The book of Revelation describes several key players who are to appear before the return of Christ, particularly two world leaders referred to as “beasts,” during a period of political upheaval and world chaos.

John sees a third individual, a major religious figure that many prophecy teachers confuse with the second beast, but whose biography reveals a separate identity.

The two beasts receive 23 mentions in the book of Revelation before the first (and only) mention of a “false prophet” – until his appearance in the epilogue of Chapter 19 – where we find him in hell.

An imitation of the godhead posing as a false trinity requires three sixes, not two — thus we see two political leaders and a False Prophet.

The modern Church has been led to believe the two beasts are symbolic figures representing historical kingdoms that no longer exist.

Or, they hold the view that there is no connection between those kingdoms and modern world government.

Both views are incorrect, and careless teachers are making it difficult (if not impossible) for many Christians to recognize the Antichrist when he arrives.

These same distorted teachings will be used by Satan to deceive many into taking the MARK.

The unique biographies of these individuals – using the text of Revelation and the book of Daniel – are explained in Chapter 6 of my book.

The Clock Prophecy has now uncovered the identities of 666 using the divine structure of the bible in combination with Microsoft’s global date reference system — using a set of key codes found in the bible itself.

See my video on the arrival of the Antichrist in the year 2023, and read “The 7 Proofs for the Identity of Antichrist” in my special June 21, 2021 update from the home page.


Once a large meteor strikes off the coast of Italy, which is the 2nd Trumpet of the 7th Seal, all of the key events of Chapter 13 will quickly follow, as shown below:

1) The First Beast (identified on the Clock as Barack Obama) will survive a near-fatal head wound (Rev 13:3), losing his ability to speak.

Afterward, he will only appear in public using a robotic prosthesis made in his image – a medical device promoted by the Antichrist, as stated in Revelation 13:16.

2) The meteor will have destroyed a third of the EU states and nearly half of Europe, while a second object (the 3rd Trumpet) may strike the northeastern United States.

All of this will trigger the reunification of England under the new King of England (the Prince who becomes King in the book of Daniel), who the Clock has identified as Prince William Arthur Louis Philip the Duke of Cambridge.

3) The MARK will be promoted as a kind of tribute to the first beast, making the human body part of his “beast network.”

This technology will enable law enforcement to identify who is in compliance with the new laws, as well as to persecute those who are not.

The facsimile of Obama will likely be featured in broadcast media to calm the public during a period of global unrest after a massive meteor destroys much of Europe.

It will also be used to promote the MARK, which the Antichrist will enforce, and without which no one may buy or sell. (Rev 13:17) 

The word for “mark” used in Revelation is the Greek word, charagma (G5480), meaning a visible mark, tattoo, or etching.

The MARK will be a visual indicator of one’s allegiance to the Beast and his image!

Newly developed technology called EED (see image above), does not require insertion of a computer chip beneath the surface of the skin, rather it adheres directly to the skin’s surface where it is more easily scanned.

Since more than one technology may be used, we must refuse any and all such marking technologies regardless of the government promotion behind them.

I hope you will share this information with your pastor, friends, and loved ones while there is still time.

Peter John Brandal