Mass falls between Passover in the Spring and the Feast of Trumpets in late Summer. The biblical calendar may suggest Rome’s destruction near the mid-point during the Feast of Weeks, or Shavuot, usually in late May. Keep in mind, however, that Critical Mass includes several major prophetic events that are likely to span a period of several months.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
INTERIM UPDATE: Friends, NASA is reporting a newly discovered asteroid that will come between the Earth and the moon near September 1, 2020. Earlier today, Rabbi Glazerson released a video showing a bible code matrix including the words “asteroid” and “horn,” words we believe refer to the 2nd Trumpet of Revelation and also the head wound event in Chapter 13. This may signal the arrival of a destructive meteor that impacts the sea off the southern coast of Italy, destroying much of Europe. Click <HERE> for the video and keep in mind that if we reach Critical Mass in September, it most likely will mean the suspension of our US Presidential election in the Fall. A second object will then strike the Earth to mark the first fruits Rapture (Rev 14:4) meaning the 144,000 Hebrews who go before the Church as the “first fruits” portion of a four-part harvest. This year, Rosh Hashanah falls on September 18, a date we have discussed for several years as having special significance to the Clock Prophecy. No Jewish holy day will fall on September 18 again until 2029, thus I believe our opportunity for future updates is fast coming to a close! Stay in prayer and continue to Watch. -PJB
July 2, 2020
Friends, if you have any remaining doubt that Satan has been cast down to the Earth, I believe such doubts have been erased by the works of darkness we have seen over the past few months.
If we reach Critical Mass on the Clock this year, I expect it to occur by the end of next week, where we reach the conclusion of a 1,260 day period from the date of the US Presidential Inauguration (January 20, 2017) on July 3rd or 4th. This time measurement was covered in the May 11 update, which you can find below.
Should we reach the end of July without having entered the key events of Revelation 13, I will address time measurements that pertain to a post-election fulfillment. In this message, I want to present a separate bible code matrix published by a well known Hebrew associate of Eliyahu Rips, whose research was discussed briefly in my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
The following bible code matrix was recently made available to the public by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, which can be found on both his YouTube channel and website. I want to examine the possible implications of this recent ELS Torah finding as it relates to current events.
While there are many interesting fragments highlighted in this bible code matrix, most notably those referring to President Trump, another matrix was published by Glazerson a few days later that included the words, “The End, 5780,” referring to the Jewish year corresponding to the gentile year 2020.
Yet another matrix refers to year 5781 (2021) using the words, “When the time of God” and, “Messiah,” in a possible reference to the revelation of Yeshua to national Israel at the start of Jacob’s Trouble.
As I have said before, the ‘day of the Lord’ is not a literal 24-hour day, but a period of time that may begin one year and end the next. Or it may require a longer period of time in order to bring fulfillment of multiple prophecies. We already know that most of the events of Revelation take place over a period of 1,260 days, completing the final Week of Daniel.
I continue to believe the four-part harvest will take place during the time frame of John’s vision, a period of up to 42 months. I expect this to coincide with the rise of the Antichrist and his enforcement of the MARK, during which time our place in the harvest will become known to us.
I watch for the 144,000 to take authority over the nations in 2027, a period of 13 years from the arrival of the birth of the man-child on the Clock in 2014, as discussed last year in my August 14, 2019 update, a key message of this end time prophecy.
Glazerson’s research shows the critical role President Trump has played in bringing us forward in bible prophecy, and how near we are to the start of the Millennial Kingdom of Christ. This will also mean the salvation of Israel (Rom. 11:26) and the end of Satan’s tyranny over the Earth.
In 2018, I began to discuss the passage of 41 Golden Jubilees since the birth of Christ, a number value that pertains to a vision I received years before the Lord appeared to me in 2010. The number 41 was prominently featured in my vision and I continue to believe it marks the duration of time between the Lord’s birth and the end of the Age.
I discovered earlier today that the Jewish year 5781 (which begins this Fall on September 18) is equally divisible by the number 41! This would seem to support the mathematical matrix below pointing to the week prior to Rosh Hashanah.
