Note: Dates discussed in these messages reflect scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of actual fulfillment, but dates to Watch.
DECEMBER 25, 2016

Friends, a UN resolution brought forward to condemn Israel for settlement building was voted on Thursday and has great prophetic significance for a move to war in the Middle East.

I am posting a link to an interview of two pre-Obama administration officials who share their thoughts on the hazards of this UN vote.

I am also posting a link to comments by NY Republican Congressman Lee Zeldin on the level of disdain Barack Obama has shown for Israel by allowing this resolution to go forward.

Note that even leaders in the Democratic Party had advised Obama to veto the resolution, a recommendation the First Beast of Revelation chose to ignore.


I continue to believe that President Obama will be involved in a false flag altercation before he leaves office in January.

I know that time is running out for the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock before the transfer of power can occur.

Many Christians want to see a successful Trump Presidency, however this outcome may not be consistent with our place on the timeline.

Likewise, my understanding of the Clock end point may be something different going forward.

There is not much more I can say at this time regarding current events.

We are watching for the fulfillment of the Lord’s words to us in Luke:

“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” (Luke 21:35)

My last update explains what I am referring to by this passage and why the American Church (and others in the West) are about to enter a period of increased persecution and betrayal.

I would like to share some comments from a discussion that I had with someone about the final week of Daniel, and why the church will not be required to endure a 7 year Tribulation as the modern church believes.

This is based on a careful study of the Bible also presented in Chapter 4 of my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches.

The passage used by the modern church to place all the events of Revelation into one final week of years is Daniel 9:26-27.

This verse requires a careful study of the surrounding text in order to be properly understood.


I want to show how the destruction of Jerusalem prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 24:2 refers to the fulfillment of Daniel 9:27 at the mid-point of the 70th Week.

Using a proper study of the Hebrew, I believe Daniel’s words point to the remainder of a final Week described in the book of Revelation as a period of 42 months, or 1,260 days!

A series of desolation events resulting from the overflow of abominations (note that Daniel uses this word in the plural) took place in both 70 and 135 AD.

It was in 70 AD that the temple was desecrated and in 135 AD that Jerusalem was razed to the ground, both events future to Daniel and also witnessed by some of the disciples.

According to the prophecy of Amos 9:13-15, however, once restored Jerusalem will never again be destroyed nor its people uprooted.

Modern church theology often places the Lord’s ministry to the Jews in the last half of the 69th Week, while Daniel himself, I believe, places it in the first half of the 70th Week.

The Clock Prophecy shows that the remaining 1,456 days of Daniel’s last week may have well begun on Yom Kippur in 2014.

It seems clear that the separation in time between Daniel 9:26 and 27 is the 40 year period that separated the cutting off of Messiah, as well as the desecration of the temple in 70 AD.

This was the same event Jesus had foretold in both Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

Not a single stone was left in place after the Romans under Titus leveled Jerusalem in 135 AD.

Even the false Messiah Jesus prophesied to come, Simon Bar Kokhba, appeared at that time!

Based on my understanding, there is no 7 year Tribulation in Daniel or in the book of Revelation.

We entered the tribulation of those days in 1942 with the fulfillment of Ezekiel 20:34 during the birth pangs of modern Israel at the start of a prophetic Summer (Matt 24:32) also foretold by Jesus.

Hitler’s holocaust upon the Jewish people was, I believe, the fulfillment of this terrifying passage in Ezekiel.

The end of animal sacrifice as a result of the cutting off of Messiah in Daniel 9:27 was marked by the splitting of the temple curtain at the midpoint of Daniel’s 70th Week.

The Covenant with Many is the covenant initiated by Christ himself — in effect from the start of his ministry from the first day of the 70th week until its conclusion when Christ returns.

More simply, the separation in time beginning at the Lord’s death until now contains the entire period of grace in effect until the start of his millennial reign!

Bible prophecy teachers often conflate Daniel’s broad scope of time (and multiple abominations) with the one abomination cited by Jesus in Matthew 24:2.

The destruction of the temple in 70 AD perfectly fulfilled the words of Jesus when its foundation was removed so that not one stone was left standing on top of the other.

Destruction of the temple is no longer a future event but rather a historical desecration and thus not future to us.

Regarding the final abomination, I believe Jesus in Matthew 24:15 was pointing to the end of Daniel’s 70th Week when the false trinity, or 666, becomes manifest at that time.

Today we see the False Prophet standing in the false temple and portraying himself as god where he is currently seated in Rome at the Vatican!

It is important for us to understand that the final temple to be erected is the Messianic temple found in the book of Ezekiel.

