Note: Dates discussed in these messages reflect scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of predicted fulfillment, but dates to Watch.
DECEMBER 23, 2022

Friends, we have come to a pivotal crossroads as we near Critical Mass on the Clock of the Four Night Watches in 2023!

Those who were expecting Rapture late this year overlooked the sequence of harvest laid out for us by Jesus in his vineyard parable of Matthew 20.

The Feast of Trumpets could never have brought us to the start of harvest because the Fall grapes are gathered only after a first fruits gathering of barley in the Spring.

We saw in earlier messages how the Daniel Key vectors the catching up of the 144,000 (the Jewish takeover team in Revelation 12:5 and 14:4) to the Spring of 2023, where the two beasts are at their critical combined age of 101 years.

A second harvest group of wheat will follow in both the Summer of 2023 and 2024 to reflect the separation of virgins in the parable of Matthew 25.

The harvest cycle in the Old Testament is repeated in Revelation 6:6 in its actual order of ingathering – barley, wheat, wine (grapes), and oil (olives) – because that is the order in which the saints must be gathered in the four-part harvest to come!

The story of the Flood is our template for a Spring and Summer separation because the salvation of Noah and his family began during the Hebrew month of Iyar, a match to the harvest of barley in the Spring and wheat in the Summer!

The chart below shows where we are currently during the four night Watches in the PM layer of the Clock.

As you can see, we are approaching the half way mark in the Third Watch!

The May 29 and June 7 Special Harvest messages gave us a critical overview that dispels the myth of a one-day universal rapture, which is why Jesus lays out four groups of harvest in his vineyard parable.

We watch for three Rapture groups and one martyrs group because that agrees with the teachings of the Lord.

The harvest cycles seen in the Old Testament and repeated for us in Chapter 6 of Revelation also affirm this.

It isn’t really surprising that the four part harvest taught by Jesus contradicts both the pre- and post- Tribulation theories of the modern Church, where a single rapture event at either the start or end of a 7 year period completely ignores the four part ingathering Jesus describes.

It also explains why John only refers to 1,260 days of trial upon the Earth in his vision, another area of modern Church doctrine we addressed earlier this year.

It is because the four groups of ingathering are divided between two Summer seasons (to reflect the separation of virgins in Matthew 25), that the final wheat harvest must wait for the Lord’s return from the wedding, as we are told in Luke 12:36.

Consequently, the grape harvest (Group 3) falls in late 2024 during the Feast of Trumpets of that year, followed by a final Rapture group near Christmas late in 2024, or perhaps as late as March in 2025 where the Clock comes to an end.

While these three rapture groups may experience their exodus on a single calendar date during their respective harvest periods, we must not assume that to be the case.

The rapture of Elijah and the catching up of Enoch occurred at very different times to foreshadow how our appointed times are based on which harvest group we fall into.

Elisha was separated from Elijah at his catching up on the same day to show a divided ingathering spread across different seasons of harvest — one crop for each season.

Note that Elisha’s death later triggered a resurrection when his lifeless body caused another man to rise to his feet, a foreshadowing of the great resurrection (grape harvest) at the end!

While the Clock prophecy has been divinely given, it is not meant to convey certitude about dates on which any of these events must occur, however much I wish that were the case.

We continue to watch for the events of the 6th Seal as the war in heaven brings Satan down to the Earth, a Watch that I expect to continue into the new year.

After a massive meteor strikes off the southern coast of Italy destroying one third of Europe, we will know that the 7th Seal has opened and the rise of the Antichrist is imminent.


You might be interested to know that the number 369, a match to the early hours of harvest given to us by Jesus in Matthew 20, was thought by Nikola Tesla to represent sacred geometry in his understanding of energy and motion in the universe.

To my knowledge, Tesla’s view on this number came without awareness on his part of the Matthew passage.

In my May 29 update, you can read how these harvest hours in scripture converge with the first day of Spring in 2023, and why they mark a point of early departure for the first fruits of harvest, who are the 144,000 Jewish boys in Rev 14:4.

We close the year at 2:51 PM on the Clock, just 7 prophetic minutes before the date vector for a massive meteor off the southern coast of Italy, the second Trumpet of the 7th Seal.

A second object will follow, much smaller than the first, at the third Trumpet, quite possibly striking the northeastern United States, disrupting life in America.

The harvest will be God’s answer to his children during the chaos that follows, while the fall of global banking will be his answer to the wicked who reject Christ and take the MARK.

It is my prayer that you and yours have the most peaceful and joyous holiday season possible in the Lord Jesus Christ!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Note: As we move further into December, the events of the 6th Seal remain the focus of our Watch. The year end update is in progress and will be uploaded to the website near Christmas!

Interim Update (Dec 10, 2022): Friends, this week marks the arrival of the 6th Seal on the Clock of the Four Night Watches!

While I personally expect a stellar sign to mark Satan’s ejection from heaven, the visual nature of that event, for the moment at least, remains a mystery.

A year end update will mark the conculsion of 2022 and the arrival of Critical Mass in 2023, where it falls on the Clock before Spring!

Let me briefly address the matter of a 7 year Tribulation, which I know some of you still look for.

I responded to a reader in the comment section of my 666 video that if the abomination of desolation is still in front of us, then why is it that John doesn’t prophesy such an earth-shattering event in Revelation 11, the same passage where the temple is discussed?

How does John fail to see Satan’s most diabolical assault on God’s people at the very center of the 70th Week, while giving us every other possible detail during this entire period of time?

Chapter 4 of my book takes a careful look at the Hebrew linguistics in Daniel — and how the words “unto Messiah” at the end of 69 Weeks refer quite naturally to the beginning of the Lord’s ministry on the day of his baptism, not to his death.

This outreach teaches that the first half of the 70th Week occurred during the period of Jesus’ ministry to the house of Israel, fulfilling his promise to cut short the tribulation of future days even before his death!

I would suggest that a “time cut short in righteousness,” as prophesied by the Apostle Paul in Romans 9:28, would be difficult to argue if 7 years of tribulation were still in front of us.

There is more to come as we approach the Christmas holiday and the start of the new year, so stay tuned!


ALERT: The 4-Part Harvest graph has been updated to show how the Feast moedims converge with harvest vectors in 2023, 2024, and 2025. You can see the new chart at the bottom of the article, The 4 Group Harvest of Matthew 20 using the link from the home page!


Interim Update (Nov 12, 2022): Friends, the balancing act we see playing out between the forces of good and evil in these US mid-terms are divinely ordered to bring us to Critical Mass on the Clock before Spring.

We may be watching news of current events as if God is only reacting to the ploys of Satan, but the truth is that God is moving the enemy into a position from which he must act in accordance to key prophecies from Revelation 13.

It is during the events of the 7th Seal that the saints will be gathered over the remainder of the 3rd and 4th Watches on the Clock! This will bring us to the ingathering of the four groups of harvest outlined by Jesus in his Vineyard parable of Matthew 20.

If you have not already read my discussion of the four-part harvest in earlier updates (there is also a brief article in the articles section from the home page), I encourage you do so before the harvest gets underway.

We are now moving past the milestone of the Man-child’s rebirth which arrived on November 10 to mark the revelation of Messiah to the 144,000 from Revelation Chapters 7, 12, and 14.

We now look ahead to the War in Heaven when Satan will be cast down to the Earth out of heaven only weeks from now!

You may notice that the bottom of the Current Clock Time matrix now shows the days we have until the start of harvest, a reminder that we can know the beginning point but not the day or hour as we wait for the door that no man can open and no man can close.

The Daniel Key, in combination with the divine structure of the Bible, reveals to us that Satan’s removal from heaven (Rev 12:7-9) is, in fact, the 6th Seal of Revelation, which will be the trigger event for the opening of the 7th Seal in 2023.

All my earlier updates (especially those from 2019 through 2022) will catch you up on every aspect of bible prophecy over the 1,260 days of Great Tribulation to come.

We watch for the conclusion of those 42 months in either the late summer of 2026 or 2027 as the Messianic temple itself comes to completion before Jesus enters into that magnificent structure to begin his earthly rule!

Remember that some (not all) of us will escape many tribulation events between 2023 and 2024 before the conclusion of harvest in early 2025 where the Clock itself comes to an end.

If you should find yourself at a later point during the four-part harvest, continue to pray according to Luke 21:36 and remember the words of Jesus in his critical reminder to us:

“Be ye as men who wait for the Lord when he shall return FROM the wedding, that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” (Luke 12:36)

It is my prayer that you have a safe and restful holiday season. If the Lord permits, I will be out of town Thanksgiving week and returning at the end of the month, so please keep my in your prayers.

If there are additional comments for this interim update, I will post them over the next few days.

Stay tuned! – PJB


Interim Update (Nov 2, 2022): Friends, we are joined in celebration with Benjamin Netanyahu and others of the Likud Party for their victory in yesterday’s Israeli elections!

We can rest assured that Benjamin’s role as Prime Minister will not be interrupted again before Messiah is revealed to the Jewish people only 18 months from now!

I also want to remind you that as of tonight, we have entered Revelation Chapter 12, placing us just 7 days from the rebirth Matrix of the Man-child on November 10!

The War in Heaven will then be only weeks from its vector point on the Clock in mid-December.

Stay tuned!


Interim Update (Oct 27, 2022): Friends, the takeover of Twitter by Elon Musk today, combined with what appears to be a shift towards Republicans in the upcoming election, will not go unaddressed by the globalists.

I expect a desperate move by the Antichrist Team within our government to illegally install Barack Obama to the US Presidency only weeks from now.

A false flag will likely be the predicate for this suspension of Constitutional law and also justification for the arrest of many Republican officials in the House and Senate!

This has all been orchestrated by the Lord and we can trust Him to bring us to the start of early harvest in the Spring!

Stay tuned!


OCTOBER 21, 2022

Friends, in this update we have critical placements for the following events:

  1. The 6th Seal / War in heaven
  2. The half hour of silence in heaven
  3. Rebirth of the 144,000 on Nov 10, 2022
  4. Elijah’s role in the Spring of 2024
  5. Why Temple construction begins in 2024
  6. 1,260 day end point in either 2026 or 2027
  7. The 1,335 day end point and what it means

We are very near the start of the great harvest, as explained a few weeks ago in the Rosh Hashanah message.

In this update, we want to locate all the other prophetic events on the timeline based on the divine structure of the bible.

The Clock provides a narrow window of fulfillment for these events by measuring the “temple and the altar” (Rev 11:1) – an instruction to measure time in the book of Revelation in fulfillment of this prophecy.

The arrival of the Antichrist’s 41st year on Rosh Hashanah in September brought William one step closer to his role as the ruler of ten European states in the final hour on the Clock — a period of about 9 months.

The destruction of one third of Europe resulting from a meteor impact off the southern coast of Italy will be the primary catalyst for these events.

I had expected the 6th Seal to open in late Summer based on the 23 verses separating the end of Chapter 6 and the January anchor point of 2:58 PM, so we want to know whether this points to some sort of delay.

Let’s read this passage together very carefully:

“And when he had opened the 7th Seal, there was silence in heaven for about the space of half an hour.” (Rev 8:1)

The divine structure of the Bible can be seen in the 23 verses of text between the close of Chapter six (end of the 6th Seal) and the first Trumpet of Chapter 8 (start of the 7th Seal) — a period of 33 minutes as measured by the Daniel Key.

However, the text of this verse says the half hour of silence in heaven begins only after the 7th Seal itself has been opened!