“This is the faith and patience of the saints” (Rev. 13:10) as we continue to keep vigil for the fulfillment of Revelation 10:6, when “time is no more…”
The conclusion of time for the saints is the moment of our redemption, but for the world it is the day of the Lord’s coronation at the start of his earthly reign.
I studied the topic of the nativity as exhaustively as I know how, and it led me to conclude that the Lord’s birth likely occurred in 3 BC. This became the premise for placing the end of 41 Golden Jubilees in the month of April in 2019. You may also recall that in part of the same vision I heard the words, “you are two hours late.”
Let me point out that the words “you are two hours late” were not spoken to me but were spoken to another individual by one of the main characters in the vision.
I now believe these two hours of time are equal to two hours on the Clock and thus represent 522 days of additional Watch. If that is correct, it may describe a delay between the conclusion of 41 Golden Jubilees in April of 2019 and the start of early harvest in late Summer of this year!
Let’s do the math:
2,086 / 480 min = 260.75 days (1 hr Clock time)
260.75 x 2 = 521.5 days (2 hours of Clock time)
April 7, 2019 + 521.5 days = September 10, 2020
If the Watch Window pointing to July marks the destruction of Rome and much of Europe as prophesied in Revelation 8 and 18, due to the impact of a large meteor (Rev. 8:7,8) off the southern coast of Italy, it will also mark the removal of the man-child (Rev 12:5) with the arrival of a second object (third trumpet) near the Feast of Trumpets in late Summer.
We may be only days away from Critical Mass and the start of early harvest, but regardless of when it happens, we know for certain that the door (Rev 3:7,8) we have talked about for 2,000 years will open soon!
I have decided to suspend further updates to the COVID-19 rankings because our medical authorities are clearly inflating the numbers to exaggerate the severity of this illness in America. You can see this clearly by looking at the column for “Per Capita Death Variance” and the column for “CFR (Case Fatality Rate) Variance” and comparing how these values for the US diverge from one another as compared to other countries.
The US has the single highest divergence between these figures of any nation despite having one of the best healthcare systems in the world. Countries like Mexico and Ecuador have a much smaller divergence between these values despite having less robust medical care overall.
Since the data is being manipulated to conceal the fact that the USA has been remarkably effective at mitigating this disease, I am archiving the chart for historical reference.
Remember to pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu and the peace of Jerusalem, and for President Trump and the United States.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
INTERIM UPDATE: Friends, it now appears that US military forces will be placed in at least six major cities across the US for the purpose of quelling terror related violence. This will likely mean marshall law for a period of at least several weeks, an understandable response to the attempted takeover of our country by Communist elements inside and outside our government. While this is not to be taken lightly, remember that God is using the globalists and their corrupt intentions to bring about his will as the conquest of the nations by Christ (Rev 11:15) moves forward.
Work that I am currently doing with regard to biblical time suggests we may need to look past the election before the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock, with some indication that those events may take place in 2021 rather than in 2020. However, we continue to look for Critical Mass this Summer due to the fact we will reach the end of an 80 year generation in just another nine months.
Jesus Christ the Lord of glory reigns supreme and he will keep you in his grace. Stay tuned and remain faithful as we continue to Watch for him! -PJB
May 11, 2020
Friends, the generational countdown that began on May 11, 1942 when David Ben-Gurion uttered a proclamation for the rebirth of the Jewish state, will reach a span of eighty lunar years (Psalm 90:10) on March 17, 2021. Jesus appeared to me ten years ago on May 12, 2010, and he told me it was time to learn the meaning of this key date in modern Jewish history!
The visitation in 2010 lasted 56 days and changed my life forever. Having no knowledge of Ben-Gurion’s declaration at the time, the angel had spoken to me audibly about it two years earlier — also in the month of May!
I believe we are nearing the conclusion of the final generation Jesus said would mark the end of human government on earth and the start of his rule over the nations. It is an exciting time to be alive.
