Note: Dates discussed in these messages indicate scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of predicted fulfillment, but dates to Watch.
December 25, 2018
Friends, this holiday message brings to a close another year of Clock Prophecy alerts and the 7th year we have been Watching together!
I am grateful to all of you who support this ministry with your thoughts, prayers, and emails. Whatever happens in 2019, we know that God is in control and our redemption draws near. For the righteous, that means everlasting joy as the divine rule of Jesus Christ on Earth begins!
The Watch window that opens in late January closes just 11 weeks later in early April, on the very day I believe Jesus was resurrected from the tomb almost 2,000 years ago. We reach the end of the black ring on the Clock about 100 days later, on July 12, 2019.
If indeed we reach Critical Mass on the Clock before the end of the 41st Golden Jubilee, then the destruction of Europe by meteor will occur by April 7, 2019. In that event, both the war of Psalm 83 and Barack Obama’s near fatal head wound are also imminent.
If you have not understood the meaning of Critical Mass on the Clock, it refers to this trifecta of events from the book of Revelation that takes place in the same time matrix using the mathematics of scripture:
1) Meteor strike off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and the EU (Rev 8/18)
2) Obama’s near-fatal head wound (Rev 3:3-5) which will bring the rise of the Antichrist (and possibly the demise of NK’s Kim Jung Un)
3) The war of Psalm 83, which I believe to be the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16)
These three events will bring us to all the remaining trumpets of the 7th Seal before Jesus retakes Jerusalem!
If this should be my last update for 2018, it is my hope that you and your family have a safe and joyous holiday season until we meet again in the new year…
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
December 14, 2018
Friends, I want to discuss the timing of the death of the 41st US President, Herbert Walker Bush, for a numeric parallel between his passing and the end of the 41st Golden Jubilee just months from now.
My heart skipped a beat when I first glimpsed news of the former President’s decease, as the words “Farewell to 41” were superimposed over his image in a major online news feed last week.
See my update of September 10 to understand the significance of the 41st Golden Jubilee, which ends on April 7, 2019. This key metric on the Clock is one of three that could well culminate with the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock next year!
I want to remind you of a powerful prophetic dream I received in early 2012 that seems likely to converge with the upcoming US Presidential election in 2020.
I shared this dream with my readers a number of years ago, but I want to share it with you again in today’s message.
In my dream, several professionally dressed young men and women burst into someone’s home unannounced, and it was clear the residence was being taken over.
Although no political figure appeared in the dream, I felt somehow that this group of people were an extension of former President Barack Obama. The dream concluded with the words, “New Law, Slave Movement.”
Our current political environment points to persecutions of those who voice their support for the current administration, especially those in Christian ministry that have acquired a substantial public platform.
The words spoken in my dream point to new laws meant to silence the voices of the Church in the days ahead.
I believe we see clear evidence of this rise in religious persecution in the form of censorship on social media platforms like Facebook, Google, and Twitter.
We see the faculties of both public schools and private universities targeting Christian students. And we see activist groups of all kinds filing lawsuits against Christians for adhering to their biblical values and beliefs.
The flood of persecution from the mouth of the dragon prophesied in Revelation 12:15 is now prevalent in America and is no longer confined to a massive (ongoing) PR assault aimed at the state of Israel.
It seems the woman in this passage refers to both Jews and gentile believers as they stand against the forces of darkness and those who serve the Beast.
If a large number of patriotic Americans come to be classified as a threat to national security, it could be a pretext for the movement of those individuals into facilities separating them from their homes and communities — a literal movement of slaves enabled by the passage of such laws.
I realize these are not pleasant topics to think about, but it is important that we see how our progression to Critical Mass on the Clock is tied to the rise of the Antichrist and how prophecy is fulfilled by such events.
In my previous update, I shared how I expect President Trump to be caught up in false charges following a false flag assault on Barack Obama, identified on the Clock as the First Beast of Revelation.
I believe a near-fatal head wound described by John in Revelation 13:3 to be an act of desperation on the part of the Antichrist government now forming in the United Kingdom, from where the Beast will launch his campaign of world conquest.
The UK’s Brexit is another casualty in the war on freedom as lawyers for the EU dismantle it piece by piece in order to maintain control over the European population. By halting Brexit, they will ensure the rise of the Antichrist out of Britain in the days ahead.
See Chapter 6 of my book for the time measurement in scripture that uncovers the identity of the Antichrist and his relationship to Obama.
The globalists know they must stop Trump or else be stopped by him — the question has been how. None of their schemes utilizing scandal, riots, ridicule, press assault, legal threats, or collusion with Russia, have worked so far.
They are now left (by divine providence) with just two options.
The first is outright assassination, which is problematic since they may not be able to survive the social after effects.
The second is the creation of a conspiracy so disturbing that it would allow them to shut down the Trump Presidency under the guise of national security, citing domestic terrorism. This is the option I believe they are going to take.
There is just one person who can ensure the survival of the money laundering operations of the cartels owned by the global elite, and that person (in their view) is Barack Obama.
The head wound event recorded in Revelation 13 has been waiting for exactly these conditions for almost 2,000 years!
Many Christians have a sense of Obama’s date with destiny, and that has led them to believe (incorrectly) that Obama is the Antichrist figurehead. They misunderstand the relationship of the First Beast to the Second Beast, and how the False Prophet is a third individual in an imitation of the holy Trinity.
I have spent more time listening to Mark Taylor in an attempt to see how his message fits with that of the Clock Prophecy, and I wanted to share what the Lord has been showing me.
I believe Mark is being shown how Christ is removing obstacles to his Millennial Kingdom before it begins, and also what conditions will be like after his divine rule has started.
Mark sees Israel as God’s command center with America in a supporting role, which perfectly describes God’s purpose for those nations once the Antichrist has been defeated.
While Mark’s calling is to discuss the outcome of God’s unfolding plan for the nations, mine is to show how the events of Revelation will get us there. I will do that to the best of my ability based on my understanding of current events.
I believe the message of the Clock Prophecy and Mark Taylor’s prophetic message to be completely complimentary.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
November 26, 2018
Friends, a large caravan out of central America is attempting to cross the US/Mexican border, and while these antics of the global elite may seem important to us now, when compared to unfolding events from the pages of Revelation, they will (in the end) pale by comparison.
It is important that we keep our eye on the ball as Critical Mass on the Clock closes in!
We are fast approaching the final test of an 80 year (Psl 90:10) generation that may bring us to the rise of the Antichrist in 2019.
The trigger event for this will be the second trumpet of the 7th Seal. That will occur when a massive meteor strikes the sea off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and much of Europe, as recorded in Revelation chapters 8 and 18.
Our Watch window begins in January with a final lunar eclipse of this 80 year period on the night of the 20th, when the eclipse begins shortly before midnight.
Another vector during our passage through the black ring on the Clock is the reverse 630 day count from Tabernacles in 2020, a 21 month period of time measured by the 101 verses pertaining to the events of the 7th Seal in the book of Revelation. This falls just nine days before the lunar eclipse on January 12.
The final vector during our passage through the black ring is the conclusion of the 41st Golden Jubilee on April 7, 2019. See my September 10 update for how this was calculated, and how it falls on the day most likely to have been the day of the Lord’s resurrection in 31 AD!
I have no doubt it is this final vector that most defines how near we are to Critical Mass on the Clock, however Europe’s destruction by a meteor shock wave need not wait until April 7, 2019, as it may happen sooner.
We will continue to address these measurements as they approach in the weeks ahead.
We are hearing a lot about the sins of America and God’s Judgment upon our nation, but the truth is that America was created to provide shelter to the Jewish state. I believe our faithful support of Israel will forestall the hand of God’s Judgment until he has judged those nations that forget God and persecute his people.
It is for that reason that the nations of the EU, which have repeatedly sought to deny Jewish control over Jerusalem, stand nearest to the precipice of God’s wrath.
Many involved in publishing content on the “end times” want to make America the central player in bible prophecy. While I agree that America’s role in prophecy is unique, it is far from central.
Far more involved in global politics than many realize is the country of Britain, which is in league with the religious capital of modern Rome – the Vatican.
It was the Apostle Paul who portrayed this early member of 666 — a man seated on a false throne and blasphemously portraying himself as God in a false temple.
And in what city is the False Prophet seated?
That is how we know the identity of that great city, whose destruction results from a massive raging fire as John writes in Revelation 18:1-10.
I remind you that London, not New York, is the true financial capital of the world. As such, it is the primary link between the markets and the wealth of the Vatican, most of which comes from the EU.
This is important because it gives us context for everything we are about to see unfold inside and outside Rome’s twenty-first century empire.
Once the second trumpet of the 7th Seal is blown, the Vatican will be destroyed and the religious capital of Rome will cease to exist. The same meteor shock wave that destroys the Vatican might also destroy Brussels, which is HDQ for the European Union.
