Note: Dates discussed in these messages indicate scripture placements on the Clock and are not dates of predicted fulfillment, but dates to Watch.
December 28, 2019
Friends, I am away from home as I write this brief message on current events and what may be in store for us in the Spring of 2020. This will also be my final message for 2019 as we look toward the arrival of Critical Mass on the Clock as early as next year.
President Trump’s impeachment can be viewed as an act of desperation by Lucifer as he tries to derail America’s role in bible prophecy. The Left’s drive toward Socialism is not so much a political movement as it is a veiled attempt by Satan to isolate and ultimately destroy Israel. All his attempts to subvert democracy in the US and infect the globe with Communism are a part of that strategy.
We continue to watch for the Obama event (Rev 13:3-5), which will converge with the destruction of Europe when a large meteor (Rev 8:8) strikes off the coast of Italy. Much of John’s description of Rome’s destruction can be found in Revelation Chapter 18.
At the same time, Boris Johnson’s rise in the UK threatens the globalist agenda by advancing British sovereignty through a desire for separation from the EU. The revival of BREXIT in the UK is an exact parallel to the rise of Donald Trump in America, where the America First campaign promises to restore American nationalism.
On the surface, these various political movements might appear to be a product of the human psyche, but in reality they mask the war of the Lamb against the beast found in the book of Revelation. Such events are a catalyst designed to bring about the rise of the Antichrist before our final generation comes to a close.
I believe our progression to Critical Mass will occur in the Spring as opposed to the Winter, Summer, or Fall. This will allow for the 1,260 days of John’s vision to conclude during a week of Tabernacles in the year of the Lord’s coming, fulfilling the final Feast known as Sukkot.
Remember to pray for Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel and for President Trump in his role as leader of the free world as often as you pray for your loved ones.
I am grateful to those of you who follow these updates and I thank you for supporting me with your thoughts and prayers. May you have a wonderful holiday and I look forward to seeing you in the new year!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
December 1, 2019
Friends, the resilience of President Trump in the face of government insiders seeking to destroy him is moving us closer to Critical Mass on the Clock. It is my view, however, that if the Obama event takes place before the US Presidential election in 2020, President Trump is unlikely to be reelected.
For the same reason, I expect BREXIT to fail in the UK as the globalists continue to destabilize our two democracies. The events of the 7th Seal will be God’s answer to both the rise of the Antichrist government, as well as a military assault on Israel by Turkey, Russia, and key Arab states in the region.
For some time, we have heard false prophecies about World War 3 and the use of nuclear weapons by America’s enemies. The truth is that God will use a massive rock — referred to as a stone cut without hands in Daniel and as a “great burning mountain” in the book of Revelation — to target modern Babylon, the capital city of which is Rome, and whose riches flow from the EU.
Once Obama becomes the image of 666 and the Antichrist takes power, Israel will become isolated and the time of Jacob’s trouble (as well as the harvest of saints) will begin.
A 1,600 mile wide blast zone will decimate most of Europe as a meteor strikes off the coast of Italy, an event John described as the second Trumpet of the 7th Seal. This will be followed by a smaller object (third Trumpet) which may impact the great lakes of the northeastern United States, or even New York City.
These early Trumpets will coincide with an early harvest of believers who, according to Jesus, will be caught up in an order they do not expect, meaning redemption will not take place on the same day for each and every believer. My article on the four-part harvest shows why Jesus used four clock times to represent our redemption at the end of time. My discussion of this topic can be accessed from the main page of the website.
In a recent video, I recommended the live stream broadcast of a YouTube channel that exposes the anti-biblical doctrines of contemporary Christian music. The channel called DrewBloom34 reviews the lyrics of individual songs and examines public statements made by various artists.
DrewBloom34 looks at the music of Lauren Daigle, Hillsong, Mercy Me, Justin Timberlake, to name a few. I am not familiar with most of the music discussed by Drew Bloom. I agree with his view that a false gospel is being inserted into the Christian mainstream, with a focus on religious music.