We may not recognize how Jesus is operating under cover, so to speak, through those who have been placed in positions of authority for the purpose of dismantling Satan’s stranglehold over humanity. For now, this is like a disguise that Jesus is wearing before his physical appearance at the end of the age when the new age begins.
John wrote of this conquest over the nations in the book of Revelation:
“…The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.” (Rev 11:15)
Let’s examine how current events are converging with bible prophecy.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been given a power-sharing arrangement in which he will lead Israel for the next 18 months, after which he will be replaced by his rival, Benny Gantz. This may well point to the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock in 2020, not just because Israel plays a critical role in end time events, but because time for Netanyahu himself (and fulfillment of Hosea 3:4,5) is quickly running out.
It may be that Satan will be allowed to stall a bit longer, in which case we may not see the events of Revelation 13 until after the US presidential election in November. For now, our Watch Window continues to focus on the present through July 4, 2020.
I want to point out that in Jerusalem, the 4th of July begins while it is still the 3rd in America, and so I am extending the window slightly to include this major US holiday even if we have not reached the 4th here in the US when the meteor strikes.
I stated in earlier messages that there were parts of the visitation I am unable to share, however it is time to share with you that the second and third trumpets of the 7th Seal are divinely linked to 2:58 AM on the Clock of the Four Night Watches.
Remember that the Clock is not a 24 hour measurement of time, rather it measures a period of 2,086 days divided into four equal periods (watches) of about 17 and a half months each.
The Clock started figuratively at 10 PM on December 17, 2010, as I was instructed by the Lord during the visitation. I had no idea that historians would later mark this date as the start of the Arab Spring based on an uprising in Tunisia that very day.
We can see that the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 point to a final period of upheaval among the nations of the Levant just before a prophetic “summer” at the end of time. Could it be that Jesus was also referring to the summer of 2020 when “time should be no longer” (Rev 10:6) and the saints begin to be harvested?
The eight hours of prophetic time on the Clock cover four night watches, which were described to me using the Aramaic word for cubit, or ‘ammah,’ which is cataloged in Strong’s concordance as word number 521. I was told that each Watch on the Clock would be a period of 521 and a half days, or about 17 and a half months, totaling 2,086 days.
Only later did I realize that a cubit is almost the same length in inches as the number of months in 521 days!
Now we need to measure the length of time between 10 PM and 2:58 AM on the Clock to determine where this falls on our modern calendar.
Here is the math:
2:58 AM – 10 PM = 298 minutes
2,086 days / 480 minutes (8 hours)
= 4.3458 days per minute
298 min x 4.3458 days = 1,295.06 days
Dec 17, 2010 + 1,295.0583 days
= July 4, 2014 (1:24 AM)
Please note the above calculation points to 1:24 AM on July 4, however if we apply the result to Jerusalem time, the corresponding time in the US would be 6:24 PM EDT on July 3. This is why I have extended the Watch Window to July 4.
This Clock measurement provides the same result in 2014 that we saw in the last update for 2020 when adding 42 months (1,260 days / Rev 12:6) to January 20, 2017 — the date of President Trump’s inauguration. I believe this accounts for the period of time since the “flight of the woman” (Israel) from the face of the serpent after the end of Obama’s time in office.
These two measurements persuade me that time for us is very, very short, however as with the original placement in 2014, we cannot be completely sure that Critical Mass will occur in 2020 even though both time measurements point to July 3/4.
Now we turn to Kim Jung Un, who I saw in a vision many years ago, and whose death from a gunshot wound occurred very near the time of a near fatal head wound to the First Beast, who the Clock has identified as Barack Obama. See Chapter 6 of my book for how we know this.
I have watched closely to see if Kim would reappear after the recent media black out concerning his whereabouts because I wanted to know if the assassination I saw in my vision was literal or symbolic. Since he seems to have re-emerged without incident, I believe my vision will be fulfilled literally in the days ahead.
