Note: Dates discussed in these messages reflect scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of actual fulfillment, but dates to Watch.

Interim Update (Jan 15, 2025) — Friends, the new audio is uploaded to the Articles section under Podcast Alerts, with insight into Clock numbers I have not previously published.

I expect us to reach Critical Mass this Winter or early in the Spring, so remain in prayer and keep Watch!

The section of the audio discussing Clock numbers is now available as a PDF that can be downloaded from the Podcast page… stay tuned! –PJB


JANUARY 8, 2025


My intense work with the Clock over the past few months has led to information that I want to share with you in this Special Update.

As we move into the final 10 weeks of the Clock Prophecy, I am sure you have wondered about my level of conviction regarding the start of harvest this coming Spring. 

The answer is that I feel certain the harvest will begin this year after we reach the end of the half hour of silence in heaven, however it is possible we may not reach Critical Mass until 2027. 

Regarding where the Clock ends, this happens at midnight at the end of the 27th of March and where the 28th begins.

Before I get into approaching Clock times, let me explain what has to happen this year for us to know that we have reached Critical Mass.

The deadly wound inflicted on the first beast will affirm that we have entered into the events of Revelation 13, after which two objects will strike the Earth during the Spring.

Both the 2nd and 3rd Trumpets (referring to these objects) must take place  during the Spring due to the Man-child being the first fruits of the harvest, meaning he must be caught up after Winter ends and before the first day of Summer.

I believe this is why William’s date of birth falls on the Summer solstice, as it divides the first group of harvest from the second.

Church saints, who are to be gathered during the Summer months, may or may not see the Prince step into his biblical role as the Antichrist due to the magnitude of the calamity affecting Europe.

I see evidence on the Clock that William’s appointment to High Commander over Europe (or whatever they intend to call him) may not take place until 2026. 


The fact that William’s one hour of rule with ten surviving European states may not begin until 2026 could explain the late Summer vector in 2027 that we saw earlier relating to his 45th year.

The year 2027 is the year I expect the 144,000 to complete their takeover of the nations, therefore the nine months allotted to the Antichrist likely begins the year before.

Many measurements on the Clock show hot spots throughout what remains of the half hour of silence in heaven, referring to the 143 days that come to an end on the same day as the Clock.

Vectors in January appear all during the month, thus we know the Antichrist team is extremely active during this time, especially in Washington. 

The Clock also points to prophetic activity in February, mostly at the end of the month, where our entry into the events of Revelation 13 may well occur.

March is likewise filled with Clock activity relating to 666, as the globalists seek to maintain control over the White House and disrupt America’s role as a protector of the Jewish state.

We should not wonder why things seem relatively calm as the enemies of Christ certify President Trump’s election, knowing that the beast and his image are yet to rise.  

Clock vectors pointing to criminal charges in the month of April may be followed by an act of theft in which the wicked take the reins of power in Washington by force in late May. 

It will be during these extremes in our political system that we will reach the first Trumpet — possibly an outbreak of war in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world.

The first Trumpet will be followed by a large meteor impact off the coast of Italy that destroys one third of Europe, after which a second object, though less deadly than the first, may strike the northeastern United States.

It will be at this point that we know the Man-child has been caught up and the harvest of the saints has begun!  


The matrix below shows the addition of 666 days to June 21, 2023 (the date of William’s 41st birthday) which results in the date of April 17, 2025, at which time the 144,000 Hebrew princes will become eleven years of age!  

The link between the Antichrist and the number 144 is as great as his link to the number 666, which appears throughout my work with the Clock.

In this matrix, we see how William’s date of birth is connected to the date of the Man-child’s birth exactly 666 days after his own.

I now believe the Man-child’s 11th birthday marks the season of his departure, meaning it can occur at any point during the Spring, although I believe the month of May to be most likely.

The number 11 itself has parallels in the Old Testament that I believe pertain to the Man-child in Revelation.

Joseph, who was the eleventh child of Jacob before his journey into Egypt, became separated from his family until they were later reunited, just as the Man-child will be separated from his human family before returning to rule with Christ in 2027!

Let’s see how the divine structure of the bible affirms these Clock measurements using a few other examples I have not shared previously.

Adding the birth dates of those who make up 666 – Prince William, Barack Obama, and Pope Francis – provides yet another prophetic marker for the upcoming birthday of the Man-child this April:

Note: The Clock time of 29.646747, 17.646747, and 6.046747 all produce the same vector date despite having different formats, just as military time notation requires an adjustment of 12 and 24 hours when converting to standard clock times.

The addition of .0008677 is equal to nine hours and three minutes, reflecting William’s exact time of birth on the evening of June 21, 1982.  

I have not been able to confirm the Pope’s time of birth, however if it is 9 PM as some reports say, the date of the calculation above remains the same.  

There is no adjustment needed for Barack Obama since his time of birth is not known.

I was led to Strong’s Concordance for insight into this Clock vector, which led me to a single case use for the Hebrew word at H6742, found only in Judges 7:13.

This word is defined as a round cake, however in the passage cited it refers to “a cake of barley bread,” referring to the same crop used to identify the 144,000 as the first fruits of harvest in Revelation 14:4!

A related Strong’s entry is H6747, meaning bosom, dish, or bowl, but whose application is both figurative and literal, derived from a primitive root (H6743) meaning to prosper, come through mightily, push forward, rush, attack, and of those who take sudden possession of something. 

Remember that the Man-child’s role in Revelation is not to evangelize but rather to establish the rule of Christ throughout the nations, that is what the prophecy in Psalms 45 referring to the King’s princes who fill the earth is all about! 

Also note that the word “bow” found in Revelation 6 and referring to a musical bow made out of fabric, is remarkably similar to the word “bowl,” meaning bosom in the Strongs entry above.

Perhaps this refers to an instrument being played against the Lord’s bosom as he rides to victory in a figurative reference to the 144,000 who ride alongside him in Revelation 14, where we find them singing with harps in that very passage!

This vector has persuaded me that the Man-child’s 11th year is a very special occasion, and that is another reason I expect the gathering of the saints to begin a few months from now!


In closing, while many in the Churches believe there is no urgency with regard to current events, nothing could be further from the truth.

The nature of 666 is to hide itself, but that is no longer possible as the deeds of the wicked are coming under judgment.

Satan is now preparing to take more desperate measures in an effort to stay in power, and this will only accelerate as the time of harvest comes closer!

In the next audio alert, we will go over Clock measurements that are unique to the Antichrist and those that are unique to the saints, which I believe will fascinate you.

God bless as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim Update (Jan 1, 2025) — Friends, the nova event that scientists were expecting in September did not occur, but it is expected at any time.

This exploding star may turn out to be the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, in which case it could appear in the form of a cross, or something more dramatic.

There are a number of Clock vectors coming up that we will be looking at in the very near future, with only 86 days remaining on the Clock!

God bless and Happy New Year! -PJB