Brussels sits just 800 miles from the epicenter of the blast zone at the outer edge of its 1,600 mile radius. Even if Brussels should escape destruction, it’s oversight of the EU will be left with little to govern after fire has engulfed Europe.
London, which is Rome’s financial center, sits another 100 miles northwest of the blast zone periphery, thus it should escape the wall of fire that wanes at the edge of the English channel.
London will be the command post from which the Antichrist gathers his new government in an attempt to restore (and even expand) English supremacy.
Despite its woes, the Roman empire will remain in power until God has purified his people and brought the four part harvest prophesied by Jesus to a close!
A primary concern of Britain is that Trump is fueling popular support for Brexit, which threatens to derail their plans for one world government out of Europe.
A UK activist who helped engineer Brexit, Nigel Farage, has exposed a plot to keep the UK under the umbrella of the EU between time stamp 4:50 and 5:02 in the interview linked here. [Editor’s note: Sorry, this link is no longer available.]
Since his commentary is brief, you may want to hear all of it for added context. A critical vote on this matter in the British parliament only weeks from now will be an additional clue regarding our progression to Critical Mass on the Clock.
With the results of the mid term elections in America behind us, and Trump’s ouster nowhere in sight, the global elite may soon realize that their only remaining option is to sacrifice former President Obama on the altar of global power, exactly as stated in Revelation 13:3-5.
I am certain they intend to wound Obama as opposed to making him an outright martyr. In fact, Obama cannot be the First Beast of Revelation unless he survives.
They may accomplish this by destroying one side of his face (the lower right, I believe), and constructing a facsimile in his image, described by John (Rev 13:16) as the “image of the beast.”
Obama may soon address the public through a full body robotic prosthesis endowed with synthetic speech and a neural link to his disabled body. The Apostle John could only describe such technology using words available to him at the time.
Obama’s ‘image’ will become the banner under which the tyranny of the Antichrist takes hold.
President Trump may be unlikely to survive all of this, and will surely be blamed (if only indirectly) for Obama’s near fatal head wound. The Left will use the resulting social chaos to send the power pendulum back into the hands of the Beast, and that is when I expect the second meteor (third trumpet / Rev 8:10) to hit.
Some believe that President Trump is preparing to carry out a massive number of arrests against the Deep State. If true, it could be the catalyst needed to force Satan’s hand in a false flag attack against former President Obama.
The deadly wound to him will be real, of course, but the evidence brought against President Trump’s supporters, or even Trump himself, will be an elaborate set up.
We know that Jesus Christ is behind every political power play and every aspect of this social breakdown we see occurring. Christ is wearing the mask, so to speak, that conceals the divine nature of these events, and we must look past that mask to see how God is moving us closer to the end of the Age.
Those of you who follow this end time message are in a unique position to know what lies ahead. God is asking each one of us to share that message as we are able, and as we are moved to do so by the Holy Spirit.
I would like to forward a free copy of my book to the church leader of your choice before the end of the year. I hope you will take advantage of this offer by sending your request to me at the email address shown below:
I would also like to know how these messages have been a blessing to you. I hear from very few of my readers and it would be nice to hear what some of you would like to share.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
November 11, 2018
Friends, in the earlier update we showed that President Trump and other world leaders appear to be acting of their own volition, when in fact they are not. Rather, the kings of the earth are under a divine directive to bring about God’s will as John wrote in Revelation 17:17.
Everything occurring on the world stage right now is connected to one key issue that is the highlight of this message, and God is directing us to give it greater importance than any other topic in these prophecy commentaries.
Our US midterm elections were (and continue to be) at the heart of a global war between the Lamb and the Beast for control over the fate of Israel, and in particular for control over Zion, which is Jerusalem.
A torrent of propaganda from the mouth of Satan is being sent across the Internet against the Jewish state as prophesied in Revelation 12:15.
Let’s read it together:
“And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” (Rev 12:15)
Satan knows that Zion must be under Jewish control before the return of Christ, and he hopes to prevent the Second Coming by wresting control of Jerusalem away from the Jews, or by destroying Israel altogether.
The enemy’s disinformation campaign is in the form of global PR that seeks to inundate (like a flood) any connection the Jews have to the Holy Land. His campaign of deception relies on false history, fabricated genetics, Holocaust denial, Palestinian “rights,” and outright anti-Semetism.
Yet the earth has opened its mouth to swallow this flood of propaganda, as thousands of excavations uncover artifacts connecting Jewish culture to the history of the Levant.
“And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.” (Rev 12:16)
What follows is an extremely simple chart to show how the enemy conceals himself while attempting to vilify modern Jews. What better way to accomplish that than by relying on a worldview provided by secular Jews!
Here are two groups of Jews with very different views of God and the Bible:
Orthodox & Messianic (saved) Jews
- Conservative
- Pro-Israel (pro-Zionist)
- Pro-Jerusalem
- Pro-America (pro-West)
Secular/ Humanist/ non-Religious Jews
- Leftist ideology (like George Soros)
- Pro-Globalism (anti-Zionist)
- Pro-Palestinian
- Anti-America (anti-West)
By recognizing where Jews themselves fall into these two categories, you can learn whether they (or those with whom they associate) adhere to Biblical teaching or to Luciferian doctrine.
I want to call out the YouTube channel of ‘brother Nathaniel,’ who you may be familiar with. His work is devoted to a scathing rebuke of the Jewish state, and he claims modern Israel to be an affront to God and Christianity. He says he is a Christian Jew.
It should not be difficult to identity the category to which he belongs.
One cannot be a follower of Christ and pronounce condemnation upon an entire ethnic group — much less unsaved Israel.
The Apostle Paul refers to ethnic Jews in Romans 11, prophesying their salvation only after the times of the gentiles have been fulfilled.
The salvation of “all Israel” remains (for now) a future event.
Why does Satan work so hard to interfere with the salvation of modern Israel? Because Christ cannot return until the Jews embrace their Messiah!
A review of the comment section of ‘brother Nathaniel’s’ YouTube channel reveals the presence of paid PR agents whose goal is to reverse financial support of Israel by the American Congress, support primarily fueled by Christian voters.
This is where we find a tie-in to current US elections with respect to the political aspirations of the Left.
Virtually every first-time candidate running for office on the Left has expressed disdain for Israel, as well as silence on the rise of Islamic terrorism.
US elections are being used by Satan and his hellions to remake America in their image. They want to end our support of Israel and persecute Christians and Jews into oblivion.
As I pointed out earlier this year, God is orchestrating a careful escalation of good and evil before we reach the second trumpet of the 7th Seal. This balancing act is a prelude to the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe once Rome and much of the EU are destroyed.
It may be that ‘brother Nathaniel’ has been sponsored by an arm of the Vatican, or perhaps the World Council of Churches, if not George Soros himself. What we can be sure of is that he is not acting alone.
As Christians we know it is the Lord, not Man, who will separate the wheat from the tares at the end of time. It is God, not Man, who will judge the nations. Those sent by Satan to divide Jerusalem and prevent the return of Christ will fall into the pit they have dug for others.
Looking at the chart above, who do you think is more likely to embrace Christ at the end of time?
Would you think that secular Jews, like atheist George Soros, who hate Israel, will come to remorse and repentance?
Or will it e religious Jews, who believe in the existence of Messiah and in the truth of Bible prophecy?
I wrote the article, “My Servant Israel: Land of the Jews,” under a divine unction of the Holy Spirit to warn the churches what is happening and how the enemy is using every tool he can to destroy the Jewish state and, by extension, the Church.
Please (please!) print or forward my article to your local churches and pastors so they can understand what the BIBLE says we should be doing in support of modern Israel and Jews yet to be born into the Kingdom!
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The current destruction taking place in California as a result of wildfires is now the worst in that state’s history. The theme of the first trumpet of the 7th Seal (Rev 8:7) is destruction by fire, and the convergence of key metrics on the Clock in the first half of 2019 (see the previous three updates) leads me to believe that the first trumpet may be occurring now!
A copy of my book has reached the Vatican where some are being prepared to assist us in our battle with the Antichrist in the days ahead. Many affiliated with Catholicism are going to be saved. While I am not Catholic, and have never been to a Catholic Mass, I believe that Catholics are part of the Church.
I want to forward a free copy of my book to the church leader of your choice (one copy limit please) before the end of the year. I hope you will take advantage of this offer by sending your request to me at the email address shown below:
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
October 22, 2018
Friends, I rarely go to the movies and only then when the film promotes a positive message, such as Dinesh D’Souza’s “Death of a Nation,” a political commentary released earlier this year.
I want to comment on the film, “Gosnell: The Trial,” a movie about the murder conviction of an abortion doctor who is now serving life in prison for killing several infants after they were born. I went to see the movie on Saturday afternoon.