Kim Jung Un’s death and the Obama event are tightly connected to the Clock and the arrival of Critical Mass, so when we see one, we should see the other. The 2nd and 3rd trumpets prophesying two large meteor impacts (one off the coast of Italy) will bookend these assaults during what I expect to be a period of not more than several weeks.
News that President Trump’s former National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn, has been exonerated by the Justice Department means that his prosecution will be overturned and charges against him dropped. Obama is publicly chastising the current Attorney General for dismissing what FBI documents reveal was a politically motivated attempt to destroy Flynn.
I believe that various notes recorded by Obama’s staff may well constitute evidence incriminating Barack Obama himself, which could lead to his indictment, as well.
This is exactly the sort of development I would expect to see before the Antichrist team out of both DC and London conspire to ‘sacrifice’ Obama on the altar of their next global coup attempt as early as this summer. In earlier updates, I shared why I believe the head wound will affect only the lower right-hand side of the face.
As for COVID-19, this has been an attempt to move the globalist agenda forward by first removing President Trump from office.
Let’s review why all this is happening:
1) Satan’s goal, now openly promoted by his affiliates in the political sphere, is the destruction of the Jewish state.
2) Satan thinks America and the Church are all that stands in his way.
3) It was by divine providence that the US has become the “wings of an eagle,” giving flight to the woman (Israel) from the face of the dragon.
4) Satan knows that Jerusalem is the key to the return of Christ, and that is why he hopes to destroy it.
Always remember that God is in control and that his love for you will preserve you until the moment of your redemption.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
April 7, 2020
Friends, a China-based propaganda program is underway in the US and sadly has the support of Marxists in our national media. They want to move America into full-blown Socialism and install a one world government before 2030.
President Trump stands against the globalist agenda and that is why their tactics are now on full display for everyone to see.
The corona virus is a real disease but it is not as deadly as the Communist-controlled WHO would have us believe. The rate of death from this virus is trending toward .5%, so it presents about the same death rate as a bad seasonal flu. At the same time, it produces a higher rate of non-fatal complications requiring medical treatment, and that is how the globalists are generating fear to fuel a takeover.
While I do not believe COVID-19 is one of the plagues described in the book of Revelation, it is a foreshadowing of things to come. After the second and third trumpets have blown and two objects strike the Earth, destroying Rome and most of Europe, the bowl Judgments of God will begin.
News that Prince Charles has contracted the corona virus could be very significant. While he is heir apparent to the throne in the UK, his son is the individual the Clock has identified as the future Antichrist. If Prince Charles is removed from royal succession by divine decree in the weeks to come, a path to the throne opens up for William.
All of this appears to be a harbinger for Critical Mass during the Spring, especially with the US Presidential election in the Fall. The globalists are determined to see President Trump out of office this year, and that is why I believe Critical Mass may occur before mid-summer.
Revelation Chapter 12 may hold an additional key to our place on the timeline, which I hope to make clear in this update. Let us read from this passage as it relates to the woman, who is Israel, the birth of the man-child, and the woman’s journey into the wilderness on wings of an eagle.
Here is what John wrote:
“And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” (Rev 12:13-16)
In my August 14, 2019 update, we vectored the birth of the man-child to April 17, 2014 where verse two of this passage fell on the Clock. I went on to outline how a period of 13 years will be required for the man-child to reach adulthood (and virginity) in April of 2027.
I believe the August 2019 update to have been the most important message published in over ten years of ministry, so if you have not read that discussion, please do so. For easy access, just use the 2019 archives button from the home page.
In the above portion of scripture, we see the woman is given two wings of a great eagle in order for her to find refuge from the face of the serpent. This happens shortly after she gives birth to the man-child in verse two. In 2016, Donald Trump was elected President and the Jewish state began to be sheltered from the assault of the First Beast, who the Clock identified earlier as Barack Obama.
I believe the face of the serpent in this passage refers to Obama’s efforts to undermine the Jewish state and orchestrate the defeat of Prime Minister Netanyahu shortly before the return of Christ. According to Hosea 3:4,5, the return of King David takes place before Messiah appears, and I believe Benjamin Netanyahu to be that individual.