Please note that reference to the half hour appears exactly six verses before the First Trumpet is blown in verse 7.

Now take note that the number of verses devoted to the events of the 6th Seal in Chapter six is also exactly six verses!

[Note that I will be using the half hour measurement of 31 minutes from the 7th Thunder based on the separation between the early 101st year open and the late 101st year open due to its linkage to the two beasts. Thirty-one minutes of silence in heaven equals about 9 fewer days than does 33 minutes.]

These measurements tell us that the 6th Seal and the half hour of silence in heaven will (at least partially) overlap, due to the fact that 31 prophetic minutes are equal to about 135 days — while the six verses at the end of Chapter 6 measure only about 37 days.

Although not shown in the charts that follow, the first three Trumpets will themselves take place during the (about) a half hour of silence in heaven.


This brings us to three remarkable facts about where we are on the timeline:

First, these 31 minutes mark the conclusion of Revelation 13:11 on the evening of April 28, 2023, less than 48 hours after the Antichrist passage closes on April 26, 2023!

Second, this convergence between the 6th Seal and the half hour of silence one month after the Man-child’s birth on November 10, 2022 reveals that the 6th Seal and the war in heaven are, in fact, the same event!

Third, the start of the war in heaven when Michael and his angels cast Satan and his angels down to the Earth — meaning the events of the 6th Seal — arrives in mid-December only weeks from now!


Can you think of a better reason for the sky to roll up like a scroll during the events of the 6th Seal than during the expulsion of Satan from heaven when we reach this convergence of events on the Clock?

The following graph shows all of this at a glance and how the events of the 6th Seal intersect with the war in heaven near the Christmas holiday!

Note: The head wound column cites Revelation 13:5 in error; it should cite Revelation 13:3 instead.

Let’s look carefully at the Revelation 12:2 Matrix referring to the birth event. I refer to this as the rebirth Matrix because the 144,000 have already been physically born as of April 17, 2014 in the AM layer of the Clock.

The recurrence of this passage in the PM layer does not refer to the physical birth of the Man-child, but rather to his spiritual rebirth through faith in Christ once he comes to know and embrace the risen Messiah!

While the text of Revelation doesn’t tell us, it may be that some heavely sign will mark this rebirth event in November to signify the salvation of a much larger Jewish remnant — the conversion Paul says will take place only after the times of the gentiles have been fulfilled near the Lord’s coming.

You will find this magnificent prophecy in Romans 11:25,26.


We previously discussed the arrival of Elijah at 4:52PM on the Clock in the Spring of 2024, just weeks after the battle of Armageddon where it falls on the Clock that year.

The catching up of the remainder of the Wheat harvest occurs only weeks later when the Summer ingathering (those who were not part of the earlier exodus in 2023) comes to an end.

See the previous update for how the four part harvest will progress over a period of 726 days beginning on the first day of Spring next year.

The final temple will begin construction only after the battle of Armageddon because that is when the enemies of Israel will no longer pose a threat to her.

Calamity upon Iran and other Muslim states in the valley of Megiddo in early 2024 will finally bring the political resolve needed to begin construction of the new temple!

Elijah’s appearance in the Spring of 2024 will no doubt catalyze this decision to move forward with excavation of the Dome of the Rock, especially since he will have by then revealed Messiah’s true identity to the Jewish people!

One key aspect of Elijah’s mission will be to ensure that animal sacrifice never takes place on the rebuilt altar, as this would defile the Messianic temple and prevent its use by Christ when he returns.

There is only one future temple and that is the temple in Ezekiel, a fact that the Jewish Orthodoxy (and Messianic Jews) are well aware of.

Note that John makes no mention of the presence of the Antichrist (much less animal sacrifice) within the temple in Chapter 11, the only passage to make any reference to this structure in his entire prophecy.

Again, the Abomination of Desolation is found nowhere in Revelation.

Paul’s statement in Thessalonians referring to the temple has nothing to do with the Messianic temple, but rather to the false temple in which the False Prophet is seated in Rome’s Vatican while declaring himself to be Christ on Earth.

See my April 20 update for how the altar was desecrated by Rome in 70 AD and later dismantled in 135 AD when Emperor Titus removed even the foundation stones beneath the city and the temple.

Were these events not exactly as Jesus prophesied them in Matthew 24?

Jewish history is clear that these events occurred in two parts – first in 70 AD and later in 135 AD at the end of the revolt in which Simon Bar-Kopka – a false Jewish Messiah Jesus also said would appear — brought Rome’s wrath upon the Jewish state in a sweeping destruction of both city and temple.

Note that this also fulfilled the Lord’s prophecy (in the same passage) for the flight of the Jews into every nation, the great diaspora the prophet Amos said would never again be repeated.

Read his prophecy in Amos 9:11-15.

I hope you are not expecting all these things to happen yet again?

If you want to know exactly what lies ahead for the Jewish nation, please read the little book of Zephaniah for its prophetic description of Zion’s final liberation.

What Daniel saw at the middle of the 70th Week in Chapter 9 of his prophecy was the crucifixion of Christ, which is why the temple curtain was torn in half at the Lord’s death on the cross.


The head wound to the First Beast in Revelation 13:3 will shortly bring us to the start of Daniel’s remaining half Week – a period of 1,260 days – and to the wrath of God upon the wicked as the harvest of the saints begins!

These 42 months on the Clock end with the demise of the Antichrist where this measurement falls in mid-August of 2026, thus the new temple may be completed by September of that year!

The rule of Christ may begin when the Man-child becomes 13 years of age in the Spring of 2027, and that brings us to the arrival of day 1,335, whose placement on October 30, 2026 falls near Simchat Torah earlier in the same month.

Remember, we count 1,260 days from March 5, 2023, near the center of Revelation 13:3:

March 5, 2023 + 1,260 = August 16, 2026
Day 1,335 = Aug 16, 2026 + 75 = Oct 30, 2026

Each year, orthodox Jews celebrate God’s divine law ten days after the start of Tabernacles in the Fall, at the end of the Feast of Trumpets.

What better way to observe Simchat Torah than to celebrate the capture of Satan when the angel in Revelation 20:1,2 binds him with a chain shortly after the Lord re-enters Jerusalem!

I expect Satan’s incarceration to take place between Simchat Torah on October 4 and October 30, 2026, shortly before we come to our great celebration at the Festival of Lights in December!

I hope the graphs above will be helpful to you and that you will keep physical copies on hand as all these things unfold.

Let us remember the words of Jesus at this very exciting time as we prepare for his arrival:

“And when these things begin to come pass, then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption drawth nigh!” (Luke 21:28)

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim Update (10.15.22) — Friends, the new update will discuss construction of the new temple and why it will begin in the Summer of 2024. Elijah’s role in preparing the temple for use by the Messiah will also be covered. Of particular urgency will be the arrival of the 6th Seal and why the war in heaven when Satan is cast down to the Earth during the half hour of silence in heaven are converging in a matter of weeks! Stay tuned!


SEPTEMBER 25, 2022

Harvest Groups 1 through 4

Friends, the death of Queen Elizabeth II has propelled her son Charles into his new role as King over the United Kingdom, but only for a short time.

William will become the Antichrist by next Spring with the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on April 20, 2023 if indeed real time fulfillment converges with this passage on the Clock.

Alternatively, William may enter into his biblical role as Prince, which may be the case if his father does not pass or abdicate the throne.

The future Antichrist stands with his father in the Queen’s procession

William may remain Prince, for example, were his father to create a new role in which William becomes his liaison to Parliament, a role that has not previously existed.

Obviously, William would never be referred to by world governments as the Antichrist, rather some impressive sounding title would be attributed to him, such as High Commander, His Excellence, or Chancellor.

It may be that Charles will be killed during the impact of the meteor at 2:58 PM on the Clock where it falls in late January of next year (if indeed it occurs at this vector point in real time), depending on his travels, at which point William would then become King.

The exact mechanics of how all this comes together is not nearly as important as knowing the identities of 666 and where we are on the timeline.

We are also looking for the next false flag to become a pretext for Obama’s reinsertion to the US Presidency.

While some sort of national emergency may preempt the midterm elections in November, they may also go forward with marginal races tabulated in favor of the Marxists.



The primary purpose of this update is the most important area of end time prophecy for those who watch for the Lord’s return — the words of Jesus about the end time harvest!

The four groups of harvest are represented by their associated crops:

  1. Barley (Rev 6:6)
  2. Wheat (Rev 6:6)
  3. Grapes / Wine (Rev 6:6)
  4. Olives / Oil (Rev 6:6)

The in-gathering must begin (and possibly end) within each respective crop season, as practiced for many thousands of years!

The in-gathering of most barley begins in the Spring, followed by wheat in the Summer, grapes in the Fall, and olives in the Winter.

In the previous update, I said it was my expectation that the exodus of Group 1 (barley) would occur in late February and that Group 2 (wheat) would have its exodus in early Spring where time code 36911 given by Jesus in Matthew 20 is vectored to the date of March 20, 2023.

The Holy Spirit has corrected me and clarified this sequence for a better understanding of the harvest, which is the key focus of this update.

The vision given to me was very compressed at the early stages of Critical Mass so that the exact sequence of various events was difficult for me to follow.

This update helps address such questions by applying the four crops listed in Revelation 6:6 as an overlay to the various groups of harvest.

In other words, the in-gathering of the crops should begin (and possibly end) within their crop-associated seasons!

The crop yields we see listed in Revelation 6:6 — barley, wheat, grapes (wine), and olives (oil) are given in their exact order of in-gathering to reflect the actual sequence of in-gathering for the saints themselves!


The barley is harvested in the Spring, therefore I do not expect the catching up of Group 1 (the 144,000 Hebrew boys) to occur in late February as I previously thought.

Likewise, the wheat is harvested during the Summer and should begin shortly after the Summer Solstice in late June.

Grapes are not harvested until the Fall, after the Autumn equinox.

A final Winter harvest of olives will occur during the Winter months.


I have corrected a group of four paragraphs in the previous message to show a more consistent harvest progression, highlighting that text in color with an underline in case you would like to print it.

Late February may indeed bring about certain conditions necessary for the unfolding of events immediately afterward, however the third Trumpet must wait until early Spring where the catching up of the Man-child — the in-gathering of the first fruits — occurs at its appointed time.


There are several advantages for us in this crop schedule overlay because it places each harvest group inside a three month period of in-gathering between the change of the seasons.

There is, however, one exception with respect to the in-gathering of the wheat harvest, which are the Church saints in Group 2.

Jesus was explicit that a separation must occur within this group when five wise virgins enter the Marriage early and five others do not due to their failure to watch properly, as we read in Matthew 25:1-13.

The “virgin companions” in Psalm 45:14,15 enter into the King’s palace only after the King’s daughter herself goes into the marriage, a theme that may seem absent from the ten virgins parable until we read these words of caution by Jesus:

“Be ye as men who wait for their Lord when he shall return FROM the wedding, so that when he knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” (Luke 12:36)

The view held by many that Jesus was pronouncing condemnation upon those who miss going into the Marriage early is a false teaching of the modern Church.

The words we find at the end of each Marriage parable, “Many are called, but few are chosen,” refers to those who are chosen to enter the Marriage early, while those not chosen must wait until the Lord’s return FROM the wedding!

The words, “I know you not,” in response to those who knock on the door of the bridegroom’s chamber after the well prepared have departed, are not the same as his words of condemnation on the day of Judgment when he says to the wicked, “depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you.”