We know that God will not permit the Antichrist to defile the Messianic temple because it must be occupied by Jesus when he returns.

Since the new temple will be erected very near the Lord’s coming, we can be sure that Elijah himself will prevent animal sacrifice from taking place on the altar.


I want to thank all of your for your love and support during this remarkable time, and it is my prayer that you and your family will have a peaceful new year.

If the Lord sees fit, I will be back with another update around the time that Congress ratifies its final vote tally for President Elect Trump in January!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
DECEMBER 11, 2016

Friends, most of you are aware of the danger America now faces as a result of the political elite rising up to prevent Donald Trump from taking the White House.

While we would understandably like to see a return to normal (meaning pre-Obama normal) and to see Trump successfully take power in January, our place on the prophetic timeline may suggest another outcome.

I have been searching news stories to get a better idea of what seems to be happening, and a major shift seems to be taking place in the American political system.

I would like for you to try a little thought experiment and imagine a false flag involving President Obama in which he becomes the individual described in the early verses of Revelation Chapter 13.

Now imagine how social unrest would be amplified if that event were to be used as a pretext for extending Obama’s Presidency while placing the duly elected President under arrest!

If Obama is the individual described in Revelation 13:3 as the divine structure of the Bible seems to show, that is the scenario we must now be prepared to face.

The link below features a news item in which John Bolton, former Ambassador to the UN, discusses the matter of election tampering by Russia in an interview earlier today.

Pay special attention to the topic of a “false flag” and how the interview veers into dark waters with FOX anchor, Eric Shawn.

Bolton is skilled in his ability to navigate dialogue like this, and it may be that he purposely avoided what sounds like an implied threat coming from an Obama-friendly media in his exchange with FOX.

I want to remind you of a prophetic dream that I discussed some time ago, perhaps in 2013 when I began to write these prophecy updates.

The dream was given to me in January of 2012, and it was one that I will never forget.

In the dream, several young men and women in professional attire burst into someone’s home unannounced, taking control of their residence.

It did not appear to be my home, but rather someone else’s.

Although I did not see President Obama, I knew that this group of people represented him in some way.

It was then that I heard the words, “New law, Slave movement,” just that clearly.

And the dream ended.

These latest political maneuverings could well be a prelude to the persecution of those who have voiced their support for Donald Trump, especially in public forums under surveillance by the government.

The words that I heard in my dream suggest to me that a new law affecting American freedoms will soon be issued, most likely from the White House.

A level of contempt for Christians not seen since the Roman era when the disciples were the targets of state persecution is surely coming.

If patriotic Americans come to be classified as enemies of the state, this would be a pretext for their removal from society or internment as political prisoners.

We know that God is in control and that his Word is the road map we must follow, so we must be in daily prayer to keep vigil in these troubled times.

I hope you will share my little book with your Pastor, friends, and family members in the coming months while you still have the opportunity to do so.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
NOVEMBER 27, 2016

Friends, it is apparent that civil unrest has the backing of the those who are part of the Beast system, and we see this at every level of society.

These conditions will soon lead to all the events of the 7th Seal, as well as the tyranny of the Antichrist, who will rise up out of Europe.

In the video link below, Nigel Farage (an advocate for British sovereignty) discusses the impact of events in 2016.

I previously explained how Trump is the catalyst God is using to force Satan’s hand in order to bring us to Critical Mass on the Clock. 

You can see how hard the enemy is trying to avoid the events of Revelation 13, but his numerous ploys attempting to derail the Trump Presidency will fail.

The only option left to the globalists will be a false flag event in which President Obama is restored to power in some capacity.  

According to Revelation 13:3-5, the first beast will survive a near-fatal head wound, one that appears to affect the lower right side of his face.

The image below from the Egg Nebula is one of many that appear to capture important themes from the book of Revelation.  

Such an assault could be the pretext for extending Obama’s presidency while at the same time suspending the official election outcome.

What about the asteroid impact that is prophesied to occur in Revelation Chapter 8? 

The Bible says this object will strike the ocean rather than solid ground, which is fortunate since otherwise many more millions would certainly perish.  

My scientific background allows me some understanding of the physical effects of a large meteor striking the ocean.  

I used a SOTA meteor impact simulation program to learn what we might expect based on events recorded in the Bible.

In Revelation 16:18, the largest of all earthquakes is described, thus we know it must be greater than 9.6 magnitude, as that is the largest earthquake recorded to date. 

A seismic event on this scale will almost certainly be the result of a meteor impact, exactly what we find in Revelation Chapter 8. 

Computer modeling shows that such an object would be at least 5 miles in diameter, producing an earthquake of 10.0 magnitude, or more. 