The eagle in Revelation Chapter 12, in my view, refers to the United States under the leadership of President Donald Trump, who has greatly increased assistance to Israel and recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state, giving ‘flight’ to Israel and shielding her from Satan’s flood of propaganda.
As you know, I view the 1,260 days following Israel’s flight to safety to be the same 1,260 days, or 42 months, following the head wound event in Chapter 13. But if we count 1,260 days from the election of President Trump, we arrive at a very different point in time as compared to a period of 1,260 days from the head wound event, which is yet to occur.
It may be that God is using these time-frames to bring about multiple layers of prophecy even as he “shortens those days for the Elect’s sake.” A 42 month period may simply mark the period of time between the woman’s flight until the start of Jacob’s Trouble, thus the 42 months after the head wound event would represent the actual duration of Great Tribulation.
If we do indeed reach Critical Mass in 2020, the dual use of these numbers may explain how.
Let’s do the math:
November 9, 2016 (date of election outcome)
+ 1,260 days = April 22, 2020
Alternatively, we might use the date that President Trump was inaugurated:
January 20, 2017 (date of US Inauguration)
+ 1,260 days = July 3, 2020
This gives us a window of time during which the meteor, the head wound event, and the arrival of the Antichrist may in fact occur over the next 13 weeks.
If these events do not take place during that time-frame, I believe Critical Mass is more likely to occur during the same window of time in 2027. It remains possible, however, that these biblical events may occur in the intervening years, from 2021 to 2026.
Earlier, I said the flood from the mouth of the dragon refers to the flood of disinformation from the Vatican, affiliates of George Soros, and the World Council of Churches, from whom propaganda has inundated the world in hopes of dividing Jerusalem and preventing the return of Christ. I have no doubt that is the case.
At the same time, this passage may pertain to the meteor when it impacts the ocean, sending a large amount of water over the Italian peninsula, further south into northern Africa, and east towards the state of Israel. A literal flood.
I used meteor impact modeling software from the University of Liverpool to study the effects of a large meteor when it strikes the ocean, and was surprised to learn that a 5-7 mile wide meteor (the size of the object prophesied to strike off the coast of Italy) is unlikely to produce a water swell of more than 12 or 15 feet.
Such an effect, however, only accounts for the spread of kinetic energy across the surface of the water before an associated shock wave reaches the Earth below to produce a seismic disruption on the ocean floor, producing one or more massive earthquakes.
Such a powerful shock wave would generate enough seismic force to produce a wall of water up to 75 feet in height before it sweeps across the region, completely flooding nearby coastlines and perhaps threatening inland populations, as well. [Editor’s note: I previously referred to “every coastline” in error.]
John describes this earthquake as the largest such event in human history:
“And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great…” (Rev 16:18)
Now let’s see what the prophet Isaiah wrote regarding the waters of a flood that will appear to threaten Israel until they recede, sparing Jerusalem:
“When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.” (Isaiah 43:2)
Keep in mind that a firewall is also associated with the meteor shock wave when a 1,600 mile blast zone sends a ring of fire across most of Europe, as shown in large area maps in earlier updates. This level of devastation is beyond comparison in human history, and it will be God’s answer to Satan’s assault on Israel and the Church.
It has come to my attention that the viral pandemic spreading across the globe is generating unrest in Europe and placing tremendous pressure on the EU. For that reason, the 27 state European Union may soon break apart. This is what the globalists feared most, and it portends a smaller 10-state union as described in the book of Revelation once the meteor strikes and the Antichrist comes to power.
We are getting close.
I am issuing a special period of Watch from April 22, 2020, through July 3, 2020, as noted in the time measurements above. If we reach Critical Mass this year, it will almost certainly be during this window of time!
Regarding COVID-19, I am providing a chart with rankings for individual countries to show how the US compares to other nations experiencing the viral outbreak that began in Wuhan, China. The link for this information is accessible from the home-page of the website and the chart will be updated at least once a week.