Christians should make no distinction between the aborting of a baby whether it happens before or after birth, as it violates the 5th commandment in either case. In other words, abortion is the act of taking an innocent life. That is not, however, the point of my message in this update.
My purpose in discussing this particular film is to point out how the events depicted in it mirror what the Bible says about the times we are now living in. And why the pendulum swinging against the forces of evil today will swing again as also prophesied in scripture to bring about a final separation of the wheat from the tares.
Let’s take a look at God’s Word as it pertains to current events:
The prophet Isaiah wrote:
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter.” (Isa 5:20)
Our modern society is clamoring for a woman’s right to choose, meaning the right to kill a baby before its birth, which is a perversion of free will and an attempt to redefine good and evil.
We saw this perverse behavior when unproven charges were brought against Bret Kavanaugh before his confirmation to the Supreme Court as his accusers bore false witness against him. This was another example of how evil disguises itself as good in order to pervert the truth and mock justice.
We know that the war of the Lamb against the Beast ends in victory for Christ as he brings the kingdoms of this world (Rev 11:15) back under divine rule.
In my book, I show how the divine mathematics of scripture places the start of this battle at the opening of the First Seal in the summer of 2012, where Chapter Six in Revelation began.
We know that the Antichrist will arise after the first Beast survives a near-fatal head wound and is restored to power. We also know he is followed by a Second Beast who exercises all the power of the Beast (Rev 13:11) before him, which is why he cannot also be the Pope.
This end time message has identified 666 as a trio of world leaders who form a pyramid of satanic power in their impersonation of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Note that it takes three men to impersonate a trinity!
The Clock of the Four Night Watches has identified Barack Obama as the First Beast of Revelation, the current Pope as the False Prophet, and the future King of England, Prince Arthur William Philip Louis the Duke of Cambridge, as the second Beast, who is the future Antichrist.
It has become obvious to many that American society is breaking down into factions of secular humanism on one side and those who support traditional values and religious freedom on the other.
God has seen fit to place Donald Trump at the pinnacle of power in our nation’s capital, and while it may appear it is he who wages war against the Beast system, the truth is that we are all part of this battle as God brings his judgment upon the nations.
I encourage you to view these events not as political in nature, but as the veiled work of Jesus Christ in his role as conqueror riding into enemy territory to open all the Seals as only he can!
Here is what John saw:
“And I saw when the LAMB opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see. 2 And I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.” (Rev 6:1,2)
The modern Church believes the white horse in this passage refers to the Antichrist, however this interpretation violates 2 Peter 1:20, as there is no second verse of scripture to corroborate that view.
Remarkably, we have a corroborating passage written by John in the same book of prophecy to identify the rider on the white horse, which clearly shows it is Christ himself who “goes forth, conquering,” as a counter to the rise of the Antichrist, who first appears in Chapter 13 verse 11.
Only Christ is named in scripture as the rider on the white horse:
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war.” (Rev 19:11)
It should be obvious to those walking in the Spirit that the role of President Trump is to represent the veiled work of Christ in his conquest of the nations – not after but rather before the Antichrist appears!
The destruction of Europe as a result of a meteor that strikes near Rome is now imminent, as discussed earlier in these updates. The size of the meteor John describes in his vision has also been discussed.
We expect a meteor between 5 and 7 miles in diameter with a blast zone of about 1,600 miles, stretching from Belgium to Tunisia and from Madrid to Greece.
This impact will take the lives of many millions, and will cause the greatest earthquake (Rev 16:18) in human history. It will be this event that brings the Antichrist to power.
We will arrive at a key period of Watch for these events in January, where the last full lunar eclipse of an 80 year generation (based on the length of a lunar year) takes place on the 20th.
This Watch period will climax on April 7, 2019 to mark the end of 41 golden Jubilees – the period of time since the Lord’s birth in the year 3 BC.
A second object (Rev 8:8) will then trigger the gathering of the first fruits (Rev 12:5 / 14:4) in an early Rapture of the Man-child, represented by the harvest of barley in the Spring.
I have shown from scripture how the modern Church teaching of a one day Rapture for every believer is at odds with the words of Jesus, and why there are, in fact, four groups of harvest (Rev 6:6), which I lay out in my article on this topic in the articles section from the home page.
The truth is that three Rapture groups, plus a much larger group of martyrs, are a match to the full scope of biblical teaching on the gathering of the saints.
This is why we must not look for a universal day of Rapture for every believer, but rather pray to be accounted worthy (Luke 21:36) to be in the earlier part of the harvest, which begins with barley, advances to wheat, then grapes (the martyrs, or wine) and finally the olives (oil), which is a final Rapture at the end!
I challenge you to share my article on the 4-part harvest with your pastor, or perhaps one of your other church leaders, and see how they react!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, the Lord Jesus Christ is behind everything now occurring in the theater of world politics, and everyone, including George Soros, plays a role in fulfilling the divine will of God.
The same is true of President Trump, as well as his online persona known as Q. Every political figure and every world leader today is under a divine directive to fulfill the words of God as we near the end of time. (Rev 17:17)
A separation is taking place before the rule of Christ over the nations can begin. That separation affects both believers and non-believers. An almost daily re-balancing act is taking place between the forces of good and evil as we move closer to the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe. This is God’s way of achieving victory as the Lamb overcomes the forces of darkness in his war against the beast.
Even if Judge Kavanaugh should be denied confirmation, that can only happen if God permits it. Whatever the case, we know the righteous will soon inherit the Earth.
I am not releasing a full update at this time, but stay tuned, there is more to come! God bless!
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Interim Update: Friends, just a quick note to comment on the Kavanaugh-Ford hearing conducted in the chambers of the Senate today. Those who sought to destroy Judge Kavanaugh appear to have been defeated, and I ask that you join me in prayer for he and his family.
Such attacks on this man’s character, and others like him, is a demonic mist that descends over the earth like a locust, and is one more sign that we are approaching the rise of the Antichrist.
We will talk more about this in a future update!
______________________________________ …
September 10, 2018
Friends, it was two years ago this month that we reached 6 AM on the Clock and began to watch for the last total lunar eclipse of an 80 year generation (based on a lunar year), which takes place just 132 days from now on January 21, 2019!
We will arrive at the last Feast of Tabernacles of this 80 year period only 21 months later, in early October of 2020!
[Note: The above paragraph was corrected to show the date for the last total eclipse during an 80 year generation, which is January 21, 2019, based on the length of a lunar year. It previously referred to the date September 29 in error. The date in September refers to Sabbath during Sukkot in 2018, which was a date I had discussed in my book.]
Will the darkening of the moon on January 21 be the one Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24? I believe it may be, in which case the events of Revelation Chapter 13 and the 7th Seal may begin in only a matter of weeks!
Our focus has been a near-fatal head wound to the First Beast, identified on the Clock as Barack Obama, and the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe, identified on the Clock as the future King of Britain, the first born son of Princess Diana, Prince William Arthur Philip Louis the Duke of Cambridge.
See Chapter 6 of my book for the mathematical proof of these identities, and for the true meaning of 666.
Is President Trump facing a level of treason that goes beyond what we have already seen? I believe so. I also believe Trump is a catalyst for the head wound that disables Barack Obama before his restoration to power.
I do not mean to suggest that the President himself will be responsible for this event, however it may be construed as an act of retribution by his supporters if Trump’s presidency becomes more seriously embattled.
I believe the British government itself may orchestrate the assault on Obama in order to use his image as a banner under which to elevate the Antichrist to power in the months ahead.
It makes sense that the British would want to intervene in US affairs once it becomes clear that President Trump cannot be stopped.
Europe holds the majority of global wealth and as Trump’s policies wreak havoc on their globalist fortunes, they will be forced to act even before the Antichrist’s rise to power.
We can see that Trump is being used by God to move us closer to the war of Psalm 83 when a confederation of Arab states bands together for that purpose.
Turkey has come under extreme pressure due to sanctions by the US, which threaten to weaken President Erdogan and his desire for supremacy in the region.
Turkey is named among those nations that come against the Jewish state at the end of the Age, and Erdogan may sense that his time is running out.
We can be sure the globalist faction in America is not alone in its desire to see Trump deposed before 2020. The outcome of our 2018 midterm elections may push allies of the Beast into making their move.
Critical Mass on the Clock is near!
Remember that God is walking Satan down the plank of end time prophecy whether he wants to go there or not. The kings of the Earth are under a divine directive and their actions are being orchestrated to bring these things about.
There is one remaining discussion of the timeline that pertains to years of Jubilee since the birth of Christ, and how this could move us to Critical Mass in early 2019.
As always, the key is how biblical measurements of time link to our Gregorian calendar, as modern time-keeping may not give us a complete picture.
I searched through my updates here at the website to see if I had previously shared the significance of the 41st Jubilee of Sabbaths with my readers, and found that I had not.
This is very important because in the vision shown to me in which North Korea’s Kim Jong Un perished, I was also shown Obama’s near-fatal head wound at the opening of the 7th Seal.