While there is no word for this in the Greek, the word that we use today for a “great burning mountain” that strikes the ocean is indeed the word, meteor

While an external force impacting the water from above generates less displacement than an upward thrust from beneath the sea, this object would likely produce a tsunami of up to 14 stories, or 200 feet. 

Such an object would also produce a fire wall sufficient to ignite trees and grass (Rev 8:7) up to 800 miles from the site of the impact. 

Most fatalities would occur in the first hour due to hurricane force winds (up to 1,000 mph at ground zero), with temperatures up to 2,200 F.

Daniel himself sees this object strike Babylon in the last days as recorded in his own book of prophecy.  

While global banking will strive to recover from the calamity, those efforts will ultimately fail.  

The Obama event (Rev 13:3-5) appears to occur in the same timeframe, possibly just before Europe is decimated and the Antichrist comes to power. 

Prince William may come to America to quell social unrest while promoting the fallen Obama, who will afterward be returned to power.

The new ruler of Europe will then enforce the MARK as part his “peace and safety” initative (1 Thes 5:3).  

He will also call for a medical device to be constructed in Obama’s image (a synthetic speech-enabled robotic facsimile) that will speak on his behalf, and possibly be linked to Obama by a neural network. 

I believe this will be a result of injuries so severe that they prevent Obama from appearing or speaking in public.

I expect these events to occur before the US Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2017, however if I am wrong and Trump enters the White House, these events may occur while Obama is serving at the UN, or in some other capacity.

The UN may be where Obama goes next if we don’t enter into a state of national emergency first, and we should be prepared for either outcome.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal


NOVEMBER 20, 2016

Friends, the book summary video I uploaded last week condenses the Clock Prophecy into just several paragraphs.  I pray this will be helpful to you in your understanding of the Clock Prophecy. 

My book has gone out to many churches in both the US and other countries, so it is my prayer that you will share it with your Pastor, friends, and loved ones who may be blessed by it.

I would like to go over a few key points from some of the chapters in my book:

There is no lack of suspense as we wait for the election process to completely play out, which will not be until January 6, 2017. 

Congress is scheduled to ratify the vote count submitted by all State Electors after their votes have been cast on December 19, 2016. 

The transfer of power to the new President is scheduled to take place on January 20, 2017, by which time I expect a false flag involving the former President. 

The scenario described in Revelation 13:3 is the scenario I believe we are about to see in real time —  an injury to the First Beast that he survives, and a pretext for the suspension of Constitutional law.

A revocation of the US election outcome and restoration of Barack Obama to the White House would be unmistakable indications that we have arrived at Critical Mass on the Clock!

Chapter 6 of my book gives a complete break down of these events and the players I expect to be involved. 

The modern church is woefully unprepared for the manner in which these prophecies will be fulfilled, in part because the Hebrew and Greek texts are no longer part of Church eschatology.

Our place on the timeline means that I can’t be certain there will be further updates this year, so stay tuned! 

I may do a brief weekly comment on the major news of the day if it seems to help clarify where we are at the moment.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
NOVEMBER 6, 2016

Friends, as current events move us closer to Critical Mass, I want to remind you to share my book with your friends and loved ones. 

The video corresponding to this message is an upload of Chapter 4 discussing how the bible defines the word “tribulation.” 

I won’t repeat those points here, so please watch the video or read my book for this information.

Before I comment on FBI Director Comey’s special letter to Congress today, I want to explain the real purpose for the previous video on Rapture timing. 

Probably the most important part of this end time message is the four part harvest teaching of Jesus found Matthew 20.

When the door into the Marriage opens, the same separation that occurs in the parable of the ten virgins in Matthew 25 will occur for us in reality.  

Those in the Churches who remain until Jesus returns from the wedding (Luke 12:36) will be in a later harvest group, as Jesus warns in this passage

The false same-day Rapture doctrine invented by the modern Church will be used by Satan to deceive those who remain into believing they were never saved.

In reality, those not yet taken need only wait until the gathering of their harvest group at the appointed time!

This deception will be used to sow betrayal in the churches (Matt 24:10) and will no doubt lead some to take the MARK. 

I hope you will take time to share The Clock Prophecy message with your Pastor and family to help prepare them before time runs out.

My book can help those who are in a later part of the harvest to reject the Mark until they are gathered. 

Some of you will find yourselves in the midst of great persecution by the enemy before you are taken, just as Jesus warned the disciples. 

Some of us will enter the Marriage early, while others will be taken in the final months of the harvest, and still others at the mid-point. 