Sadly, our government health authorities are not providing weighted rankings using per capita measurements, but rather unadjusted totals that falsely portray the US as having the most severe rates of COVID-19 infection and death worldwide. This is part of a globalist propaganda campaign targeting both America and President Trump due to our relationship with Israel.
After the outbreak data is adjusted for population and properly weighted, we can see that the US falls toward the middle of national rankings, thus America is not the most heavily affected population at all. Clearly the globalist owned media is attempting to discredit President Trump in an effort to unseat him in November.
Keep in mind that our ranking in the chart may worsen until we reach the peak of infection, however that is equally true of every other nation.
Each country is experiencing its own timeline for progression of the illness, thus each nation will rank higher at the outset when its per capita values are lower, meaning lower levels of infection and death, then lower as the outbreak in that population increases, before rising in rank again once the illness peaks and the rate of death declines.
For example, South Korea ranks number one because it’s overall rate of infection and death were more quickly mitigated and it may well remain the highest ranked of any country, while other nations have yet to complete their containment efforts, thus their rankings are in a state of flux.
Summary: COVID-19 is no more lethal than a bad seasonal flu, which occurred two years ago and killed 80,000 in the US alone, plus another 700,000 or so worldwide. As of now, COVID-19 deaths are much lower than influenza totals in 2017-2018, and based on the latest data, we are unlikely to surpass the earlier numbers.
I am hopeful that my research using data from Worldometers.info will be helpful to you. You and your family are in my prayers daily. Feel free to share this information with others that you feel would appreciate it.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
March 11, 2020
Friends, I do not believe the flu-like outbreak known as COVID-19 to be related to the 7 trumpets of Revelation. At the same time, it may be a preview of things to come after Rome and Europe have been decimated by the meteor impact described in Revelation Chapters 8 and 18.
The object that strikes Europe will eject massive amounts of debris into our atmosphere, causing the sun and moon to be “darkened,” as stated in the Bible. This may well trigger an outbreak of disease similar to what happens when large populated areas are effected by war.
The Corona-virus epidemic is being hyped by the media in order to incite panic, apparently in an attempt to effect the outcome of the 2020 US Presidential election.
In this update, I want to share how you can dramatically boost your immune response, reducing your risk of infection by this virus, or any other virus. These steps are especially important for the elderly, so I hope you will pass it along.
Five ways to dramatically improve your resistance to colds and flu:
1. Clinical studies have shown that Elderberry fruit (Sambucus Nigra Adoxaceae) destroys virus particles circulating in the bloodstream of those infected with influenza. The flavonols and anthocyanins in elder fruit (and possibly other compounds we don’t know about) act as both a preventive and treatment for cold and flu. It may be that elderberry can also reduce the severity of infection by COVID-19.
Your best option with Elderberry Sambucus is to take it in liquid form as opposed to pills and lozenges. Those who take the pill form will need to take 20 or more capsules a day. I have been using elderberry syrup for many years and it has helped me immensely. It has an intense grape-like flavor but can be mixed in water or other juices. I currently take 1-2 teaspoons daily as a preventative.
I suggest taking up to 4 tablespoons of Elderberry syrup daily if you have already come down with something. I am noticing a lack of selection for this product from my online suppliers, so you may want to check Amazon or your local vitamin shop before there is a real supply issue.
2. Another key anti-viral is N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), a simple amino acid that occurs in food but in very small amounts. NAC prevents or reduces pulmonary infection by raising your white blood cell count where you need it the most — in your lungs.
Most people over 40 should already be taking this for its respiratory and various antitoxin benefits. Anyone with Asthma or bronchial disease would do well to take it daily.
NAC is given intravenously to hospital patients who have been poisoned by an overdose of medications like acetaminophen, or by toxic exposure to industrial and household chemicals, even poisonous mushrooms. NAC will actually reverse the effects of ozone poisoning when exposed to it during the summer months.