It is our failure to properly Watch that prevents recognition at the earliest point of entry into the Marriage, but in God’s great mercy, he has divided his end time harvest for all those who remain faithful!

Jesus has promised that he will bring us into his presence when he returns FROM the wedding to collect every waiting virgin, which is why the harvest must be divided.

The Wheat group contains both the prepared and unprepared, however their separation may require them to wait until the following Summer, at which time the King’s palace door will again open for them!

The removal of those who depart early will be followed by the resurrection of those asleep in Christ during the Fall, and are represented by the grapes in Revelation 14:18.


The Feast of Trumpets in early Hebrew culture was celebrated by the blowing of 100 or more trumpets, however the Fall crop is a harvest of grapes alone, therefore those who watch for a Fall Rapture are going to be disappointed.

This sequence of trumpet blasts during the Ten Days of Awe starts on Rosh Hashanah, and its purpose is to call forth the dead in Christ — by far the largest harvest group!

The harvest of grapes can only take place after Groups 1 and 2 representing barley and wheat have been gathered at their divinely appointed times!

The Winter harvest is the in-gathering of olives (Group 4) and represents those who are alive and remain, and is probably the smallest of all the harvest groups.

This final Rapture group (Group 4) and the Resurrection group (Group 3), are the two groups of harvest Paul refers to in 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17, thus he is not addressing the earlier portions of harvest as they do not converge with the Lord’s descent out of heaven.

The resurrection of the dead (grapes) must indeed come before the in-gathering of those who are alive and remain (olives) at the end, and that is Paul’s sole focus in this passage


The multiplier I use to locate all 7 Trumpets along the timeline works by applying the placement of Trumpets with a known anchor point.

That anchor point is Clock time 2:58 PM, which appears to mark the second Trumpet.

This in turn would coincide with the removal of the barley at the 36911 convergence on March 20, 2023.

Only two such anchor points are needed to establish a single multiplier and the result is the table of harvest vectors shown in the graph below.

I hope it is clear why we are not expecting any portion of the harvest to occur in 2022, but rather in 2023 where Critical Mass first arrives on the Clock using the Daniel Key!

Remember that the crop cycle overlay points to harvest beginning in the Spring rather than in the Fall or some other season of the year. 

Also, both focus dates for the divided wheat harvest occur in the month of July in consecutive years, however if we don’t reach Critical Mass until the second half of William’s 41st year in 2024, then the total period of harvest could well be shortened.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
AUGUST 20, 2022

Friends, not only is God permitting what we see unfolding, he is orchestrating it in ways as remarkable as when Pharaoh was hardened to the plight of the Jews when the plagues began to fall on Egypt during the Exodus!

In the very near future, the harvest of the saints will bring us to our own Red Sea crossing — one more amazing than that of the Israelites 4,000 years ago!

The political persecution we see in America today is ramping up because Satan knows his time is short and that the return of Christ is imminent.

I am sure it has become obvious to you that the globalists are now preparing to pull the kill switch on alternative media before the Antichrist rises to power.

An Internet outage will probably wait until a false flag involving public health, or some other national emergency, possibly even the events of the 6th Seal that we know to be imminent.

While the day and hour of any prophesied event remain unknown to us, our place on the timeline is affirmed by the release of the 7 Thunders published last year as seen on the Critical Clock Alerts page.


Regarding the timeline, we can see that the end date on the Clock does not converge with the return of Christ at Tabernacles, as it falls at the mid-point between Sukkot in 2024 and Sukkot in 2025.

This brings us to some very interesting questions, which are the topic of this update.

Does Tabernacles (or Sukkot) mark the conclusion of the harvest? Or perhaps the Feast of Trumpets immediately before it?

Since the Clock places the catching up of “those who are alive and remain” (1 Thess 4:17) at the end of the 4th Watch in early 2025, I believe the answer to that is No.

This would suggest Tabernacles is a separate event, having only to do with the officiating of the Millennial Kingdom from the Messianic Temple.

This may explain why Jesus said we should pray that our flight not be during the Winter, meaning the final harvest group where it falls in early 2025 on the Clock!


Also, if the catching up of Group 4 occurs in the late Winter of 2025, we can see why Paul’s words in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 are not a prophecy referring to the immediate coronation of Christ at Tabernacles, as most assume.

Jesus may well re-enter Jerusalem in the Fall of 2025, however I believe this must converge with the completion of the Messianic temple in Ezekiel, thus a Festival fulfillment in 2026 or 2027 seems more likely.

In either event, the harvest itself may come to an end where the Clock ends in early 2025!

Remember that the 13th birthday of the Man-child in 2027 also marks the takeover of the nations by the “princes” in Psalm 45 (Rev 12:5), thus the start of their rule following Christ’s return at Sukkot in 2026 (or 2027) is most compelling.


With respect to early Rapture, the placement of hours 3-6-9-11 given by Jesus falls on March 20, 2023 to mark the placement of the barley harvest.

The ingathering of first fruits (Rev 14:4) refers only to the 144,000 Hebrew males (Group 1) born in 2014.

The early harpazo (G726) in Revelation 12:5 falls on the Clock this December, but the exodus of the Man-child will wait until the third Trumpet takes place next Spring.

We can be sure that the first fruits harvest will occur at the 3rd Trumpet where the 36911 falls on the Spring equinox in 2023, followed by the wheat harvest in the Summer!

I am also watching August 20-31 due to two mathematical convergences on the Clock that may bring us to a key fulfillment before Rosh Hashanah, possibly referring to the events of the 6th Seal!

Let us keep President Trump and one another in prayer.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
AUGUST 13, 2022

Friends, I am marking this update as a Critical Alert, so please read it carefully to be sure you understand the importance of Revelation 11:7, which arrives on the Clock tomorrow.

You will find many edits in this re-dated Alert, so if you printed it earlier, please do so again.

We want to look at how Elijah may have been with us since the AM layer of the Clock, and how Revelation 11:7 may mark the end of an early layer of fulfillment before a final layer of fulfillment in 2024!

It was no coincidence that the name of the man fatally struck by lightning at the Capitol this week was the same as that of the lead investigator in the Russian Collusion hoax created to destroy President Trump in 2017.

We can be sure that God’s wrath has been kindled against this White House for its unethical use of the FBI over the years.

Seizure of documents stored legally at the President’s private residence in Florida a few nights ago is yet another abuse of power by the globalist Antichrist team.

While it might seem obvious that Obama and other well known political figures have had a hand in all this, it should be even more apparent that the war of the Lamb against the beast will soon bring us to Critical Mass on the Clock.

Last week’s Update on the return of Elijah made no mention of his manner of return in 2024, however this Critical Update may shed light on that question.

In fact, the arrival of 4:52 on the Clock in 2015 in the AM layer, and its arrival just weeks before the 2024 Presidential election in the PM layer, bring us to two important questions for this Alert:

1) Could President Trump be Elijah? and,
2) Has Elijah been with us since the early layer of the Clock where 4:52 AM fell in 2015?

I spent time earlier this week going over Trump’s personal bio-metrics to see if they might have any connection to the Clock using the Daniel Key.

The results of my study were not conclusive, however the fact that 4:52 AM in the early Clock layer fell just several weeks after President Trump announced his original candidacy 7 years ago cannot be ignored.

I now believe that Elijah may have already fulfilled an early stage of his mission in the first presidential term of Donald Trump!

I don’t believe President Trump will become President again unless he is, in fact, the prophet Elijah, however he does not have to become President in 2024 in order to BE Elijah!


Please remember that Elijah is one of the two Witnesses, therefore he is prophesied to be martyred at the end of his testimony in Revelation 11:7.

Also note that we are currently in Revelation 11:6 and that verse 7 arrives this Sunday, which is why I have marked this update as a Critical Alert.

If Elijah’s testimony should end before he “restores all things” in 2024, that might explain why his martyrdom appears in the text at its earliest point of fulfillment
next week, two years before his return in a final layer of fulfillment!

These are sobering matters in light of current events, and should remind us that prophecy is often fulfilled in multiple layers, thus Elijah may have been with us since the early layer of the Clock Prophecy!


In closing, late August is an area of heightened activity on the Clock, so be alert to the fact that things can change very quickly in the days ahead!

Lord willing, in the next few days I will publish an interim update.

Let us stay in prayer as we continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
AUGUST 1, 2022

Friends, the role of Elijah at the end of the Age was prophesied by Jesus when disciples of John asked whether Elijah had returned as the martyred Baptizer.

“And his disciples asked him saying, “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first? Then Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Elijah is truly coming first and will restore all things.” (Matt 17:10,11)

Jesus said Elijah would indeed restore all things at a future time, and since John had already been martyred, he could not possibly have fulfilled this prophecy before the crucifixion of Jesus.

In Strong’s concordance of biblical Hebrew, the name Elijah corresponds to entry number 452, a number we want to vector using the Daniel Key on the Clock of the Four Night Watches.

Clock time 4:52 PM in the final Clock layer falls in the late Spring of 2024 about two years from now, as shown in the matrix below.

This placement falls shortly after the battle of Armageddon (Rev 16:16), another key vector some 12 weeks earlier, and links to Revelation 17:10 in the early part of June, 2024.

This also refers to the start of the final hour on the Clock just two verses later, so let’s read the entire passage:

“There are also seven kings, Five have fallen, one is, and the other has not yet come. And when he comes, he must continue a short time….they receive authority for one hour as kings with the beast.” (Rev 17:10,12)

Incredibly, while Clock time 4:52 PM marks the arrival of Elijah in 2024 at Revelation 17:10, the words of Jesus in Matthew 17:10 also mark Elijah’s return – a witness to the divine structure of the bible in identical verse vectors from two separate books of scripture!

We have seen in previous updates that one hour on the Clock is equal to about 9 months, thus I expect Elijah to restore the hearts of the Jewish people to their fathers (the prophets) revealing Christ to them during the final 9 months of the Clock Prophecy!


Most of the modern Church ignores the writings of Isaiah, Amos, Hosea, Zephaniah, and others who prophesied a restored Israel near the return of Christ, as if the Messiah could rule from any other place.

In my article, “My Servant Israel, Land of the Jews,” I quote many of the Old Testament seers whose visions of a restored Zion are brought to pass at the end of the Age.

The Apostle Paul sees the salvation of all Israel at the end of time, prophesying the removal of their blindness only after the times of the gentiles have been fulfilled (Rom 11:26).

The Messianic temple found in Ezekiel will likely begin construction only after the battle of Armageddon has concluded, which on the Clock falls in early 2024.

As explained in the April update, the altar of the new temple will not be used for animal sacrifice for two important reasons.

First, Jesus’ prophecy for a defiled temple (the abomination of desolation) occurred in 70 AD when the temple was destroyed and the foundation stones were pulled (literally) out of the ground.

Second, Elijah will have already led the Jews to Christ before its completion, so the new temple will remain pristine until Jesus enters it at his return.

Were the Messianic temple to be defiled by the Antichrist, a fourth temple would have to be built, and no where in scripture do we find a third temple destruction or a fourth temple construction.

See the April 20, 2022 update for more about the coming Messianic temple described in Ezekiel.


You may have wondered why I did not set up a counter to mark the arrival of the meteor in early 2023 as I did for the rise of the Antichrist nearly three months later.

The reason for this was that the Holy Spirit led me to count down only to the arrival of Revelation 13:11, however the second Trumpet at 2:58 PM in late January will alter life for everyone on Earth.