Be obedient as you watch and seek God’s perfect will for your life, as this may move you into an earlier harvest group!


I know that many of you are concerned about the election, however the outcome is completely in God’s hands.  

You might like to know that I voted for Trump last week despite knowing it may not be God’s plan for him to become President.  

I voted as I did to help force Satan’s hand and move us to Critical Mass on the Clock, which is going to happen at its appointed time either way.   

I wanted to support the candidate God is using to bring us to the events of Revelation 13, and there seems little doubt as to who that candidate is. 

Whether or not Trump wins, the globalists will be forced to make their final move, creating a state of national emergency, whether in the weeks to come or at some later time.  

Barack Obama, who the Clock has identified as the First Beast, will survive a severe wound (Rev 13:3) that appears to affect the lower-right side of his face. 

He will likely regain consciousness so quickly that the world will be astounded. 

Since Satan has no ability to restore life to the dead, a literal resurrection of the first Beast is not found in the book of Revelation, as some claim.

Nor do we read that the False Prophet will be involved, or that he will be present when this occurs. 

In fact, the injury to the first Beast may be a false flag operation that goes off script, or it may be that it goes exactly as planned by the globalists.

More to the point, it will all go exactly as God intends (Rev 17:17).

In either event, the first Beast will afterward be represented in public by his “image,” an advanced robotic facsimile made in Obama’s image capable of both speech and motion.

Near that time, a massive meteor will strike Europe, after which the Antichrist will rise to power and roll out the MARK.

In the Q&A of my book, I explain why the Antichrist will not be a religious figure, and how Daniel describes him as a secular ruler.

Rather, it is the False Prophet — an individual described by both John and Paul — seated at the Vatican in Rome and often mistaken for the Antichrist, who plays the role of false Messiah.

We are likely to see Britain and the USA in league with one another, at least in terms of their desire to be part of the globalist financial network. 

Trump himself may be placed under house arrest after the arrival of the US Inauguration, similar to Julian Assange who is now hold up at the American Embassy in Ecuador.

What was the real purpose of today’s announcement by the FBI Director?  

It may be that Comey felt he had to address public angst over fears of election tampering in order to help insure a Clinton victory. 

Clinton and Trump both appear to have about an equal chance of becoming President. 

But again, it won’t matter whether Trump wins or not, the events of Revelation 13 will ultimately occur, though perhaps under different conditions.

Further maneuvers by the FBI to help prevent charges against Hillary Clinton even after she takes office would not be surprising. 

Or, the great meteor (2nd Trumpet) may strike and derail their plans altogether! 

It is plain to see how these efforts are an attempt to shape public perception in order to insure a Democrat victory in 2016. 

I know we are hoping for a return to normal with a Trump victory, but if our place on the timeline is what I believe it to be, that may not be the outcome we see.

While Trump may become President, God is clearly using him to bring about the rise of the Antichrist in these final years before Christ returns.

Keep in mind that the world is coming under God’s divine Judgment, but so is the church itself, as Jesus warns in Revelation 2:21-23.  

There can be no return to normal as we near the harvest of the saints, which may begin before the Presidential Inauguration in 2017!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
OCTOBER 29, 2016

Friends, I discuss recent news regarding an extended FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton in my recent video, “The Obama-Trump NATO Connection:  The Rise of the Roman Empire.” 

I also explain why NATO may become an asset of the EU after the Antichrist comes to power. 

Should it occur, an election day victory for Donald Trump will move us closer to Critical Mass, meaning Obama’s return to power and all the events of Revelation 13.

My last video looked at the discovery of a 3rd wall in ancient Jerusalem breached when the second temple was destroyed in 70 AD.  

I believe this points to the construction of the new temple, and also the battle of Armageddon, which is linked to the head wound event in both Revelation 13:3 and Psalms 83:2. 

The mathematical link between these passages is shown in monograph 8 in Chapter of my book, on page 42. 

What this means is that we are getting closer to the opening of the 7th Seal, and to the early trumpets marking the start of the great harvest, or in-gathering of the saints.

In Chapter 6 of my book, I discuss the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe and how the divine structure of the bible identifies 666 using bio-metric data for each member of the false Trinity. 

In earlier updates I discussed a time value for the 7th Seal based on 101 verses equal to a period of 630 days using the Daniel Key. 

A penultimate lunar eclipse near the end of the Blood Moon Cycle that began in late 2010 may bring us to the opening of the 7th Seal in early 2017, or we may move past this stellar sign into later fulfillment.

The purpose of signs is to show that we are moving closer to prophetic events, not to give us an exact time when they will occur.

Stay tuned for more discussion of the upcoming election.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal