March 7, 2021

Dear Friends,

In 2010, when the Lord Jesus showed me what He called his “measure of days,” I knew nothing about the Hebrew months, and was unaware of any connection between Noah and this particular time of the year.

It was only later that I learned of these things, and it was the arrival of IYAR during the Spring months (using the religious calendar at the time of Noah) that led me to believe the Rapture would occur in the Spring of 2012.

I had yet to learn that the Clock is not a stopwatch!

As you may know, a lunar tetrad (4 blood moons in succession) occurred on four holy days of the Hebrew calendar in 2014 and 2015.

While some have minimized the importance of this celestial event, I believe that it has brought us to the final decade before Jesus Christ returns to rule the Earth in righteousness!

In my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches, I explain how Daniel’s 70th Week was shortened by the period of Jesus’ ministry to the Jews before his own death.

I also explain how our final generation began on May 11, 1942 — the most critical of all dates in modern Jewish history!

[See “Introduction to the Clock Prophecy,” linked from the home page for more information.] 

When I saw Jesus, he pointed to Revelation 19:15, which describes his conquest of the nations.

While many prophecy teachers believe this only refers to the battle of Armageddon, the truth is that the great war of the Lamb and the Beast will come upon all the nations — a period of up to 1,260 days.

While I don’t know the day or hour of any future event, I do know that the Lord’s return must occur during the final week of Sukkot in the year of his coming, fulfilling the final Feast as we are promised in scripture.

Few understand that Jesus taught early redemption for those who satisfy Luke 21:36 and carefully keep Watch.

According to Jesus, early access to the wedding will take place at a day and hour we think not…” (Matthew 25:13), and that is why it cannot be known by a study of the early Hebrew or other ancient calendars.

When I look at the Clock Jesus showed me in the Spring of 2010, I see it very much the way my readers do — as if I am seeing it for the very first time.

The Clock is not the work of a man, and the proof of that can be found in Chapter 3 of my book, where ten mathematical monographs reveal the divine link between the prophecies of Revelation and mirror prophecies in the book of Psalms.

I also share the prophecy key found in the book of Daniel, and how it measures time in the book of Revelation.

Only as a result of divine authorship could these connections have occurred across 1,000 years of time, and only because of God’s divine purpose can we know of them now.

The Clock Prophecy is a direct fulfillment of Revelation 10:10,11 and is numerically linked to a mirror prophecy found in the book of Psalms — Psalm 71:20.

The Daniel key numerically connects the words of the psalmist from about 1023 BC to the words of John in Revelation more one 1,000 years later!


Jesus told me that midnight on the Clock would arrive on May 21, 2012, and that this would mark the end of the first Watch in the AM layer of the Clock, a period of 521 days, or about 17 months. 

Most of us understand midnight (Matthew 25:6) to be the moment the wise virgins enter the bridegroom chambers in the parable of the ten virgins of Matthew 25.

It is important to point out, however, that Jesus never said that his virgins will go through the door at midnight.

Rather, it is midnight when the virgins are roused from sleep.

It is also then that the virgins begin to debate among themselves about the condition of their lamps.

It is only after the virgins are separated from one another — for an undisclosed period of time — that the doors to the bridegroom chambers are finally opened!

Have you made sure that your lamp is full of oil through obedience to the Lord ? Have you obeyed his commandment to receive his baptism of fire?

A personal Pentecost is promised to each and every believer, and that is how we enter the Marriage sooner rather than later.

It is the fire of Jesus that changes our natural body into a spiritual body at our appointed times! 

Those not fully prepared for early harvest are foreshadowed by Elisha, who followed Elijah later as a “companion virgin” (Psalm 45:14).

That is why “many last shall be first, and first last,” according to Jesus at the end of each and every wedding parable.

It is also why Jesus said to be as those who wait for their Master when he shall return from the wedding,” (Luke 12:36), for “many are called, but few chosen.”

[See my article on the four-part harvest described by Jesus in Matthew 20, in which he identifies the four groups to be harvested during these last days. This is found using the Articles link from the home page.]


On September 2, 2016, we entered the black ring portion of the Clock and continue to look for our bridegroom to appear, but it is well past midnight on the Clock of the Four Night Watches! 

Jesus warned, “…as in the days (plural) of Noah, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be…” thus we know his coming for us is not confined to just one 24-hour day.

Remember that Noah and his loved ones sat locked inside the ark for seven days resting on dry ground until the rains began to fall and the ship began to rise!

The words of Jesus, “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh” (Matt 25:13), isn’t about a date on the calendar, but rather how we keep vigil and whether we remain faithful.

It was only after Noah and his family had entered the Ark that God (not Noah) closed them in and sealed the doors shut (Gen 7:16, Rev 3:7,8). 

I believe the bride of Christ has been sealed and that the ark doors for early Rapture are about to close.

I hope you will share this end time message with others in the time we have left as you are led by the Holy Spirit!

In your review of the Clock of of the Four Night Watches, you will learn of a divine link between the book of Revelation and the book of Psalms using the prophecy key found in Daniel.

You will see that this mathematical connection gives us the earliest point in time — but not the latest — for fulfillment of many critical events in the book of Revelation.

In closing, let me remind you that the purpose of the Clock Prophecy in giving us dates to Watch is to help us keep vigil as the Lord Jesus instructed before he ascended into heaven — an act of obedience that helps us stay awake!  

God bless each one of you as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches: 

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

Peter John Brandal