In that scene, I found myself in a large building inside an elevator and it was inside this elevator that I came to a sudden stop at the 41st floor.
Almost immediately after, a great explosion engulfed the building in flames as two stars came into contact with the earth. I have no doubt that these two objects are those depicted in Revelation Chapter 8, described by John as the second and third trumpets of the 7th Seal.
The first of these two objects apparently does the greatest damage, however the second object appears to signal the Rapture of the Man-child in Revelation Chapter 12.
The Man-child is the first fruits harvest of a Jewish remnant from each of the 12 tribes as stated in Revelation 7:4, 12:5, and 14:4.
I expect this to be the first of three Raptures, and it appears to occur during the war of Psalm 83, after which a much larger catching up takes place at the 6th trumpet, perhaps during the Spring of 2020.
I have been struggling for many years to try and place all of this into our modern timeline, and I believe this update may provide you with the end result of that long and careful search.
Jubilee Sabbaticals can vary in length but in this discussion we want to look at the 7 sabbatical weeks of a golden Jubilee — 7 periods of 7 years followed by one concluding year — 49 years plus one for a sum total of 50 years per Jubilee.
If the countdown began with the Lord’s birth as I believe it did, a concluding Jubilee must capture his divine coronation at the start of his rule over the earth from Jerusalem near the end of a final generation.
As we are about to see, such a convergence in time indeed points to His return at the end of an 80 year generation as early as the Fall of 2020!
We have good reason to believe that Jesus was born in the year 3 BC, as the planet Jupiter moved in a rare retrograde pattern over Palestine that year to become the star of Bethlehem used by the Magi to find the Lord’s birthplace.
The date on which Jupiter came to be the most radiant over Jerusalem in 3 BC was during the week of Tabernacles on the night of September 11 that year.
We need to count 41 sabbatical Jubilees from September 11, 3 BC using the 13 month Hebrew calendar based on the lunar cycle, meaning we must count forward using a 360 day year as opposed to a 365 day solar year.
We must then convert the result using solar years to arrive at our place on the modern Gregorian calendar.
Here is the calculation:
((41 x 50 x 360) = 738,000
738,000 / 365.245 = 2020.56
This might appear to refer to the year 2020, however this result must be added to the date of September 11, 3 BC, as follows:
Sept 11, 3 BC + 738,000 days = April 7, 2019
This appears from my research to be the same date as that of the Lord’s resurrection almost 2,000 years ago!
Below you will find a graph depicting the convergence of this date in 2019 with dates discussed in my previous message showing the final total lunar eclipse of an 80 year generation (based on the length of a lunar year) just weeks earlier.
It also shows the result of a 630 day (21 month) reverse count from the date of Tabernacles in 2020 to reflect the time value associated with the 101 verses that describe all the events of the 7th Seal!
Does the chart above give us reason to believe that 2019 will bring the meteor I have discussed at length in past updates? I believe it does.
This object (and the one following it) may well strike the Earth between January 12, 2019, and April 7, 2019 to confirm the opening of the 7th Seal only months from now!
Consequently, with this message, I am issuing the strongest possible Watch to date in our progression to Critical Mass on the Clock!
The trifecta of bible prophecy that marks the opening of the 7th Seal is shown below. I am providing a list of these critical events here, however you will find more commentary on them in a number of earlier updates:
1) Meteor strike off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and taking the lives of millions (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10)
2) Obama’s near-fatal head wound (Rev 3:3-5) which I believe will bring the simultaneous demise of North Korea’s Kim Jung Un
3) The rise of the Antichrist and Barack Obama’s restoration to power (Rev 13:15), followed by his Image and MARK (Rev 13:16)
I will be releasing a new video later this month. Thank you for watching with me, for your prayers, and for sharing this end time message with others!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
[Note: A correction to the date of September 29 is highlighted in the update below to show the correct date for the last total lunar eclipse before the Fall of 2020, which is January 21, 2019. The date in September is the date of Sabbath during Sukkot in 2018, a date also discussed in my book. I apologize for the error.]
August 13, 2018
Friends, it appears that Kim Jong Un is moving forward with his nuclear ambitions even as the Trump White-House makes every effort to reel him in.
I believe Kim’s strategy has been to buy time in hopes of avoiding a preemptive strike by the US military, and to use atomic weapons as a way to ensure his hold over North Korea.
I watch for Kim’s assassination to coincide with a near-fatal head wound to Barack Obama as prophesied in Revelation 13:3 as early as this year.
When that happens, all the events of the 7th Seal and the plagues associated with the seven trumpets will begin.
We can be sure that time is running out for the nations that take a stand against Israel and that the sword of God’s Judgment will then fall upon them.
This will take the form of a meteor that strikes the sea near Rome (Rev 8:8/18:1-10), destroying the Vatican, the financial markets, and a third of Europe.
As you know, we entered the black ring on the Clock in late 2016, just days before the nations of the EU (and others) refuted Israel’s claim to Jerusalem as its capital city.
It was this rebuke of Zion (modern Israel) that marked the conclusion of the 4th Watch on the Clock. It also marked the release of my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
We are now approaching the end portion of the black ring on the Clock and a final (full) lunar eclipse of an 80 year period (based on the length of a lunar year) that measures time from May 11, 1942.
I explain this pivotal date in Jewish history in the introduction of my book, and describe how Jesus spoke to me about it during a visitation in my home when I saw him standing in my living room in the Spring of 2010!
Most bible prophecy teachers are focused on dates in 1947 or 1948 as the start date for our final generation, but this ignores the key given to Daniel that God counts time from points of decree rather than from dates of fulfillment.
These same teachers have argued for a 70 year generation even though scripture clearly states it may last a full 80 years in the same passage! (Psl 90:10)
This is why the Introduction of my book and its discussion of 1942 is as important as the 7 chapters that conclude with the identity of 666, as well as our place on the timeline.
We have covered the current cycle of lunar eclipses in previous updates to help you better understand the remarkable scope of this sign in the heavens. The conclusion of a lunar cycle described by Jesus in Matthew 24 marks the start of his rule over the Earth from Jerusalem as early as Tabernacles in 2019!
The marker on the Clock (see image below) shows the final lunar eclipse of an 80 year generation where it occurs on January 21, 2019, based on the lunar year.
This 80 year lunar cycle comes to an end on March 17, 2021, while a solar 80 year period extends that window one year further, to the date May 22, 2022.
All of this is why I stress the importance of 2020 in my book, as the final Tabernacles of an 80 year generation takes place in the Fall of that year using the lunar year based measurement.
[Note: The above graphic was corrected to show the correct date for the final total lunar eclipse of an 80 year period based on the length of a lunar year.]
Again, the January eclipse does not mark the end of an 80 year generation, as this will not occur for another 26 months. The question is whether or not all the events of the 7th Seal will take place between these two points in time, as this eclipse may be the darkening of the moon Jesus refers to in Matthew 24!
The Lord’s bodily return must occur during Sukkot in the year of his coming, and 2020 marks the latest point he may do so for Tabernacles to be fulfilled during the time allotted to us in Psalms 90:10.
Whether or not a generation can extend past the time allotted in Psalms will become more clear to us by the end of next Winter.
Our January Watch date could mark the arrival of a meteor prophesied by John to strike the ocean off the coast of Italy as described in Revelation 8:8 and 18:1-10. This represents the second trumpet of the 7th Seal and will bring about the destruction of Rome, much of Europe, and the financial markets as we know them today.
The effects of this meteor are, I believe, what Jesus is referring to in the Gospel of Luke, when he said:
“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” (Luke 21:35)
The meteor will lead to the use of MARK technology (Rev 13:16) and bring about the rise of the Antichrist (Rev 13:11) from Europe. The new King of Britain will champion the fallen Obama (Rev 13:3) and call for construction of a robotic prosthesis in his image (Rev. 13:14,15), after the former US President has been disabled by a near-fatal head wound.
In Chapter 6 of my book, I reveal the identity of 666 and how three persons (not two) will be used by Satan in an imitation of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
We previously noted that 101 verses of Revelation pertain to the events of the 7th Seal, and how these passages are measured using the instruction given to me by Jesus when he appeared to me in the Spring of 2010.
The calculation is as follows:
Events of the 7th Seal
(2,520 / 404) x 101 = 630 days
That is exactly one half the 42 months described by John in the book of Revelation, which could mean the events of the 7th Seal take place over a period of just 21 months. If time has been shortened for us in this way, the meteor of the second trumpet may strike the sea near Rome 630 days before Tabernacles (Sukkot) in 2020.
Here is the math:
October 3 – 630 days = January 12, 2019
This is just 9 days before the date of the last full lunar eclipse of our 80 year countdown! This next January may well bring the start of a Trifecta of Bible prophecy in which all the remaining events of Revelation unfold:
1) Meteor strike off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and killing hundreds of millions (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10)
2) Obama’s near-fatal head wound (Rev 3:3-5) which I believe will bring the simultaneous demise of North Korea’s Kim Jung Un
3) The rise of the Antichrist and Barack Obama’s restoration to power (Rev 13:15), followed by his Image and MARK (Rev 13:16)
For more on these critical end time topics, see my 2016 book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, the current update is delayed due to a change of residence this month, but I wanted to share an image of Greece as 600 firefighters fight a fire that is raging near Athens.
Again, fire is the theme of the first trumpet of the 7th Seal, and it seems that fire has been prevalent in many parts of the world this year.
Please watch for an August message on the upcoming lunar eclipse in January of 2019, and why this may bring us to the final 21 months associated with all the events of the 7th Seal. This late July comment will not be expanded.
Thank you for your patience and keep me in your prayers as we Watch together!
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July 2, 2018
Friends, the presence of Prince William in Israel this week may appear to be purely ceremonial, but it was a necessary step for fulfillment of Isaiah 28:15 and his future role as the Antichrist.
The photograph above was taken a few days ago in Jerusalem. The future King of Britain stands next to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
In his meeting with President Rivlin this week, the Prince was asked to carry a message of peace to the Palestinian government on behalf of Israel, a clear preparation for his role as “peace maker.”
I have shown how the mathematics of scripture identify the Prince as the future Antichrist in my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches. The Duke of Cambridge is the only world figure whose time of birth connects him to the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock using the Daniel key.
This convergence in scripture was placed in the Bible thousands of years ago to show the identity of the Second Beast of Revelation, whose figurehead role in the 666 hierarchy makes him the Antichrist.
Former President Obama will play the ‘image’ role after surviving a near-fatal head wound (Rev 13:3), at which time William will call for construction of a prosthesis in Obama’s image (Rev 13:15) to compensate for his disability.
The facsimile of Obama will not be a statue but rather a robotic look-alike capable of movement and synthetic speech. It may be linked to Obama via computer to allow him to speak through his image remotely!
See my article about the First Beast off the main page of this website for how Satan will use technology to deceive the masses as we move closer to 2020.
In the meantime, preparations for MARK technology appeared in my message box this morning in my personal online banking account. Below is a screen shot, which only blacks out the name of my bank.
The global monetary system will collapse once the meteor John sees in Revelation 8:8 and 18:1-10 strikes off the coast of Italy, igniting Rome and a third of Europe.
It will be this event that triggers the roll out of the MARK.
I expect the MARK to have its genesis in Britain but to be followed by deployment in both our countries.
London will provide the Antichrist with his seat of power for two reasons:
First, because London is the true economic hub of global finance, and second, because it will escape the blast zone caused by a massive meteor that engulfs Rome and Europe in fire.
The roughly 1,600 mile radius shock wave will fall short of London by about 100 miles due to its distance from the epicenter of the impact site, which is Rome itself.
I encourage you to see my impact studies for how these measurements were first determined.
In our next update, we may revisit the 21 month window of time represented by the 101 verses of Revelation that pertain to the events of the 7th Seal.
The Lord’s descent into Jerusalem as early as late 2020 could mean we will see the destruction of Rome by April of 2019.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
June 18, 2018
Friends, news out of the summit between President Trump and Kim Jong Un in Singapore may have already fulfilled Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 5:3, which prophesy news of “peace and safety,” after which “sudden destruction comes upon them.”
I believe the “sudden destruction” Paul refers to is the object John sees in Revelation 8:8 and again in Revelation 18:1-10 which strikes the sea off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and roughly a third of Europe.
This is the great stone made without hands seen also by Daniel in his book of prophecy. Daniel sees a mammoth stone whose impact brings an end to the world’s global monetary system, which is modern Babylon, at the end of time.
I have talked about computer simulations I performed using software at Liverpool University in London to estimate the size and speed of a meteor required to fulfill this prophecy, and discussed my research in several YouTube videos.
It is this object that will trigger all the events of the 7th Seal and the rise of the Antichrist after the fall of the First Beast, who is Barack Obama.
The great trifecta of Bible prophecy is a convergence of three critical end time events:
1) The meteor that destroys Rome and most of Europe (the EU)
2) A near-fatal head wound disabling the First Beast (Barack Obama),
triggering the rise of the Antichrist (Second Beast) out of Europe
3) The War of Psalm 83 (same time matrix as events 1 & 2)
Prince William is about to make his first visit to Israel as an official representative of the United Kingdom. Please see Chapter 6 of my book for his identification as the Antichrist on the Clock.
Once the Prince becomes King, he will call for restoration of the First Beast (Obama) in the form of a medical prosthesis allowing Obama to speak in public through a facsimile of himself.
As incredible as this may seem, these events have been the prophecy of scripture for almost 2,000 years!
So much is happening in the arena of American political intrigue that it is difficult to keep up. The IG report released by the DOJ on June 14 failed to indict those who were (and are) party to a coup attempt against our government and, more specifically, the WhiteHouse.
High officials guilty of treason are characterized as having been “insubordinate” in order to lessen the seriousness of their crimes and to grant them immunity from prosecution.
The forces of darkness will soon make their move in a final bid to enforce tyranny upon America as the First Beast, Barack Obama, is restored to power. However, this cannot happen before a near-fatal head wound (Rev 13:3) leaves Obama severely disabled, at which time the Second Beast (Antichrist) will arise and call for the construction of a facsimile (Rev 13:11-15) in Obama’s image!
It will be this robotic prosthesis of Obama that marks his return to power for a period of not more than 42 months. His image will be used to promote the MARK and force compliance to the Beast system.
My book discusses how the Clock identifies the Antichrist as the only world figure whose time of birth connects him to Revelation 13:11 on the Clock. This is how I came to understand that the image of the Beast and the Antichrist are not the same individual.
The Revelation passage makes this clear by stating that the First Beast is restored to power by a Second Beast, and it is the Second Beast who brings about the image and enforces the MARK.
The modern Church would have you believe that the Second Beast is the False Prophet, however this is contradicted by John’s statement that the Second Beast “exerciseth all the power [authority] of the First Beast,” which would not be true of a Pope when compared to any other world leader.
There is only one individual who commands the authority of a Pope, and that is the Pope himself. This disqualifies Pope Francis from being either the First or the Second Beast.
It also shows that there are three members of the 666 hierarchy rather than two, which fits our reasonable expectation that Satan will use 666 to imitate the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
Prince William (Second Beast) and Obama (First Beast) met secretly at the White House in December of 2014 (as documented in my book) and I believe there to be an occult connection between them.
The Pope, a long-time supporter of Barack Obama, will soon extend that support to the newly appointed King of England. At that time, the 666 hierarchy will be complete and the Dragon will make his move against the Church.
Modern prophecy teachers like to claim that the Antichrist will be gay based on Daniel 11:37. This teaching is based on our modern Western perspective, which often distorts translated passages from the ancient biblical text.
The Hebrew of this passage actually says the tyrannical figure we refer to as Antichrist will be unaffected by the desire of women, not that he will be without a desire for women.
We should think about this without projecting our English mindset onto ancient Hebrew customs and culture.
Daniel is, in fact, describing an individual who will exhibit the rare attribute of fidelity in marriage, a demonstration of almost unheard of loyalty among kings throughout history.
According to his published itinerary, Prince William will be in Jerusalem on June 28, 2018 to officially represent the British government. For that reason, June 28 is a Clock Watch date that may coincide with the destruction of Europe should this month bring the second Trumpet of the 7th Seal.
See my past updates and videos for what all this means.
Will Kim Jong Un become a willing partner in peace with America? If he does, it may mean the vision I had of his assassination could be symbolic rather than literal.
For now, I believe he is more likely to be short-lived and that his demise is going to coincide with a near-fatal head wound to the First Beast, who is Barack Obama.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
May 25, 2018
Friends, as our Watch continues, the red line on prophetic events, both here in the US and abroad, grows brighter.
An attempted coup by forces inside our government linked to the First Beast, who is Barack Obama, continues to threaten our democracy.
Sadly, our duly elected President is in the cross hairs of this intense hatred, which is aimed less at the United States than it is at the state of Israel.
The NWO globalist agenda is built on the Luciferian doctrines of the Beast System, which requires the destruction of the Jewish state.
Satan knows that Christ will rule from Zion, and that is why he seeks to divide the Jewish capital, Jerusalem, before his return.
The objective of those who deny Jewish identity is to bring the Jewish state to an end — their contempt for Zionism is the life blood of the Beast System.
Read my article, “My Servant Israel: Land of the Jews,” for a better understanding of this important topic, and why it signals the rise of Antichrist.
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A majority of YouTube channels discussing the end times have been created by those linked to the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, and elements within our own government.
A global PR campaign designed to send a “flood out of the mouth of the dragon” (Rev 12:15) is in progress, and its primary target is Israel.
Most of these channels pretend to be operated by Christians, and I want to expose one in particular.
While I find it hard to imagine how true believers in Christ would be seduced by its virulent propaganda, it is important for us to see how the enemy operates.
The so-called “Brother James Key” YouTube channel is generating a massive amount of content designed to paint President Trump as the Antichrist – not figuratively, but literally – due mostly to his support of the Jewish state.
This YouTube channel is engaging in a “flood” of propaganda against Israel that is identical to that which comes from the Vatican, The World Council of Churches, and atheist George Soros.
In all probability, this channel (and others like) it were created by one of their American-based PR propaganda teams, if not the CIA itself.
The reason their pitch is aimed at the Church is because American support of Israel comes primarily from the US Christian community.
I want to remind you of a prophetic dream I received in early 2012, which I talked about at the time.
In my dream, I saw a group of young professionals, mostly women, enter someone’s home uninvited, and I perceived their presence to be hostile in nature.
Their manner and even their facial expressions were hateful in appearance.
The home was not mine, nor was it the home of anyone I knew, or so I believed until later when I realized this unidentified house represented the United States of America!
Then the words in my dream rang out…
These words were spoken like someone reading the headlines from a major newspaper. I have no doubt their meaning is exactly what they suggest.
In Revelation, we are told that the Beast will overcome the saints during the reign of Antichrist, however he will not prevail against the faith of believers, which is the “rock” upon which Jesus said he would build his Church.
Let’s read what John wrote:
“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.” (Rev 13:7)
There are parts of this end time message that go beyond the Clock, and while my 2010 visitation is documented in the book, certain prophetic details I discuss are found only in these messages.
The role of President Trump in Bible prophecy connects him to the First Beast, who we have shown to be Barack Obama.
We know this individual (meaning Obama) survives a near-fatal head wound (Rev 13:3), which I believe may occur in connection with an assault on President Trump in the days ahead.
We see God using the US President as a catalyst to move prophecy forward, which is why events in North Korea this week provide an additional key to understanding our place in time.
We can be sure that Kim Jung Un will not survive as the leader of his nation much longer. I was shown his assassination in tandem with a deadly wound to the first beast (Rev 13:3), who the Clock has identified as Barack Obama.
The former US President is only one third of the Antichrist pyramid, a hierarchy of deception that I explain in Chapter 6 of my book.
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These events will converge with the opening of the 7th Seal, at which point a large meteor (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10) will strike off the coast of Italy, destroying Rome and much of Europe.
The eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii may signal the first Trumpet of the 7th Seal – an event John describes as a rain of fire upon the earth.
I have been calling attention to almost every volcanic eruption for its potential role in this prophecy for a while. It may be that Hawaii is the site God has chosen for this.
While the first Trumpet may be difficult for us to confirm, the second Trumpet will be unmistakable.
See my videos on the demise of the EU (all of which has taken a stand against Israel) when a massive meteor will bring at least one third of it to ruin.
The rule of Christ over the Earth may well begin in the Fall of 2020, possibly indicated by the fact these passages have a time value equal to one half the 1,260 days of John’s vision.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
May 14, 2018
Friends, the state of Israel is celebrating her 70th birthday (71 Hebrew years on May 24) today.
I wanted to shout out a brief “Happy Birthday!” to the Jewish state as celebrations take place in Jerusalem and elsewhere.
How unfortunate that Islamic fanaticism seeks to destroy the state of Israel, but God’s promise to the Jews in Amos 9 assures that the Jewish homeland will never again be uprooted.
If you have not done so, please read my article, “My Servant Israel: Land of the Jews,” from the articles section of this website.
In my article, I explain how the “flood from the mouth of the dragon” in Revelation 12 refers to a global assault on Israel directed by Satan — a PR campaign operated by the Vatican, the World Council of Churches, and others.
The objective to “carry away the woman by a flood” is based on a denial of Jewish identity in an effort to destroy Zion and prevent the return of Christ.
Satan’s propaganda, disinformation, and revisionist history, are tools he uses to inundate the public with his hatred of the Jewish state.
Christian support of Zion and her Prime Minister should be encouraged in every assembly of believers around the world. It is for that reason that I ask you to share my article with your pastor, friends, and loved ones.
I want to touch briefly on the issue of God’s Judgment against the sins of America.
God will indeed judge the nations as Jesus said, but we need to understand whether or not God’s wrath is uniquely kindled against the USA.
Stay with me for a moment and consider these facts.
1) America is home to far more Christian believers than any other nation on Earth.
2) America is the primary source of Gospel missions world-wide.
3) America has just acknowledged Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal capital.
4) Our President has taken a stand against the enemies of Israel.
There is no reason to believe that America is under God’s rebuke at this time.
When we talk about the meaning of Babylon in modern times, we have to look at John’s words in Revelation Chapter 18.
His description of Babylon is all about the luxuries of global trade, and by which the world is made rich.
Who is the number one producer of goods in the entire world?
Is it the USA? Or China?
No. It’s the EU.
The EU is at the apex of global commerce based on its contribution to world GDP. And the EU has repeatedly taken a stand on behalf of Israel’s enemies and against the Jewish state in its national policy directives.
The arousal of God’s anger toward the nations is not about just one country or even one city.
We can be sure that the meteor in Revelation 8:8,9 — which is soon to strike off the coast of Italy — will alter life for everyone on earth, not just Europe.
My videos on this topic cover what John describes in Revelation 18:1-10 when referring to the fall of God’s Judgment on modern Babylon, and why it will be centered on its symbolic capital – the seat of the False Prophet – Rome.
We are about to see the world change overnight, and we may only have a matter of days, so remain in prayer. See my last update for a special Watch alert on the Clock that arrives next week.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
May 10, 2018
Friends, as we reach the 8th anniversary of the date the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to me in my home on May 12, 2010, I am amazed at how completely the world of politics has shaped our social reality.
The forces of darkness have sowed widespread contempt for the law and nearly half our country has embraced the legalization of a narcotic drug.
I was given two prophetic dreams in which a dark mist came over the earth, it looked almost like spider webs falling out of the sky. A heavy demonic presence was in the air, and it was troubling to see.
There is far more demonic activity in the human race now than at any time in world history, and that is why Critical Mass on the Clock will bring us to the rise of the Antichrist in the midst of global chaos very soon.
I want to alert you to a period of Watch that could bring the first trumpet of the 7th Seal during the last half of May. I am personally watching the 21st of the month with heightened interest.
This particular Watch is based on a recent Clock measurement and I encourage you to read all of my updates from 2015 until the present for a more complete overview of this critical end time message.
We have just 29 months before Sukkot in 2020, and we know that 42 months are allotted to the woman in Revelation 12, and that her journey into the wilderness conceals her from the face of the serpent for a period of 1,260 days.
We can be sure this particular prophecy concerns the nation of Israel.
We also know that Jesus promised to “shorten those days” for the sake of the Elect, so the question arises as to whether 2020 can bring us to the end of all 7 trumpets by Tabernacles of that year.
Our period of Watch is marked by a full lunar eclipse in January of next year. The eclipse is noted on the Clock image at the top of this page.
This will be the only remaining complete lunar eclipse before the conclusion of an 80 year window (based on a lunar year) since the date of decree for Israel’s rebirth on May 11, 1942.
The introduction of my book explains the enormous significance of this date in modern Jewish history, and why why Jesus personally spoke to me about it when I saw him in 2010.
My work with the Clock suggests a biblical generation that may be greater in length than 80 Hebrew years, however I will not be convinced of this unless we fail to see the opening of the 7th Seal by late 2019.
You may recall that 101 verses are devoted to the events of the 7 trumpets, and that this is equal to 630 days on the Clock, exactly one half the 42 months recorded in John’s vision.
A period of 630 days is 21 months, and it may be that the Lord’s prophecy in Matthew 24 refers to a reduction in time of 630 days between the first and last trumpets of the 7th Seal.
It is because of the Lord’s promise to “shorten the days” that the year 2020 remains a critical focus for our time line discussions.
It may be that events later this year will help us to resolve some of these questions.
If we see Barack Obama disabled by a near-fatal head wound in fulfillment of Revelation 13:3, we can be sure that the last 630 (or 1,260) days have begun.
Indeed, the assault on the first beast will be part of the Great Trifecta of end time prophecy, and it will coincide with the destruction of Rome by a meteor striking the ocean off Italy’s coast (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10).
The rise of the Antichrist out of Europe (Rev 13:11) will quickly follow.
If the Spring of 2019 arrives before the head wound event occurs, we may have to wait until the next Presidential cycle before the conclusion of our generation, the rise of the Antichrist, and the start of the Millennial Kingdom.
Please see my videos on Rome’s destruction and read last year’s updates to understand why the EU alone can satisfy the biblical reference to modern Babylon.
In addition to God’s warning that the world’s greatest producer of goods will come under his Judgment, we know that Europe has frowned upon President Trump’s decision to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
You may recall that the EU has also rejected Israel’s right to claim Jerusalem as its capital city, a declaration made in late 2016.
Now we see that Europe is expressing a desire to continue trading with Iran despite President Trump’s decision to end the so-called Iran deal, and despite his decision to re-implement sanctions against Iran.
It is not America, but rather the EU, that stands to lose its place of prominence on the world stage once the 7th Seal opens.
The same applies to the Vatican, which is why Rome is near the center of the meteor impact, whose 1,600 mile wide blast zone will soon decimate it and the nations of the European Union.
I will continue to keep you abreast of how events and Clock timing are related, and why the remainder of 2018 may bring us to Critical Mass on the Clock sooner rather than later!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
APRIL 14, 2018
Friends, in order to understand how current events are moving us to Critical Mass on the Clock – meaning the seven trumpets of the 7th Seal – there are two key questions that may help you better understand what is happening.
The first question is, What is God doing to position the key nations (including the USA) before we see the rise of the Antichrist?
And the second question is, How is Satan responding to God’s use of the nations for his divine purposes?
These two questions may help us understand why Christians seem to be in a state of confusion about world affairs, about President Trump’s role on the world stage, and about the state of the church.
Have you noticed how far the Church has gotten away from the Bible?
How many videos have you watched lately that directly quote the words of Jesus, or one of the major prophets?
What we see instead are promotions for the book of Enoch, or even pretend bible codes promoting the name of the presenter, as if a person’s first name is secretly encoded within the pages of the Bible.
The book of Revelation remains our key to understanding end time events because it alone brings us to the unsealing of the book of Daniel.
The final kingdom on Earth described by Daniel is also described in John’s letters to the seven Churches of Asia Minor at the end of the first century.
The Clock of the Four Night Watches is mathematically tied to the book of Revelation, a fact proven by the divine numerical relationships recorded in my book, and explored in these updates.
The two questions above are relatively easy to answer if we consider the key role of Israel during these end times.
Since Jesus will rule during the Millennial Kingdom from his seat of power in Jerusalem, we know that Israel will survive an onslaught of the nations when they attempt to destroy her before the return of Christ.
This great battle is prophesied in both the book of Revelation and in Psalm 83.
The “woman” in Revelation Chapter 12 is a reference to Israel, as the twelve stars above her head are the twelve tribes of Jacob, from which the 144,000 virgin males in Chapter 7 were chosen (Rev. 7:4, 14:4).
The catching up of the Man-child (Rev 12:5) is also the First Fruits of harvest in Revelation Chapter 14.
That is how we know the four group harvest foretold by Jesus in Matthew 20 places a Jewish remnant ahead of gentile believers in an early Rapture — long before the last trump at the physical return of Christ.
The most important reference to Israel that pertains to the end times, however, is found in Revelation 16:14, a prophecy for the battle of Armageddon in the valley of Megiddo in northern Israel.
This war is the key to current events because it points to the war of Psalm 83 and the rise of the Antichrist once the First Beast, who is Barack Obama, has been disabled.
Let’s read this passage:
“For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty… into a place called in the Hebrew tongue, Armageddon.” (Rev 16:14,16)
Are these miracles from the demonic realm reflected in recent news out of Syria, and are they being used to gather the kings of the earth to the great battle John describes?
Claims of a “false flag” out of Syria may well be true. If so, I believe this indicates intelligence that Iran’s Ayatollah was intending to use these weapons against Israel in the very near future.
The use of a false pretext not only allowed for the destruction of such weapons, it did so without a declaration of war.
This would explain why Israel struck first. It would also explain why the US is targeting those same munitions.
Rather than a military strike at Bashar Assad, we might see this as a preventive measure aimed at Iran.
I believe God is preventing the use of chemical weapons against Israel, and that Satan will be forced to use an open military operation, as prophesied in Psalm 83.
Certainly both Iran and Russia (along with Turkey and Syria) will be part of an anti-Israel coalition before the end of the Age.
I omitted verse 15 from the above quote, so let’s read it now:
“Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.” (Rev 16:15)
I believe this refers to the first fruits harvest of the 144,000, meaning the early Rapture of Jewish believers as the battle of Armageddon begins.
The Rapture of the Church will not be far behind, however the removal of gentile believers will take place in three stages, as explained in my article on the four-part harvest, which I encourage you to read.
Our second question – how Satan responds to the unfolding of Bible prophecy – is not as difficult to address as you might think.
The truth is that Satan does not want things to move forward. Every trumpet of the 7th Seal brings him closer to annihilation, so he has every reason to try and stop them.
That would explain why Satan attempts to modify the conditions under which prophetic events unfold, as if such a thing were possible.
God has always used the folly of men to bring about his will, and he is using Satan in exactly the same way.
The kings of the earth are behaving as they are for the same reason. We must rely on the Bible to understand both how, and why, events unfold as they do.
I hear Christians critique the decisions of President Trump, falling into fear about World War III. But their angst demonstrates a lack of faith.
We are to rest in the knowledge that God permits only that which he allows in order for His purpose to be manifest.
As you know, 2020 will be the final year within an 80 year generation based on the length of a lunar year, as discussed in my article, “Counting Down the Measure of Days.”
I watch for confirmation that the 7th Seal has opened with the destruction of Rome (Rev 8:8 and 18:1-10) when a 5-7 mile wide meteor strikes the sea off the coast of Italy.
Whether or not we can expect the final Trump to occur in late 2020 – only time will tell – that is why we Watch!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, it is my prayer that our risen Lord brings you and your family into closer fellowship with him each day until he comes again. Your prayers are appreciated as you share this end time message with others! Keep Watching!
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March 17, 2018
Friends, a meeting between US President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jung Un in the Spring could move us to Critical Mass on the Clock as early as this Summer.
As covered in earlier updates, I was shown a near-fatal head wound to the First Beast of Revelation (identified on the Clock as former President Barack Obama) at the same time as a mortal assault on North Korea’s Kim Jung Un.
I believe this dual prophecy will occur in conjunction with the opening of the 7th Seal, followed by the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe, as early as the Fall of 2020.
Please see the final chapter of my 2016 book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches, for more discussion on the 2020 timeline.
Since we reach a final lunar eclipse this Fall (before the conclusion of an 80-year generation based on the length of a lunar year), I believe our move to Critical Mass may occur in the next few months.
I warned my readers long ago that God will bring prophecy to pass in ways we don’t expect and in a time-frame we may not understand.
I also said that no one will be given a day (or even a year) for the Rapture.
Those who claim otherwise are false teachers who are likely employed by a part of the Beast system.
The key to preparation for the Rapture is obedience to the words of Jesus, not knowing the day it will occur.
As we learned during a careful review of scripture in 2015, neither the Rapture nor the Second Coming are confined to just one 24 hour day.
A final point of completion will come, but before that can happen, the four-part harvest taught by Jesus in Matthew 20 will begin with the first fruits of harvest, which are the 144,000 Hebrews selected by Christ to overthrow the nations.
For a more complete discussion of this biblical teaching, please see my article on the four-part harvest linked from the articles section of the website.
Keep in mind that the battle of the Lamb against the beast is also part of the Second Coming — it is not confined to just one event at the end of time.
Virtually all the events of Revelation, not just the Lord’s physical appearance on a white horse in Chapter 19, are about his overthrow of the nations.
Let’s read what John wrote:
“These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful…” (Rev 17:14)
Another key event John saw in connection with Christ’s return is a massive burning mountain (meteor) that strikes the ocean near the city of Rome.
In fact, the demise of modern Babylon will begin with this devastating impact, as described in numerous Clock Prophecy videos and website messages.
The level of destruction we find in scripture during this event indicates a meteor blast zone of some 1,600 miles. I have published several area maps to show that one third of Europe will be engulfed by the meteor fire wall.
Using software at the Liverpool University of London, I calculated the size of the meteor, which produced an estimated diameter of between 5 and 7 miles!
This event is prophesied in Revelation Chapter 8 and 18. It will mark the start of early harvest, which could span all 1,260 days of John’s vision.
March 18, 2018 will mark the 8 year anniversary of a visitation of the Lord Jesus Christ in my home that lasted 56 days and ended with his physical appearance on the afternoon of May 12 that year.
I touch on this only briefly in my book, but the message of the Clock Prophecy remains the central theme of these updates.
Keep in mind that disruptions in corrupt government activities will provoke the globalists to take more desperate measures in the days ahead.
President Trump is an agent of Christ in his battle against the Beast and we can expect more trials as the 7th Seal unfolds.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, as we continue to Watch for the first trumpet of Revelation 8:7, I want to say a few words about today’s passing of Evangelist Billy Graham. When I was ten years old, my mother took me to a Billy Graham crusade held at the Atlanta Hank Aaron stadium, and while I had already given my heart to Christ as a young boy, I will never forget what it was like to hear Doctor Graham as he shared the Gospel with so many thousands of people. I was profoundly touched by God’s presence that day and it marked my life in a way I have never forgotten.
In this brief message, I want to touch on the importance of remembering how God has brought you to this point in your life. Our most important act of obedience before God is to remember his works in our lives and to give thanks for them in daily prayer. All our deeds take on added meaning when we begin each day with the Lord’s prayer. When the words of Jesus are committed to memory we show the greatest love, devotion, and respect for him.
I know that many of you are anxious to see Bible prophecy come to pass, and while so much has happened already, it seems our progression to Critical Mass is taking forever. The truth is that the purpose of the door God puts in front of us is not just to experience our passage through the door, but to recognize what the door represents, and why he puts it there.
There are things we need to remember in order for our journey to be completed, and that is why I encourage you to pray about the importance of remembrance in your own life.
February 6, 2018
Friends, it is impossible to ignore the political intrigue taking place in our nation’s capital over the past few weeks.
My interest in the role of America in Bible prophecy has to do with the identification of Barack Obama as the First Beast of Revelation, as explained in Chapter 6 of my 2016 book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
While Obama is not the Antichrist figurehead, his role as the First Beast means he will survive a near-fatal head wound (Rev 13:3) that triggers the rise of a Second Beast, described by Daniel as a final ruling King, also identified by name in my book.
We have moved past the 521 days (or two hours of Clock time) since the conclusion of the fourth Watch on September 2, 2016, and the timing of the first trumpet (the opening of the 7th Seal) remains unclear.
We might give credence to the 666 point drop in the DOW last week, followed by a subsequent rise by that same amount the very next trading day. Is this a signal from God that we are on the verge of the events in Revelation 13?
Could this market plunge be the “great mountain” cast into the Sea (Rev 8:8) pointing to God’s Judgment of our global financial system — modern Babylon?
We know that a physical manifestation must always foreshadow a spiritual event, and we know that prophecy may be fulfilled in ways we don’t always expect.
I believe the great stone Daniel saw strike Babylon and the “great burning mountain” John saw strike the sea near Rome (Italy) to be literal in nature.
I continue to watch for an actual meteor to strike the Earth before we reach Critical Mass on the Clock!
Only two Clock markers that I am aware of remain. The first will occur in the form of a full lunar eclipse on January 21 of next year.
The other is the Feast of Tabernacles in October of 2020 at the conclusion of an 80 year Hebrew generation based on the length of a lunar year.
It believe it is crucial that the time allotted to man in Psalms 90:10 is a period of up to eighty years.
A correct start date for our final generation is explained fully in the Introduction of my book, along with how the 7 year tribulation doctrine is not supported by scripture.
I point out that this explains why John refers only to a period of 1,260 days in the book of Revelation.
According to Jesus, our days have been shortened!
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I watched the launch of Elon Musk’s Falcon Heavy rocket hours after it was recorded and it struck me that mankind’s efforts to lift himself up are like Nimrod’s attempt to build a tower rising higher than anything else before it.
This story can only end with the humbling of humanity before the Creator, especially as we near the start of divine rule by Christ upon the Earth.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
January 25, 2018
Friends, the prospect for the release of a memo documenting the complicity of the FBI, the DOJ, and Barack Obama himself in the production of false information designed to prevent the election of Donald Trump is alarming.
It now appears the President will not be meeting with Bob Mueller, which could mean an impeachment proceeding against him is far less likely.
All of this may be God’s way of moving us to Critical Mass on the Clock as early as next month, marking the end of a two hour delay (Clock time) — a period of 521 days from the end of the 4th Watch on September 2, 2016.
I urge you to pray that God will shield the President from an attempt by those loyal to Barack Obama to succeed at a takeover of our government.
At the same time, we must be prepared for progression to Critical Mass on the Clock.
Both Roger Stone and Franklin Graham are attempting to warn the President about a perjury trap being set by Bob Mueller and that he should decline the interview. If this goes forward, it can only mean one thing.
We are at last moving into the events of Revelation 13 and will soon see an earth-shattering impact in Europe that will trigger the rise of the Antichrist.
You may not know that Franklin Graham is under attack by a Soros-funded PR smear campaign since making public statements in support of the President.
These same people are trying to infiltrate YouTube channels like mine and other conservative venues that have a larger than average audience.
Please pray for all of us who use a public forum to share our understanding of the end times from a biblical perspective.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
January 14, 2018
Friends, the new year brings us to two final markers on the Clock, which is the topic of this update.
A third marker will be the conclusion of 80 Hebrew years (based a lunar year) in late 2020. This is also discussed in Chapter 7 of my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.
If we had reached the opening of the 7th Seal in early 2017 as I had hoped, this year might have been the year of the Lord’s coming!
We can be sure at this point that is not the case, as the events of Revelation chapters 13 through 18 will require more than ten months to play out.
You may recall that the 101 verses devoted to the events of the 7 trumpets are equal to exactly 630 days on the Clock, exactly half of the 42 months of John’s vision.
Whether or not this is because the 42 months will be shortened to 21 months I don’t know, I just know we have less than 42 months to go before the Fall of 2020, which may bring us to the most remarkable Feast of Tabernacles in human history!
These two remaining Clock markers take place over the next three weeks, followed by a final lunar eclipse that is the last such eclipse before the conclusion of an 80 year Hebrew generation (based on a lunar year) less than three years from now.
Note the Clock graphic showing our entry into the black ring portion of the Clock in late 2016.
A concluding lunar eclipse of this period (a total one) will occur on January 21, 2019, and could be the eclipse Jesus was referring to in Matthew 24 as the final celestial event before his return.
The upcoming Clock marker is a January Watch window that begins this Saturday to mark the end of 42 months from the arrival of the head wound event on the Clock (Rev 13:3) in August of 2014.
[Editor’s note: This refers to the AM layer of the Clock, however current updates based on the PM layer move us into critical fulfillment between 2021 and 2023.]
The second Clock marker falls just 16 days later on February 5, 2018, and may mark the end of a two hour delay – a period of 521 days – on the Clock.
This delay pertains to a vision in which I was told there would be a two hour wait, however I was not told from what point in time this delay would begin.
It may be that a period of 521 days began at the Clock end date on September 2, 2016, and that is why I believe the opening of the 7th Seal may take place in the next few weeks.
I want to remind you that no one can reveal the day or hour of any future event. I have noticed that those who make such claims always become the center of their message, rather than Christ.
Jesus said many would proclaim his arrival (Luke 21:8), saying the “time draweth near” but that we should avoid them. Anyone who believes he can know the date of the Rapture before it happens is deceived, and deceiving others.
The words of Jesus to us are clear:
“…take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.” (Luke 21:8)
Jesus says these individuals will acknowledge him as Messiah while giving false prognostications about the timing of his return.
The true teaching of Jesus is that the harvest will be divided, as he said repeatedly in both his wedding and marriage parables.
Those who make the date of the Rapture their focus will always promote a same-day-Rapture for all believers, however this is not the teaching of scripture.
The multi-part harvest is represented by the four major agricultural crops of Israel as stated in Revelation 6:6.
No harvest can be accomplished in just one 24-hour day, and that is why Jesus taught a four-part harvest in his parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20.
This is discussed more fully in my article on the 4-part harvest linked from the home page of the website.
We need to share this critical teaching of the Bible with others in the Church before Satan ensnares Christians using doctrines that he himself has authored!
I know we all marvel at the political upheaval going on in America under our new President in this great Republic.
I have written about President Trump as a catalyst for bringing us into all the events of the 7th Seal, including a near-fatal head wound to Barack Obama, which will trigger the rise of the world’s last tyrannical King (the 2nd Beast of Revelation) out of Europe.
While I pray for President Trump, it is difficult to see how he will remain unscathed by a further shift of our government into the Beast system.
It could be that the head wound event to Obama will not occur until after President Trump is removed from office, or is forced out in a future election.
If that happens, we know that God has allowed such events and that we must trust Him to bring Judgment against the wicked at His divinely appointed time.
However it plays out, we can be sure that God will give us complete victory over the enemy in the days ahead.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
January 13, 2018
Friends, a new update is in progress and should be uploaded by Sunday. As explained in earlier messages, our January Watch window is January 20 through February 5, 2018.
My focus in the new update will be the ten year lunar eclipse pattern that began in 2010 (the same week as the Clock Prophecy itself) and ends in late 2020. We want to look at the arrival of a final complete lunar eclipse during this extended pattern in the early Fall of this year.
See Chapter 7 of my book for a more detailed review of this critical time frame and why the 7th Seal seems likely to open in 2018!
For earlier messages, click “Prior Year Special Updates” from the home page, where end time topics of the Clock Prophecy are arranged by year.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)