Another key metric we want to watch is the number of days remaining on the Clock.

The start of early harvest will begin once we near 726 days from where the Clock ends.

Remember that the number 726 is linked to the word “harpazo” in Strong’s Concordance of biblical Greek, as we discussed in the Harvest update last month.

This metric won’t be exact because the day and hour remain unknown to us, plus the late February vector at the third Trumpet where the first fruits rapture of the 144,000 occurs is 768 days from the Clock end date.

It may be that the final day of harvest will also occur in the month of February exactly 726 days later only weeks before the Clock ends!


Our Watch for the 6th Seal is underway, so I want to share what I believe we are about to see.

Revelation six seems to describe a near global rain of meteorites much smaller than those that follow during the early trumpets.

Due to atmospheric pressure, I believe most of these objects will implode before striking the ground.

Smaller rocks that penetrate Earth’s atmosphere usually come apart several miles above the surface, however their high velocity can produce a dangerous shock wave directly beneath them.

A box-car sized meteorite imploded over a Russian town in 2013 and injured more than 1,000 people, damaging hundreds of buildings and shattering glass fixtures of every kind over a wide area.

The two objects of the second and third Trumpets will be much larger, reaching the surface of the Earth due to their size and releasing all of their kinetic energy for many hundreds of miles.

This brings us to a remarkable passage in Revelation that I believe refers to all the shattered glass throughout Europe and possibly throughout the northeastern United States depending on the impact site of the second object.

Let’s read this amazing passage of scripture:

“And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” (Rev 15:2)

The Trumpets that produce the sea of glass are instruments of God’s Judgment upon the wicked, but for the saints they are the means to victory as we stand upon fallen Babylon in our heavenly bodies!

As Elijah’s return nears, so does the great harvest and our moment of redemption, as well as the sign of the Son of Man in heaven, which will soon appear!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
JULY 3, 2022

Friends, the current Clock Time of 2:10 places us inside Revelation 10:11, a key juncture for this prophecy message, as it points to to the opening of the 7th Seal only months from now.

We are also at the start of the final 1,000 days before reaching the end of the fourth Watch in early 2025!

As discussed earlier, I expect the four part harvest of Matthew 20 – the gathering of all the saints – to conclude at the end of these next 1,000 days!

One of my readers asked about the final events in Revelation Chapter 6 pertaining to the sixth Seal, and the Holy Spirit has led me to discuss this.

Let’s read this passage starting at verse 12:

“And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

15 And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;

16 And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb…”

This sounds a great deal like the “great burning mountain” and the effects it will have when it strikes the sea off the coast of Italy, as described in Revelation 8 and 18.

But these events happen earlier, and they mark the conclusion of the sixth Seal before the arrival of the early Trumpets of the 7th Seal, when the earth is shaken yet again.

My reason for bringing this up is that the 6th Seal must occur before the first Trumpet of the 7th seal, and we are told in scripture that a period of about one half hour in heaven (Rev 8:1) separates them.

Incredibly, this half hour is identified using the Daniel Key when we measure all the verses in Chapter 7 and the first six verses of Chapter 8 before the first Trumpet is blown.

We have seen the math before, but for new readers, I want to repeat it before vectoring where it falls in real time just weeks from now:

Rev. 7 = 17 verses +
Rev 8:1-6 = 6 verses
= 23 verses

Daniel key = 2,520 / 404 = 6.25 days per verse

23 verses x 6.25 = 144 days (rounded)

Clock days = 2,086

Minutes = 480 (8 hours)

Days per minute = 2,086 / 480 = 4.35

144 days / 4.35 = 33 minutes

John wrote, “There was silence in heaven for about a half hour.”

We saw a separate measurement for the half hour in the 7 Thunders based on the opening of the 101 year window for the combined ages of the first and second beast and the late opening of that window 134 days later.

Notice that this represents a difference of just two minutes (about 10 days) or the difference between 31 and 33 minutes on the Clock!

As remarkable as it is that the Daniel Key identifies the half hour of silence in Revelation 8:1, it is even more remarkable that it finds this same half hour using a separate application of the Daniel Key during the 41st year of the Antichrist as shown in the 7 Thunders.

Now we want to see the placement of this half hour in real time, so let us review the relevant graph from the 7 Thunders published last year.

This measurement places the start of the half hour of silence on October 25, 2022, and marks the end of that half hour where the head wound passage itself concludes on March 8, 2023.

This would place the opening of the 6th Seal at or near Rosh Hashanah this September to account for the five verses (30 days) that describe those events.

However, since the first Trumpet falls on January 21 based on the 2:58 anchor point, I am compelled to subtract 144 days plus another 30 days from the January date to arrive at an earlier vector for the start of the 6th Seal.

Here is the math:

Jan 21, 2023 – 144 – 30 = July 30, 2022

Again, the quotation from Revelation Chapter 6 above is equal to five verses, or a period of about 30 days using the Daniel Key.

If the events of the 6th Seal do indeed span a full month, then we should watch for them to begin between the end of this month and the week of Rosh Hashanah in late September!


It is interesting to note that the Hadron Collider near Geneva Switzerland is being restarted on July 5, 2022 to engage in particle experiments that some believe could destabilize the Earth.

Could such a project involving high-energy particles bring about the events of the 6th Seal?

God has previously used the folly of Man to trigger the start of his divine Judgment, and this may be one of those times.

The 6th Seal may also converge with a false flag involving actions by our government to preempt upcoming elections during a second tyrannical shutdown.

I expect the remainder of 2022 to foreshadow our progression to Critical Mass with a preview of God’s wrath before the 7th Seal opens, but whatever we see in the next few months will pale in comparison to events next year.

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and keep each one of you as you continue to hear what the Spirit is saying to the Churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim Update (06.25.22) — Friends, the Israeli government breakup last week will almost certainly lead to Benjamin Netanyahu’s return to power before year end!

Whatever coalition of the Knesset forms in the coming months, it will face the Antichrist when he arrives next Spring.

I wrote a year ago that I expected Netanyahu to hand the keys of Jerusalem over to Christ (figuratively) when he returns, but I didn’t expect the Israeli Parliament to break up again before the arrival of Critical Mass.

This shows how quickly things are moving into place and why I expect Obama to be reappointed to the US Presidency before the mid-term elections this Fall.

Let’s read the second half of Revelation 13:5:

“…and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months.”

The word continue suggests that the First Beast is already in power when an additional 1,260 days of authority are granted to him.

Note that this continuance of power is not a decree from heaven, but rather comes from those who worship the beast.

It is for that reason that I expect the 1,260 days of Revelation to be shortened (Matt 24:22), perhaps to mark the end of the Clock’s PM layer in early 2025.

Since the 4th Watch concludes on March 28, 2025, I am convinced that every believer will have been gathered to Christ before that time!

It is very possible that my daily counter updates, as well as regular message updates, will come to an end before 2022 comes to a close.

If I lose access to this platform in the coming weeks, you will have to rely on the Future Clock Times PDF document, which you can download from the Current Clock Time page.

I want to point out that the decision by the Supreme Court to reverse federally legalized abortion reflects repentance on the part of those who prayed for this outcome, but also for America itself.

While God’s Judgment will fall upon those who stood for the murder of the unborn in the days ahead, Judgment upon our nation as a whole may be tempered by God’s mercy during the days of harvest.

I am closing out this interim update with a reminder that we have a Clock time update tomorrow night, so stay alert! — PJB


Interim Update (06.18.22) — Friends, you probably noticed that the 666 counter page got a little behind until it was corrected last night.

My recovery was a little complicated due to my bladder having deflated during the accident, but praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ for bringing me through!

I want to share a video of the Yeshiva Boys Choir that I believe will be a blessing to you. These young men are now too old to be part of the 144,000 due to the fact this video was produced several years ago.

The current age of the 144,000 is eight years old, and they will be nearly nine when they are caught up early next year!

If the singing you hear in this video is any indication, then the song of the 144,000 where it falls on June 21, 2023 will not disappoint!


I know there are other Rapture dates being floated for the remainder of 2022, however the start of harvest will not begin this year.

The harvest number in Matthew 20 converges with the 101 year window of combined age for the first and second beast in the last few days of Adar in 2023, on exactly the Spring equinox.

I want to share with you where we are with respect to the Four Night Watches, which divide evenly across the 8 hours of prophetic time in both layers of the Clock.

In the PM layer of the Clock where we are now, we entered the 3rd Watch on May 20, 2022, which is especially exciting since Jesus refers to the 3rd Watch in the following passage:

“And if he shall come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.” (Luke 12:38)

Remember, each Watch is exactly 521.5 days, or a period of about 17 months.

The harvest will begin in the 3rd Watch early next year, however it will continue into the 4th Watch, which begins on October 23, 2023, and won’t come to an end until the Clock itself concludes in late March of 2025.

The second and third Trumpets – two meteors that strike the Earth as recorded in Revelation 8 – will mark the start of the harvest.

Most of us will see the Antichrist rise to power next Spring, however some will be at the front end of the harvest and enter the Marriage early.

The placement of the harvest number in the previous message marks March 20, 2023 as the start of exodus for those in the churches.

The events we see between now and next year will be troubling, especially in the political world.

I would not be surprised to see a literal government takeover in which members of the Senate and Congress are incarcerated, shutting down free speech and possibly restricting access to the Internet.

I don’t expect the mid-term elections to take place this Fall, so be prepared for more false flags as the Obama event draws near.

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

I pray you will share these end time alerts while you still can. God bless. -PJB


JUNE 7, 2022

Friends, whether or not we see a key prophetic fulfillment in June, we must keep alert as we approach Rosh Hashanah in September due to its connection to the Prince and his role as the Antichrist.

This brings me to the topic of June 15, which is being promoted as the date of the Rapture and seems to have a lot of people excited, so I want to address that briefly.

No prophecy of a one day Rapture for every believer is ever going to be proven right, as such claims directly contradict the words of Jesus in Matthew 25:13.

“Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of Man cometh.” (Matt 25:13)

As you know, I teach what Jesus taught with regard to the harvest — a harvest marked by four distinct clock times during which four groups are going to be redeemed in an order they do not expect.

This important lesson from the Vineyard parable in Matthew 20 was the entire topic of the previous update, and it explains how the harvest number in that passage will launch the start of harvest in the Spring of 2023!

Only in the words of Jesus do we find the truth about Rapture timing, and those are the words the Holy Spirit is asking us to hear.

In Part 1 of this Special Update, there was something I left out that further validates the start of harvest in early 2023, and I will share that amazing detail with you below.


A key date that marks both the first day of Spring next year and the first day of exodus for many in the churches will be the date of March 20, 2023.

The 144,000 may have already departed by late February with the arrival of a second object that strikes the Earth at the 3rd Trumpet (Rev 8:10,11), most likely impacting the northeastern United States.

This first harvest group is the “first fruits” in Revelation 14:4, and their catching up in Revelation 12:5 falls in the PM layer of the Clock this December.

Most Christians are unaware that the 144,000 are found in Psalm 45:16, referred to as the “princes in all the earth,” meaning those who will rule the nations with Christ beginning in early 2027.

Remarkably, harvest group 2 is also found in Psalm 45, which I encourage you to read, as it pertains to the Church saints.

The departure of harvest group 2 will be a larger exodus just as it was for the Israelites who crossed the Red Sea out of Egypt on their way to the Promised Land.

The exodus of the Hebrews occurred even as God’s Judgment fell upon Pharaoh and his countrymen, and is an exact parallel to what is going to happen in the last two years of the Clock Prophecy between early 2023 and early 2025.

In reading Psalm 45, we see that the “companion virgins” are those who enter the King’s palace only after the daughter of the King herself goes into the marriage, as stated in that passage.

This is the same separation of virgins that occurs at the door into the Marriage as prophesied by Jesus in Matthew 25:1-13.

The duration of exodus for the Church saints in group 2 might be found in Jesus’ words, “…pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath day…” (Matt 24:20)

It may be that group 2 will have completely departed before the start of Winter in late 2023, or even by the Feast of Trumpets in mid-September!

The period of harvest for all four groups will come to a close just before the Clock ends in March of 2025 — a period of up to 726 days between March, 2023, and March, 2025.

You might be surprised to know that the number 726 in Strongs is indexed to the Greek word harpazo and is the word translated in our English bibles as, “caught up!”


We saw in Part 1 how the Matthew 20 harvest number provides three Clock times during the 50 day Watch window between the head wound event and the rise of the Antichrist next year using three separate key date measurements.

Now I want to show you a more direct placement of the number 36911 and how it intersects with the 101 year window of fulfillment on exactly the first day of Spring in 2023!

As you can see in the graph above, day count values for the ages of the First and Second beast (i.e., the Prince and Obama in columns two and three, respectively), on March 20, 2023, are the numbers 14,882 and 22,029, when they will reach 101.1 years of combined age.

Adding these two numbers together as shown in the above chart gives us exactly the number of the harvest found in Matthew 20 — the number 36,911!

As I have said previously, the Clock cannot give us one calendar date for the entire harvest, nor can it tell us which of the four harvest groups we may fall into.

It is my prayer that those of you who hear this end time message will be found in the earliest part of the harvest, and I have no doubt that many of you will be made aware of your departure time before it arrives!


In closing, these prophecy discussions will be difficult for us to recall during the extreme chaos that will spread to both hemispheres after the meteor (Rev 8:8) strikes Europe next year.

The Holy Spirit wanted me to publish the remainder of this harvest message separately because it may be the one thing you will fully recall once the Internet is no longer accessible.

If you have not yet printed copies of my Critical Alerts and all Special Updates from 2021 and 2022, now would be a good time to do so.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
MAY 29, 2022

Friends, in this two-part message I want to discuss a few Clock measurements brought to me by the Holy Spirit only days ago.

This will affirm the start of early harvest only nine months from now!

In the vineyard parable of Matthew 20, we are told of the four part harvest in which four groups of laborers are taken in an order they do not expect.

This is the least understood of all Jesus’ parables because the body of Christ has such distaste for the words, “many first shall be last, and last that shall be first,” as well as the words, “for many are called, but few chosen.”

These statements appear at the end of each and every wedding parable in the New Testament.

They also explain both the separation of the virgins at the door into the marriage in Matthew 25, and why that separation has nothing to do with losing one’s salvation, but rather with a divided harvest.

The words of Jesus in Luke 12 make this undeniable:

“Be ye as men who watch for their Lord when he shall return from the wedding.” (Luke 12:36)


In Matthew 20:3,5, and 6, Jesus gives us four relative Clock times that indicate points of a divided harvest during the events of the 7 Trumpets.

Here we see Jesus refer to the 3rd hour, the 6th hour, the 9th hour, and the 11th hour.

We could notate these time values as a contiguous number — or 36911.

Until just days ago, I was not aware that this passage held the key to a Clock measurement affirming the start of the harvest in early 2023!

I will share three of many measurements pointing to the arrival of the “great burning mountain” (Rev 8:8) and to the 50 day window between the head wound event and the rise of the Antichrist using this number for harvest.

  1. (36911 / 143) /100 = 2.58 = January 27, 2023
  2. (36911 / 1217) /10 = 3.033 = February 19, 2023
  3. (36911 / 1332 /10) = 2.771 = 3.171 = April 20, 2023

NOTE: Clock time is in 1/60ths, therefore 2.6 equals 3 O’Clock, thus 2.771 = 3 + .17 = 3.17; the Clock makes this calculation automatically

Again, 36911 represents the four relative Clock times as a contiguous number.

The divisors, which are 143, 1217, and 1332, might be familiar to you as they are key points of significance in Revelation discussed here for many years.

Revelation 14:3 gives us the Clock Matrix that arrives on the 41st birth day of the Antichrist in 2023, referring to the 144,000.

Obama’s Microsoft-adjusted date of birth also appears in this matrix, as seen under “Special Clock Times” from the “Current Clock Time” page.

The number 1,217 is the measurement on the Clock that refers to the birth of the Man-child on April 17, 2014, exactly 1,217 days from the Clock start date on December 17, 2010.

The number 1,332 refers to the center of Revelation 13:3, which prophesies the head wound to the First Beast, just past the start of a 50 day window where the harvest begins.

Most of my work using 36911 from Matthew 20 points to March of next year, however the Third Trumpet vectors to late February, so I continue to believe the Man-Child will be caught up around February 19 in 2023.

The Church saints will no doubt begin their own exodus just after the head wound event near the beginning of Spring!

None of these measurements tell us when the harvest will come to a close, however I see reason to believe it may do so in early 2025, where the Clock itself comes to an end.

Whether the Antichrist perishes near the Clock end date, or after the entire 1,260 days have been fulfilled in the Summer of 2026, I don’t know.


Due to the accident in which my car was totaled and I suffered a slow recovery, the new book has been placed on hold.

It may be that the Lord does not intend for me to release the 7 Thunders in printed format.

This would explain the instruction in Revelation 10:4 to “not write” the 7 Thunders, but rather to “eat the little book,” as stated in verse 9.

May the Lord’s will be done.

The May 31 Clock time goes up tomorrow night!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Please note: The Critical Alert dated August 14, 2019, under “Critical Clock Alerts,” which pertains to the Man-child, has been edited to reflect PM Clock measurements, placing the start of early harvest in early 2023. You are encouraged to reprint this very important message and share it with others!


Special Alert (05.18.22) — Friends, there is one final piece to the fascinating story of the Kentucky Derby I need to share with you.

You recall the final race time of 2:02.61, which as a whole number returns the date value of June 21 when entered into a Microsoft computer.

Now we need to review the same number when entered directly into the Clock as a time value — meaning 2.02.61, referring to 2 O’Clock plus two minutes and .61 of a minute.

This time on the Clock falls just days from now!

The graphic below is the working spreadsheet I use to convert any time into a date placement in the PM layer of the Clock, or any date value into a Clock Time.

Note: The chart has been updated to show corrected 12 hour adjusted dates outside the AM and PM layers of the Clock. These labels were not shown correctly earlier. Dates vectored to the AM and PM layers of the Clock have not changed.

The time of 2.03 you see in the center of the matrix is just the rounded up time value, as 2.02.61 is about 25 seconds before the arrival of the third minute in the second hour.

You can see the date of May 31, 2022 in the lower section of the matrix, which marks the arrival of 2.02.61 on the Clock, only days away as I write this.

Since both the rise of the Antichrist and the head wound event fall on the Clock in the Spring of next year, I don’t believe this matrix points to either of those events.

Rather, this Clock time is vectored to Revelation 10:6, a prophecy for the end of time before the return of Christ, meaning this matrix could be pointing to some other critical event before we reach Rosh Hashanah four months from now.

There is speculation that Israel might be preparing for a high level military strike on Iran’s nuclear program later this month, or shortly after.

This matrix might also be pointing to changes in the British Monarchy that would permit the Prince to step into his biblical role as King close to Rosh Hashanah in late Summer.

The role of the Prince as the Antichrist, of course, falls on the Clock next Spring, so he may be King for a few months before Satan takes complete control of him.

The reappointment of Barack Obama to the US Presidency is also imminent, so stay alert and rejoice that your moment of redemption is fast approaching! – PJB


MAY 16, 2022

Friends, I would like to share a prophetic foreshadowing that has become too compelling for me to ignore.

The outcome of the Kentucky Derby on May 7, 2022 has many tie-ins to the Clock Prophecy that I find impossible to dismiss.

First, the winner of the race that day was a colt that replaced another contender, Ethereal Road, in a late change that brought horse number 21 (Rich Strike) into the race.

The winner’s assigned number — 21 — was the first thing that caught my attention for reasons I will share in this update.

While the number 21 is not a key code on the Clock and isn’t used to measure time in the book of Revelation, I have long associated that number with the “catching up” due to its indexed meaning in Strong’s Concordance.

Let’s look at G21 in Strongs:

Lexicon :: Strong’s G21 – agalliaō
G21: rejoice (7x), be exceeding glad (1x), be glad (1x), greatly rejoice (1x), with exceeding joy (1x). To exult, rejoice exceedingly, be exceeding glad

From agan (much) and G242; properly, to jump for joy, i.e. exult:—be (exceeding) glad, with exceeding joy, rejoice (greatly).

In fact, the greatest expression of joy possible in the early Greek of the New Testament was this very word, agalliaō.

Note that this word appears in Revelation 19:7 in reference to those who experience the greatest possible joy when attending the Marriage of the Lamb in that passage!

This was not quite enough for me, however, to associate the outcome of the Kentucky Derby with the harvest of the saints, which is set to begin next year.

But when I saw the name of the jockey who rode this horse to victory that day, I knew there was something more going on, so I decided to dig deeper.

I have now researched almost every detail I could find related to this unexpected Derby upset, and the results are quite astounding.


The rider’s name was Sonny Leon. The name Leon is derived from the Italian word, “leone,” which means, “lion.”

We might read the jockey’s name as, “Son of the Lion,” or simply as, “Son Lion.”

The date of the race was May 7, 2022, and as you probably know, the current Clock time matrix was updated just two nights ago to show the arrival of verse 167 on the Clock, which is Revelation 10:3.

Let’s read that passage together:

“And [he]cried with a loud voice, as when a LION roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices.” (Rev 10:3)

According to Strongs Concordance, the word that means “lion’ in the bible (whether Hebrew or Greek), occurs exactly 81 times.

I once wrote software for the parimutuel betting industry to calculate the probability of a horse winning based on the total betting pool, and to calculate the payout for each finish — a fact about my past that I never expected to share with you, my reader!

So, here are the odds of Rich Strike being the first horse to finish the Derby, and you will find this same number published widely since his victory one week ago.

$163.6 – 2 / 2 = 80.8
[Payout based on a $2 bet]

As you can see, the probability of this horse winning the Derby based on public betting that day rounds to 81 to 1!

Again, the occurrence of the word lion throughout the KJV bible is exactly 81 times!

Click the image above for Derby article

As if that wasn’t enough, let’s now look at the clock time that Rich Strike completed his 1-1/4 mile race on May 7, 2022.

The Kentucky Derby was won in 2 minutes, 2 seconds, and 61/100’s of a second, commonly reported in the press as 2:02.61.

When we enter 20261 as a whole number into a Microsoft computer and format the cell to return a date value, the resulting value can be any date throughout the year — any one of 365 possible dates between January 1 and December 31.

The result of this number 20261 in Microsoft when converted to a date value, however, is exactly the date of June 21 — the very month and day on which the Antichrist was born, and the same biometric used to affirm his identity in the 7 Thunders published last year!

You might notice, as well, that the common date reference for June 21 is the number 621, a number value that also appears in the final Derby race time of 2:02.61.

It might seem obvious to point out that the name Rich Strike also contains all the letters found in the word Christ!

One commentator that day referred to the winner not as Rich Strike, but as “lightning strike,” evoking the words of Jesus that when he returns, he will appear as lightning that shines forth from the east even unto the west (Matt 24:27).


I want to point out that the link between the Derby run time and the Antichrist does not mean that Rich Strike represents the Antichrist.

Rather, this Derby winner represents the victory of Christ over 666 and his takeover of the nations during the 1,260 days of Revelation, which on the Clock begin next March.

It may be that the sign of the Son of Man in heaven will become visible next year, just after the “great burning mountain” (Rev. 8:8) strikes Rome, destroying one third of Europe.

Please read Revelation 18:1-10 for a more detailed description of the stone that strikes modern Babylon, as well as the departure of those saints who make up the earliest part of the harvest in verse 4!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim update (05.08.22) — Friends, this week we reach the conclusion of 80 solar years since Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, declared the restoration of Zion to Jewish control on May 11, 1942.

This milestone of the Clock Prophecy recognizes that we are now six years further into the timeline than most believe, which is why we look for the 1,260 days of Revelation to begin only 10 months from now.

I wanted to mention that in re-reading The Man-Child critical update from 2019, I discovered a reference to the catching up of the First Fruits (the 144,000) at the end of 13 years following the birth of the Man-child in 2014.

In 2021, many of our timeline questions came into sharper focus as a result of the 2:58 PM anchor point for the 7 Trumpets, which are now vectored to fall in the year 2023.

Because of that, we know that the Man-child will experience its catching up (Rev 12:5) at the Third Trumpet where it falls in early 2023, consistent with the Daniel Key and the arrival of the birth event (in the PM layer of the Clock) this Fall.

I will soon be editing The Man-Child critical alert to reflect this correct placement of the First Fruits harvest where it falls next year — four years before the takeover of the nations in 2027.

I also expect the Church to experience redemption as the wheat harvest begins just after the rise of the Antichrist in the Spring of next year, however that does not mean the harvest of the Church will be confined to just one calendar day.

See my article on the Vineyard parable to understand why the second harvest group may not complete its exodus until the Clock end date in early 2025.

I was in a car accident just after the previous update in April and was in the hospital on two separate occasions. I am still quite shaken up by what happened. So, please remember me in your prayers as I remember to pray for each one of you.

I may have more to add to this interim update over the next few days, so stay tuned. – PJB


APRIL 20, 2022

Friends, this update marks the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock one year from now, where the 7 Thunders place the Antichrist’s rise to power in the Spring of 2023.

May 11, 2022 marks the completion of 80 solar years from the prophetic decree by Israeli Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, who declared the return of Palestine to Jewish control in 1942.

This was the date in modern Jewish history I was told to count from during a divine visitation in my home in the Spring of 2010.

I had no prior knowledge of this date until the visitation when Christ appeared to me.

Since God measures time from points of decree, it should not be surprising that the generation referred to by Jesus in Matthew 24 began six years earlier than the United Nations’ acknowledgment of Israeli statehood in 1948.


Now I want to share with you some amazing parallels between events in the holy land from 39 AD until 41 AD.

What follows will explain why the 41st year of the Antichrist was shown to me, and how it will mirror these remarkable events from Jewish history only months from now.

In 39 AD, Roman Emperor Caligula appointed Herod Agrippa I (Herod the Great’s grandson) to the position of Tetrarch over Galilee and Perea.

Two years later in 41 AD, Caligula was assassinated, and Herod Agrippa was made king over Judea and Samaria by Emperor Claudius Ceasar.


The Prince identified on the Clock as the future Antichrist became 39 years of age on June 21, 2021, 666 days before the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock.

On the Clock, this passage of scripture falls on April 20, 2023 during a total solar eclipse beginning the night before, on April 19, 2023.

In 41 BC, the year Herod Agrippa I was made King, an annular-total solar eclipse also occurred on April 19!

Chart of first century solar eclipses

[Click Chart above for entire history of first century eclipses]

While ruling over Judea, Herod Agrippa notoriously called for the murder of the Apostle James, making him the first Roman ruler responsible for the death of an Apostle.

[See Chapter 12 of Acts for reference to these events.]

In Revelation 13:3-5, the First Beast survives a near-fatal head wound, after which the Antichrist rises to power and the Church endures the greatest period of persecution in its history.

Claudius Caesar, who began his rule (as Emperor) in 41 AD after Caligula’s murder, presided over Rome during a time of famine that swept over the earth, an event also recorded in Acts 11:28.

Prince William Arthur Louis Philip, who will reach 41 years of age on Rosh Hashanah in late 2022, will become King during a period of world famine now spreading worldwide as a result of the war in Ukraine.

While the First Beast in Revelation survives his deadly wound to become the “image” portion of 666, we know the two beasts will occupy the world stage together for up to 1,260 days.

The combined authority of the two beasts will be used to enforce their MARK, and their persecution of the saints will spread to both hemispheres.

The derivative states of ancient Rome, which we know today as the EU, will be the seat of the Antichrist’s power, which is why the destruction of Rome is still in front of us.

The fall of God’s judgment will reduce the 27 kingdoms of the EU to just 10 (Rev 17:12) after a third of Europe (and the Vatican) are destroyed by the “great burning mountain,” a massive meteor described in Revelation 8:8 and 18:1-10.

The graphic below is taken directly from the Clock measurement spreadsheet to show the arrival of Revelation 13:11 during a total solar eclipse on April 19/20, 2023.

Note: Column 2 shows the number of days since the birth date of the Prince on the date indicated; column 3 shows the number of days since the Microsoft-adjusted birth date of Barack Obama, which is 11.26.62.

This measurement is actually two – the first using the Daniel Key to mark the arrival of Revelation 13:11 in the year 2023, and the second showing the combined ages of the two beasts.

Their combined ages is a period of 101 years – a match to the 101 key code shown to me in the vision 12 years ago.

The main feature of this 101 year convergence is a 50 day window (8 verses) between the head wound to the First Beast and the rise of the Second Beast.

The 50 day window was first derived using the Daniel Key to measure the text of Revelation 13 in both layers of the Clock, while a separate measurement based on the combined ages of the First and Second Beast shows the same 50 day window in the Spring of 2023!

It is this convergence of the Daniel Key and the combined ages of the two beasts that affirms the validity of all the key codes shown to me during the vision I received in the Spring of 2010.

As you know, I view the lapses of the Biden presidency as a pretext for the suspension of Constitutional law before the reappointment of Barack Obama to the US presidency.

I believe this is likely to occur even before we reach the US mid-terms in November.

Many in the Churches will soon conclude that Obama must be the Antichrist, however the central figure of 666 remains the Prince who becomes King in the book of Daniel.

It is the Antichrist’s Assyrian (Germanic) descent that affirms his figurehead role in 666.


We have gone over the biographical details of 666 in many past updates, but for the sake of new readers, I want to be sure these roles are completely understood.

In Thessalonians, Paul describes a religious figure who declares himself to be God — an individual we should recognize as the False Prophet — seated in Rome and worshiped by millions.

Paul’s portrayal of the False Prophet links him to 666 as the third member of a false Trinity, but not as the Antichrist himself.

The Antichrist, according to Daniel, will deny the god of his fathers, thus he could never be embraced, even by modern Jews, as a Messiah figure.

The same applies to a Muslim who denies the Islamic faith, making it impossible for a Mahdi to fulfill this prophecy.

We should be careful not to confuse these very distinct and separate biographies.


The massive meteor discussed here for many years and described in Revelation 8:8 arrives at 2:58 PM on the Clock (prophetically) in late January of 2023.

I expect the False Prophet to be destroyed when this “great burning mountain” strikes off the southern coast of Italy, destroying one third of Europe, and consuming the Vatican in fire.

It will be after this that the second beast, who is the Antichrist, directs worship to the “image” of the first beast following his survival of a deadly head wound.

The Antichrist himself will direct that the “image” be constructeda medical prosthesis in Obama’s likenessas stated in Revelation 13:14.

This prosthetic device will allow the disabled First Beast to address the public in a kind of resurrected body – speech enabled and remotely controlled, as stated in the same passage.

The “image” will thus be an impersonation of the Son, while the False Prophet will imitate the third member of the Trinity.

It should not be difficult to see, therefore, that the figurehead role of the Antichrist will be a blasphemous portrayal of God the Father, directing worship not to himself, but to the “son” through its “image.”


The temple is another area of misunderstanding by the modern Church.

Few realize that 70 AD marked the fulfillment of Daniel’s prophesied desecration of the temple approximately 40 years after the Lord’s death and resurrection.

The future sanctuary is the third and final temple to be occupied by the Messiah himself, as stated in Ezekiel, therefore it cannot be desecrated in any way.

Most of today’s eschatology also overlooks the removal of the temple’s foundation stones in the year 135 AD after the final Jewish revolt, exactly as Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24:2 and Luke 21;6,20,24.

This is critically important for two reasons.

First, these later events in the second century were Rome’s response to an uprising led by the self proclaimed Jewish Messiah, Simon Bar-Kokhba.

This fulfilled an earlier prophecy by Jesus that the Jews would receive one who comes in his own name, thus we should recognize that the false Messiah figure he warned us about has already come.

This is very significant because the Antichrist who appears at the end of the Age, according to Daniel, will disavow the God of his fathers.

Since no religious Jew would ever embrace someone who rejects the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we know the Antichrist will not be a Messiah figure.

This is also made clear in Isaiah 28:15, which states that Israel will enter into agreements with the Antichrist knowing his true nature, hiding behind deception in their dealings with him.

This may help you understand why the 1,260 days in Revelation is all that remains of the timeline to be fulfilled.

The Church will fall into confusion when so many prophesied events appear to be missing, when in fact they have already taken place!


In closing, the conclusion of 80 solar years on May 11, 2022 falls just six months before the return of the Man-child passage in November.

This may point to unusual celestial signs in the Fall, just as a Passover moon converged on the Clock with Revelation 12:1 on April 15, 2014.

This update may be the last warning we receive before the rise of the Antichrist one year from now, so it is my fervent prayer you will share it freely.

I rejoice with you in celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection as we approach the great harvest of the saints together!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

Interim update (04.14.22) — Friends, the new update will provide remarkable news on the 41st year of the Antichrist and the importance of Rosh Hashanah in September.

I know it has been difficult to remain patient with so many voices and so many different perspectives on current events, but rest assured that the harvest of the saints is about to begin!

The new update will go up before midnight tonight (April 16, 2022) to commemorate the 8th anniversary of the birth of the Man-child in 2014, marked by a critical Passover moon 13 years before Christ’s takeover of the nations in 2027!

You can learn more about the Man-child by reading the August 14, 2019 message under “Critical Clock Alerts.” — PJB


MARCH 19, 2022

Friends, I see nothing in scripture to support concerns of a nuclear war between the super powers or for atomic weapons used on a global scale.

I do, however, expect Russia’s aggression to spark a similar move by China, as stated in Revelation 9:16.

Let’s examine a map of the Euphrates and the path China will take across it in a massive operation involving at least part of its 200 million man army:

This incursion by China will arrive on the Clock later this month, as you can see by looking at “future Clock times” linked from the “Current Clock Time” page, or as shown here using the Daniel Key:

Dec 17, 2010 + (159 x (2,520 / 404) + 3,129 ) = Mar 29, 2022

Remember that the second Trumpet is vectored to 2:58 on the Clock, placing the second Trumpet in January of 2023, about 2 hours after its location in the text, as discussed a few updates ago.

Since the Trumpets must occur in their prophesied order, I have been directed by the Holy Spirit to apply the 2:58 anchor point to all the remaining Trumpets.

What this means is that the calendar vectors for all 7 Trumpets remain in total agreement with their verse separations in the text of the Bible.

This dislocation in the text was no doubt designed to prevent Satan from having advance knowledge of our place on the timeline.

Since we have reached the fulfillment of Revelation 10:7, however, the mystery of time has come to an end!

The 6th Trumpet, referring to China’s march across the Euphrates, now vectors to a calendar placement just after the rise of the Antichrist in April of 2023, as shown here:

JAN 27, 2023 + 18 (verses) x (2,520 / 404) = MAY 19, 2023
[Note: 18 verses separate the 1st and 6th Trumpets]

Here are the calendar vectors for all 7 Trumpets based on the arrival of 2:58 PM (prophetically) in 2023:

1st Trumpet: JAN, 2023 (Rev 8:7)
2nd Trumpet: JAN, 2023 (Rev 8:8)
3rd Trumpet: FEB, 2023 (Rev 8:10)
4th Trumpet: FEB, 2023 (Rev 8:12)
5th Trumpet: MAR, 2023 (Rev 9:1)
6th Trumpet: MAY, 2023 (Rev 9:13)
7th Trumpet: DEC, 2023 (Rev 11:15)

[Note: we should continue to view these calendar vectors as the earliest point of any related fulfillment]

Let’s now review a blow up of the middle east map, showing China’s passage through northern Iran and its actual target on the opposite side of the Euphrates based on its direction of travel.

I am not aware of any bible prophecy message today that recognizes this military assault by China as a move against the state of Israel!

This map makes it inescapable that China will soon target Israel with some sort of preemptive military maneuver, possibly intended to limit Israel’s ability to respond militarily once the nations of Iran, Turkey, Syria, and others move against her.

Armageddon itself takes place in northern Israel one year after this assault by China, as we can see by using the Daniel Key to measure the arrival of Revelation 16:16 on the Clock:

12.17.10 + 272 x (2,520 / 404) + 3,129 = MAR 3, 2024
[Note: verse 272 ends where Rev 16:16 begins]

Speculation that China will soon invade Taiwan may be nothing more than an attempt to divert attention from the true target of the globalists in their effort to prevent the return of Christ — the state of Israel.

I expect this move by China to occur almost immediately after the Prince steps into his biblical role as the Antichrist.

The Antichrist himself may well intercede on behalf of Israel in an attempt to prolong the return of Christ, as Satan’s objective at this point is simply to buy more time.

The return of Christ, however, will occur at its appointed time, and that is why I have asked that you be mindful of these words of prophecy in Revelation 17:17:

“For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.” (Rev 17:17)


In closing, we should remember to pray for those in Ukraine and in surrounding nations affected by war.

While the possibility of a more serious military campaign exists, I expect it to remain regional in nature.

Satan is hoping to preempt the 7 Trumpets of God’s Judgment by using Russia, however the divine war of the Lamb against the Beast will begin at its appointed time.

We should also be mindful that more disruptive false flags are about to begin.

Remember to forward your mailing address if you would like a free copy of my new book on the 7 Thunders, and remember to share this end time message with others before time runs out!

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal
MARCH 5, 2022

Friends, the one year reverse anniversary of the “great burning mountain” of Revelation 8:8 arrived in late January, thus we have only 11 months before a massive meteor strikes off the southern coast of Italy.

This update marks the one year reverse anniversary to yet another trigger event for the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe — a near-fatal head wound to the first beast, who the Clock has identified as Barack Obama.

The Revelation 13:3 event is linked to the 506 key code, which places it on March 5, 2023, the only placement on the Clock pointing to a specific date on the timeline!

This passage must be fulfilled before the arrival of the Antichrist, whose appearance in Revelation 13:11 is marked by a total solar eclipse on April 20, 2023.

The destruction of a third of Europe resulting from a meteor impact will cause England to reunify under the prince who becomes king (the Antichrist) also found in the book of Daniel.

The Antichrist has been identified using the global computer reference system created by Microsoft, as shown in the 7 Thunders published last year.

The values calculated in Microsoft fulfill Revelation 13:18 in combination with the number 666, as well as other key codes that are found in the Bible.

I want to show you a part of the Clock measurement that identifies the 101 vector connecting both the first and second beast based on their combined ages.

In addition, I want to reveal how this information is notated in the divine structure of the bible itself.

The graphic below is a small segment of a large spreadsheet whose algorithms are used to measure time in the book of Revelation.

In this excerpt, we see the placement of 13:3 where it falls on the modern calendar in real time.

With regard to this event, I expect it to take place somewhere inside a 50 day window identified using the Daniel Key.

Remember that a separate measurement of time based on the ages of these two men is corroborated separately using the Daniel Key to measure a span of just 8 verses, equal to 50 days!

Note: the 2nd column shows the number of days since the birth of the Prince on the date indicated. Column 3 shows the number of days since the Microsoft-adjusted birth date of Barack Obama, which is 11.26.62.

We know the combined 101 years of the first and second beast can be found using measurements of the biblical text, but in this update I want to share another corroboration from Revelation Chapter 10.

The 7 Thunders were withheld until the 21st century because the individuals making up the 666 triad had not yet been born.

We also know that John’s testimony is prophesied to reach a final conclusion in Revelation 10:11, shortly after he receives the “little book” from an angel that stands on the earth and on the sea.

The mystery of 666 was revealed in the Spring of 2021 on the 39th birth day of the prince — 666 days before the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock — where the rise of the Antichrist occurs during a solar eclipse in April of next year!

We should take note that the mystery of 666 comes to an end in Revelation 10:10,11, where John’s testimony also comes to an end.

Note that the same number of years (101) is also found in the verse notation itself — Revelation 10:11!

This passage contains yet another key code found in John 21:11, which is the number 153, a mystery the Church has pondered for nearly 2,000 years.

The number 153, when multiplied by 7, is the number 1,071, an appropriate placement for the 7 Thunders of Revelation, which also appear at this time juncture in the biblical text using the Daniel key, as shown here:

1071 / (2520 / 404) = 171.7 (verse)

Verse 171 is Revelation 10:7, which prophesies the conclusion of the mystery of the 7 Thunders!

If we add the small fraction of 0.7, it takes us fractionally into verse 8, which reads:

“And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth.” (Rev 10:8)

The small book revealing the 7 Thunders appears just three verses before the conclusion of John’s testimony in verse 11, which brings us to the calendar placement of day 1,071 where it falls in the PM layer of the Clock, where we are now:

1,071 + 3129 (12 hours) = 4,200
Dec. 17, 2010 + 4,200 = June 17, 2022

The placement of this text, which has not yet occurred, should explain why I have waited to share the 7 Thunders in printed format.

If indeed the 7 Thunders are to be published physically, I expect this to be made available between June and September of this year.

Remember that the prince will become 41 in Jewish custom on September 25, 2022, which is the first day of the Jewish new year, known as Rosh Hashanah.

A physical copy of the 7 Thunders will read a bit differently than the web version — if indeed I am directed to go forward with its publication.

If you wish to have a printed copy, please forward your mailing address to me using the ministry email on the main page of the website over the next several weeks.

There will be no charge for the 7 Thunders.


I will soon publish the section of the spreadsheet showing the rise of the Antichrist, which falls in the same 50 day window as the head wound passage.

I will post that graphic in the April update near the 20th of the month, just as I posted the March 5, 2023 Clock vector one year before we reach that passage next year.

A critical message having to do with China crossing the Euphrates (Rev 9:16) will be published soon, so please stay tuned!

Keep Revelation 17:17 in mind and remember to pray for those enduring the misdeeds of tyrants.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal


Interim update (02.26.22) — Friends, the words of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel perfectly describe events now occurring on the world stage:

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” (Matt 24:6)

On the Clock, we have moved into Revelation 9:12, just several verses from the advance of China’s 200 million man army (Rev 9:16), which arrives on the Clock on March 23, 2022.

Remain alert as we pass through these text placements where they fall on the calendar in real time.

Since the Chinese military excursion is part of the sixth trumpet, I do not expect this to occur before we reach Critical Mass on the Clock — after the first three trumpets vectored to the first half of 2023.

In other words, after the rise of the Antichrist and after the start of early harvest!

In this pre-update alert, I want to point out that global War (especially as a nuclear event) is not at all indicated in the text of Revelation. In fact, China’s march across the Euphrates is a regional assault, not a military action on the opposite side of the globe.

China’s military action will thus be limited — affecting a third of those targeted, not one third of the entire world population.

I am firmly convinced that God will not permit global war and that the 7 trumpets are targeted to those who are not marked by Christ during the fall of God’s wrath.

My understanding of the impact of a “great burning mountain” (Rev 8:7) off the southern coast of Italy is that it will preempt Satan’s attempts to destroy mankind, preventing the use of atomic weapons.

All of these things will play out according to scripture only as God allows!

Stay tuned for an upcoming update discussing the final months before the reappointment of Barack Obama to the US Presidency, and the knighting of the prince before he steps into his biblical role as Antichrist out of Europe. -PJB


Interim update (02.12.22) —— Friends, the criminalization of free speech in America under the department of Homeland Security is another step towards the suspension of Constitutional law, to be followed by the reappointment of Barack Obama to the US presidency in the months ahead.

See a report on this by the ACLJ using the link below.


Don’t be fearful as you watch things unfold, as these things have to happen before the start of the harvest, which is only a year away now.

Not only are we about to enter the events of Revelation 13, but also Chapter 18, which describes the Judgment of God on the globalist tyranny now underway.

Share these messages freely with others while you still have time.


FEBRUARY 3, 2022

Friends, this brief update will catch us up on a few things in progress, and why the book describing the 7 Thunders will be made available this Spring or Summer.

The prophecy of the 7 Thunders falls in Revelation 10:3, while the “little book” appears in verse 8.

On the Clock, the first mention of the 7 Thunders fell in the AM layer on October 17, 2013, while in the PM layer, this verse opens only 14 weeks from now, on May 12, 2022.

The final day of the visitation when Christ appeared to me and showed me the Clock was May 12, 2010!

Because of these text measurements, the book will not be published before the month of May.

Keep in mind that real time fulfillment has never preceded these measurements of the biblical text, however these events can indeed take place at a later point in time.

The future Clock time matrix showing the arrival of the “great burning mountain” in Revelation 8:8 is one example of such a placement.

That is why this particular time matrix shows two scripture fulfillments at the same time.

This is also why in 2021 I shared how this event in my vision was vectored to Clock time 2:58 – one hour and 48 minutes after its placement in the text.

The meteor that strikes southern Italy will arrive just one year from this week, where Clock time 2:58 PM vectors that event to the date of January 27, 2023!

One of my readers has asked me to comment on the current distance of the meteor from the Earth.

There are two possibilities I need to cover in dealing with that question.

First, if God is directing this object from inside our own star system, then it is currently around 614 million miles from the Earth – very near the orbit of Jupiter.

If, on the other hand, this object is brought in from another part of the cosmos in order to prevent a possible response by NASA (or others) seeking to destroy it, then the object’s position cannot be measured in distance, only as a placement in time on the Clock.

Since the meteor is vectored to late January in 2023, we have just 84 minutes of prophetic time before its arrival, with the head wound and the rise of the Antichrist immediately after.


We want to look now at the critical head wound matrix that vectors to March 5, 2023.

This key time measurement is published in the “Special Clock Times” PDF linked from the “Current Clock Time” page.

You already know about the layered fulfillment of prophecy in terms of event foreshadowing — for example, the affliction of Jonah in the belly of the whale as a prophecy for the burial and resurrection of Christ.

A similar layered fulfillment shows up in the 2023 head wound matrix, which testifies to the divine structure of the bible using the 1,260 days from the book of Revelation.

I added a notation at the bottom of this matrix to show how key code number 506 brings resolution to the Clock.

What we see is how the 1,260 days of Revelation appears on the Clock in both a forward and backward measurement in two layers of fulfillment.

First, the date of October 15, 2021 was 1,260 days from the end date on the Clock, which arrives at 6 PM prophetically, on March 28, 2025.

The addition of 506 days to October 15, 2021 brings us to the center of the head wound passage, which is also the start of the 1,260 days in Revelation 13:3-5, as I have pointed out in earlier updates.

Since the addition of 506 days to the reverse 1,260 day count from the end date on the Clock takes us to the start of the 1,260 days of Revelation, we can refer to this earlier metric as the first layer of a 1,260 day measurement.

As you can see in the matrix notation above, the days remaining to the end date on the Clock (from March 5, 2023) is 754 days.

Adding 506 to 754 brings us, once again, to the number 1,260!

The actual end point for these 1,260 days, of course, is August 16, 2026, or 42 months from March 5, 2023.

[Editor’s Note: since we did not reach Critical Mass in the first half of William’s 41st year, we are watching for this fulfillment before he reaches 42 on June 21, 2024]

Here is how it all looks in summary:

October 15, 2021 (1,260 days to the end date on the Clock)
+ 506 = March 5, 2023 (Rev 13:3)
= start of 1,260 days (Rev 13:3-5)

March 5, 2023 + 1,260 = Aug 16, 2026
754 + 506 = 1,260

I hope this helps you see how prophetic foreshadowing in scripture is mirrored by prophetic layers in the divine structure of the bible itself.


While Supreme Court decisions making the vaccine mandates illegal might appear to be a victory against tyrannical globalism, the truth is that such outcomes are pushing the globalists toward more desperate measures.

Growing media knocks against President Biden are likely a setup for the suspension of Constitutional law and Obama’s reappointment to the US presidency as early as this Summer.

None of these things can happen until their appointed times, but as we can see from measurements of the biblical text, our entry into Revelation 13 could bring early stages of prophetic fulfillment this year.

Someone asked about the April 20, 2023 solar event that converges with the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on the Clock.

I use the Norwegian based time zone management website called TimeAndDate to know where various Clock measurements fall on our modern calendar.

Here is the link:


The video at the link previews the 2023 solar eclipse and projects how it will appear when it occurs just over a year from now.

The image below shows where I stopped the simulation to mark the sun’s inclination at exactly 66.6 degrees of altitude, where its motion (direction) relative to the equator is also calculated.

The result of this inflection point at 66.6 degrees altitude is 330.87 degrees NNW.

On the Clock, 330.87 minutes falls just hours before the 41st birth day of the Prince, which begins at 3.31.352 PM (prophetically) on June 21, 2023.

This is a separation of just .0048187 — less than a third of one minute of time on the Clock!

Furthermore, with affirmation of the meteor’s impact off the southern coast of Italy (see the March 10, 2019 update under Critical Clock Alerts), we have yet another critical convergence with scripture.

Jesus said that his coming would be marked by a flash of lightning coming out of the east:

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” (Matt 24:27)

The meteor impact will create a brilliant flash in the eastern hemisphere (almost directly over Rome) before it travels around the globe to the western hemisphere.

We see this same flash of lightning in Revelation 18:1, which describes the destruction of Rome and one third of Europe immediately after.

Please share this end time message with others in the Churches while there is still time to do so.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

IMPORTANT: I have updated the Special Clock Times PDF to show a more consistent measurement of “days until the Clock ends” by using 12 AM calculations. This will avoid rounding in some but not all cases. Please replace your version if it was downloaded before January 22, 2022. Thank you.


Interim update (01.10.22) —— Friends, the “Special Clock Times” PDF has been updated to include the Rev 14:3 matrix connecting Obama and the Prince to the song of the 144,000, which appeared in the closing 2021 update.

I meant to include this matrix in the original upload, so my apologies. Please replace the version you have with the new one.

You may recall various key code calculations from the 5th Thunder published last year, in which the number 707 was used to identify the birth date of the Antichrist.

As shown in the 5th Thunder, the subtraction of 41 (the age of Antichrist when his rule begins) from 707 is 666.

Many applications of this were shown, including Clock time 7:07, which also vectors to the birth date of the Prince.

While preparing the PDF upload for “Future Clock Times” earlier in January, I discovered two additional proofs of the Clock identification of 666.

If you look at the matrix for the arrival of Revelation 13:11 on April 20, 2023, you will see that time remaining from that point until the end date on the Clock (March 28, 2025) is exactly 707 days!

This completely separate calculation is not derived from Clock time 7:07, for one because the arrival of April 20, 2023 falls at 3:17 in the PM layer while 7:07 O’Clock fell in the AM layer during the “black ring” period.

Another affirmation occurs with the arrival of the 229th verse of Revelation in early June only days from the 41st birthday of the Prince in 2023.

As a reminder, verse 229 is the placement of Revelation 13:18, the only verse in the bible that refers to 666.

Looking at this matrix on page ten of the PDF for “Future Clock Times,” we can see that just hours before Revelation 13:18 opens on June 3, 2023, there are exactly 666 days remaining on the Clock!

This year promises to bring many surprises as we approach Critical M
ass just one year from now!


JANUARY 2, 2022

Friends, we have talked about crucial Clock times in 2023 pertaining to the head wound event and to the decimation of Europe followed by the rise of the Antichrist.

In this update, we want to preview a few additional Clock times that pertain to the second half of 2022.

These and other Clock times will be linked from the “Current Clock Time” page later in January, and it is my prayer you will keep physical copies of them in the event we lose access to the website in the coming months.

The first Clock time relevant to the new year is the arrival of Rosh Hashanah and the 41st year of the Antichrist on September 25, 2022, just months before he takes power.

This particular matrix is unique for its many overlays to the identity of the Beast, but also because it reveals all three members of 666, as shown below.

Note that Clock time 2.29666 vectors to Rosh Hashanah in 2022 at minute 269.7, meaning 269.7 minutes from 10 O’Clock in the PM layer of the Clock, where we are now.

Microsoft also vectors the number 269 to the date of September 25 by adding this value to its global reference date of December 30, 1899, as discussed in the 7 Thunders.

This was the very date in 2014 on which Revelation 13:11 fell in the AM layer of the Clock based on independent use of the Daniel Key — on exactly Rosh Hashanah that year!

We also see that the only verse in Revelation referring to 666 is verse 229 itself, an analog to the hour and minute in this matrix marking the 41st year of the Antichrist on Rosh Hashanah in 2022!

UN Beast Statue Recently Erected

Rosh Hashanah this year will converge on the Clock with Revelation 11:13, a mirror to 13:11, but there is further significance in the subsequent verse for its prophecy of a large earthquake “the same hour.”

An hour on the Clock is almost 9 months, and the arrival of the great meteor in early 2023 will produce the greatest earthquake in recorded history just 4 months after the first day of the Jewish new year this Fall.

The separation in time between Rosh Hashanah in 2022 and the arrival of 2:58 PM on the Clock where the “great burning mountain” strikes Europe in early 2023 is 124 days, or about 29 minutes prophetically.

01.27.2023 – 09.25.2022 = 124
124 / (480 / 2086) = 28.5

This convergence of time on the Clock at Revelation 11:13 is fully consistent with the prophecy for a large earthquake during “the same hour,” in this case between 2:29 and 2:58 on the Clock!

Incredibly, this same matrix identifies all three individuals in the 666 triad using key codes from the 7 Thunders, as shown here:

229 – 41 = 188 = Rev 11:13
229 + 41 = 270 = Rev 16:13
1172 – 1126 = 46 + 1962 = 2008
BO = 11.26.1962 + 46 = 2008

We see that by subtracting the number 41 (the age of the Antichrist when his rule begins) from Clock time 2.29, we also arrive at verse 188, or Revelation 11:13 – the same as when using the Daniel key alone.

When adding 41 to 229, we arrive at 270, which is the verse in Revelation that first mentions the False Prophet before his destruction in Chapter 19.

Rounding 269.7 minutes on the Clock also points to the 270th verse of the Apocalypse in a separate mathematical link to the False Prophet.

In the case of Barack Obama (the first beast), we find him by subtracting his adjusted birth metric (1126) from the day value of this matrix in the AM layer (1172) and adding the result (46) to his actual year of birth in 1962.

This last calculation provides the year Obama entered the US presidency in 2008 at the age of 46!

All three roles are needed for the creation of an unholy trinity in order to impersonate (imitate) the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


We now turn to a Clock matrix I have not previously discussed for the PM layer, and it falls on the Clock just 10 months from now.

This matrix shows the arrival of Revelation 12:2 in the PM layer and prophesies the birth of the Man-Child before the flight of the woman in verse six.

In the AM layer, this verse fell on April 17, 2014, converging with a rare Passover blood moon in real time as the original Passover cited in Psalm 78 moved across the Clock, showing the validity of these end time measurements.

The Passover reference in Psalms 78 and the Passover moon in Revelation 12 are both mathematically linked to mark the actual birth of the Man-child almost 8 years ago!

For proof of this, see monograph 6 on page 38 in Chapter three of my book, The Clock of the 4 Night Watches.

The timing of key celestial events in conjunction with the divine structure of the bible is proof that the Clock Prophecy marks our actual place on the timeline.

Since the birth of the Man-child has already occurred (see a critical update about this under “Critical Alerts”) what should we expect at the arrival of this passage in the PM layer of the Clock in the Fall?

The Man-child will reach eight years of age next Spring, and at the age of 13 these 144,000 Hebrew children will begin to rule the nations with Christ at the start of his millennial Kingdom.

We may see a manifestation of this out of Israel this Fall, or evidence of the Man-child may not become apparent until the Antichrist rises to power the following Spring.

Likewise, the prince may rise to power as the new King near the start of his 41st year this Fall, although his role as Antichrist will not begin before we reach Revelation 13:11 on the Clock the following April.

We should watch for all of these events — Obama’s return to power, the arrival of the Man-child, and the knighting of the Prince — as a carefully orchestrated string of events that begin as early as this year.

You may recall that the “half hour of silence” presented in the 7 Thunders begins on October 25, 2022, and ends on the final day of the head wound passage 134 days later — a span of 31 minutes on the Clock.

As a reminder, the June 21, 2023 matrix connecting Obama and the Prince to Revelation 14:3 links both men to the arrival of the 144,000, whose song of celebration begins in the summer of 2023.

We are just one year from the arrival of Critical Mass in real time and the start of early harvest!

Note: You can now view or download a PDF of both future and Special Clock times from the “Current Clock Time” page, just scroll to the bottom where links are provided.

God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:

“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)

….Peter John Brandal

(C) 2010-2022 The Clock Prophecy and The Clock of the Four Night Watches
(All Rights Reserved)