I take 2,400 mg of NAC daily as a preventative, but up to 5,000 mg daily can be taken in divided doses if you are already ill. You will want to return to the lower intake levels afterward since you are not taking other amino acids to balance it out.
3. Cod Liver Oil. This provides natural vitamin A and D, both of which are critical to immune function. I personally take a product made by “Blue Bonnet” that contains only natural forms of both vitamins in an easy to swallow gel cap. You can take 1-2 gel caps daily as a preventative, or up to 6 daily in divided doses if you are ill. (Note: I don’t get anything for recommending this product and I use different suppliers.)
4. Multi-Vitamin. A high quality food-based multi-vitamin, like those produced by MegaFood, New Chapter, or Garden of Life. I personally like MegaFood brand for its One Daily because they are the most cost effective when ordering the 180 count bottle. (Note: I don’t get anything for recommending this product and I use different suppliers.)
5. Zinc (30mg) and some extra Vitamin C are also a good idea.
You may not know that vaccines have killed more people than any other medical program in medical history. The drug companies successfully lobbied Congress to pass a law that protects them from liability in the event a vaccine results in bodily harm or death. My niece was killed by a vaccine when she was just a baby.
We need to be proactive rather than relying on the government, much less drug companies whose medical experiments have never been part of the solution.
We will talk more about the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock in the weeks to come.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, the near-majority election outcome for Prime Minister Netanyahu in Israel is another key victory for continued Jewish control over Zion, at least until the arrival of the Antichrist. It also parallels the prophetic role of President Trump as a catalyst for all the events of Revelation 13 as early as this Spring.
A key anchor date for our final generation is May 11, 1942 when Israel’s first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, uttered a decree for Zion’s rebirth on that day consistent with the prophecies of Daniel. It was on May 12, 2010 that the Lord appeared to me in my home to explain the meaning of this critical date in modern Jewish history. For that reason, Ben-Gurion’s words are central to the introduction of my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
It is also why I believe Critical Mass is most likely to occur during the Spring in whichever year marks the start of a final 1,260 day countdown to the Lord’s coming. This may well be the year that our 42 month countdown begins!
February 11, 2020
Friends, the simultaneous passage of Brexit and the coming acquittal of President Trump by the Senate is another divine show of God’s hand in world affairs. You may recall an earlier update in which we discussed the role of the President as a catalyst for moving us closer to the trumpets of the 7th Seal.
These latest developments are an assault on the prince of darkness and the nations to whom he gives power. It may be that the globalists will respond to these events by sacrificing one of their own on the altar of Lucifer in the coming months. Revelation 13:3-5 says it will happen to a world leader whose deadly wound is then healed. That will trigger the rise of another ‘beast’ who fulfills his role as the Antichrist.
The Clock has revealed the identity of the two beasts as outlined in my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches. In Chapter 6, I explain how neither individual is the False Prophet, a fact made clear by John himself in Revelation 13. The False Prophet is a third individual, which is why there are three “6’s” in 666.
John also states that it is the second beast, not the first, who brings about the MARK and promotes the image of the First Beast. What this means is that it is the second beast who becomes the Antichrist. The meaning of 666 is that an alliance of three individuals will be given power by the dragon in a blasphemous emulation of the Triune God.
The world’s last tyrannical king can be seen standing next to the Prime Minister of Israel in a photograph taken four years after his secret meeting with Barack Obama at the White House in 2014. I documented both events as they occurred.
My YouTube page received exactly 666 views on that day and on no other day in ten years of online ministry!
Satan is losing control of the world and he knows it. His reluctance to sacrifice the First Beast is because he knows it will further shorten his time. But those under his control will soon be directed by God (Rev 17:17) to bring these things to pass at their appointed times.
I believe the UK’s relationship with America will soon experience a tactical shift, one in which a near-fatal head wound is orchestrated by those now preparing for the Antichrist government.
Immediately after the near-fatal head wound, Obama will be represented in public by his own likeness in the form of a robotic prosthesis, a computer controlled device that allows him to appear and speak in public remotely.
Construction of Obama’s image will be initiated by the new King of Britain, as stated in Revelation 13:14. See my article on the beast and his image linked from the main page of this website.
When these things happen we will have entered the final 1,260 days of history and the four-part harvest will finally begin!
The arrival of a meteor (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10) prophesied to destroy Rome and much of Europe will have the added effect of helping spread virus particles globally as a result of its impact. I now believe that the first five trumpets are likely to occur during the first year of Jacob’s Trouble, with trumpets 6 and 7 taking place in the final year of that 42 month period.
I have shared my understanding of event timing over the years but as always, I do not know the day or hour of any future event. The purpose of the Clock Prophecy is to help us keep vigil and to Watch as Jesus instructed.
God’s divine purpose in all of this is to separate the wheat from the tares at the end of the Age, a process that appears to be rooted in political and social upheaval now sweeping the globe. Jesus said the bundling of tares would be accompanied by a great fire that I believe will occur when the meteor described in Revelation Chapter 8 strikes the sea off the coast of Italy.
In just one hour, a 1,600 mile wide blast zone will engulf most of Europe, as prophesied in Revelation 18:10. See updates from 2017, 2018, and 2019 for details on the geophysical effects of this object when it impacts the earth.
One consequence of the meteor will be to bring about the collapse of the world’s monetary system, which will lead to roll-out of the MARK under the tyranny of the Antichrist. The Church will come under great persecution even as the four part harvest gets underway!
In an earlier update, I referred to the head wound event taking place before the meteor strikes Europe. I should have said it appears to take place after and not before. Remember, there are two objects that impact the Earth in this passage, and I believe the head wound event takes place between them. I have corrected this in the January 27, 2019 message, as well.
As hatred of Israel grows stronger in the world, we see how the media and the Antichrist are linked even before he comes to power. This is why we must pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem daily. And for President Trump.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim update: Friends, Iran’s behavior in the Middle East is a reminder that a coalition of Arab and Islamic states will soon conspire to assault the nation of Israel as prophesied in Psalm 83. For now, it points to the words of Jesus and the fact that such events are only a preview of things to come:
“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” (Matt 24:6)
Since the Psalm 83 war links mathematically to the removal of the 144,000, as well as the Obama event itself, the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock will be unmistakable. A final 1,260 day countdown to the return of Christ may begin as early as this Spring, or it may not begin until the man-child reaches 13 years of age in the Spring of 2027.
The arrival of a meteor (Rev 8:8) that strikes off the coast of Italy, combined with the rise of the Antichrist out of London in response to Obama’s near-fatal head wound, will confirm that we have reached that critical year.
January 2, 2020
Friends, as we begin a new year, I want to again express my gratitude for your steadfast vigilance, and for your support of this end time message. It is also the start of a new decade, and it promises to be a decade like no other.
If you have not already begun to support the missions of the Far East Broadcasting Company (FEBC), I urge you to do so this year. The FEBC brings the Gospel to untold millions throughout the world, primarily in totalitarian countries where owning a bible is sometimes a crime punishable by death. Remember that global evangelism is the final prophetic event Jesus said would occur before his return at the end of the Age!
In the weeks ahead, our focus will be the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock between 2020 and 2027, and how current events tie into the 7 trumpets of Revelation. As we reach the end of 2,000 years since the Lord’s resurrection in 27 AD, I believe our moment to stand with Jesus on the sea of glass will make our place on the timeline more clear.
My book reminds the reader that an 80 year generation will conclude in early 2021, and thus 2020 may be the year in which a final period of 1,260 days begins. No one knows exactly when all these things will unfold on our modern calendar, and that is why Jesus told us to Watch, which is the real message of the Clock Prophecy. I encourage you to share my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches, with your pastor, friends, and loved ones.
Click the image below to order the little book that fulfills Revelation 10:10.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Note: Updates from previous years will soon be available using a separate link from the home page. The rebuild should be completed by Spring.