I believe this is part of the same flood of deception from the mouth of the dragon we find in Revelation 12, discussed often in these updates. The target of Satan’s disinformation campaign is both the state of Israel and the Church itself. In this passage, John warns that a flood is sent forth to carry away the woman. In scripture, the Jewish state and the Church are both depicted using the female gender.
Since I recommended Drew’s live stream to my viewers a few months ago, a few of his videos have raised concerns that I feel need to be addressed. This is a caution to my readers about his view that Kanye West is promoting a false conversion for the purpose of deceiving the public.
To begin with, I see no evidence to support this claim. In the absence of public statements by Kanye West refuting the Lord’s deity or his resurrection, I will continue to believe that his conversion is real.
The Apostle Paul said that “whatsoever is not of faith is sin,” and by rejecting a good report when it comes to us, we are causing far more harm than good. I have cautioned Drew about this but he seems to be doubling down.
I was recently banned by one of his live stream moderators and can no longer participate there. I see reason to believe that his channel is under attack by some of the very agents of Satan that he seeks to warn us about. Please keep him in prayer that God will guide his thoughts and understanding.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
October 28, 2019
Friends, everything is falling into place so quickly now that our progression to Critical Mass in 2020 may seem inescapable. With each political victory we see handed to President Trump, we move closer to the takeover of the nations by Christ. The enemy is resisting this advance toward freedom using the political process, global media, atheist activists, and social forums.
Satan knows that Messiah will rule the earth from Jerusalem. And his contempt for the United States is due to the fact that America was raised up (as was Trump) for the defense of the Jewish state. His assault on both America and Israel has reached a fevered pitch.
In the August 14, 2019 update, we discussed the catching up of the man-child in 2027 and the return of Christ in 2030. Based on that, our progression to Critical Mass in 2020 seems rather unlikely.
But is it possible?
Might the 144,000 experience early rapture at the age of six in 2020, followed by a 7 year wait before the conquest of the nations in 2027 when the man-child (then in heaven) reaches 13 years of age?
If the first fruits harvest (Rev 14:4) occurs in 2020, then the Lord’s coming may take place in the Fall of 2023 at the end of 1,260 days, or 42 months. In that scenario, the return of Christ would be followed by a four year delay before the man-child begins to share his divine rule over the nations.
It may be that the significance of 2030 is only to mark the start of the Millennial Kingdom rather than to mark either the Last Trump or the Lord’s physical return. Consequently, both of those events may indeed occur sooner, and thus our progression to Critical Mass and the start of early harvest may occur sooner, as well!
In Chapter 4 of my book, I discuss Daniel’s prophecy for the dividing of the 70th Week by the death of Messiah, and how this reduction in time was fulfilled by Jesus himself during his ministry to the Jews. That would explain why John refers only to a period of 1,260 days (not 2,520 days) in the book of Revelation.
I believe the catching up of the 144,000 will take place at the start of these 1,260 days, thus if it does occur before 2027, the man-child’s progression to adulthood will occur partly on the earth and partly in heaven. While this again is possible, it may be that the 13 year period from 2014 to 2027 must elapse before we reach Critical Mass on the Clock.
Meanwhile, Satan is using every tool at his disposal to prevent any of these events from happening. Here are three in particular he is trying to thwart:
1) The re-election of President Trump in 2020
2) The success of BREXIT in the UK
3) The rule of King David (Benjamin Netanyahu) over Israel.
God may, in fact, allow Satan to prevent all of these from happening in a show of his divine wisdom before the destruction of Rome when a meteor strikes off the coast of Italy. Remember that when Judas betrayed Christ, God’s plan of salvation was not impeded, but rather accelerated, despite Satan’s best efforts!
In Chapter 6 of my book, the future King of England is identified as the biblical Antichrist using the divine structure of the Bible. His time of birth occurs at exactly the arrival of the Second Beast in Revelation 13:11, which is how I came to understand the true meaning of 666.
This is also how we know England will be the nation from which the Antichrist will arise to promote the fallen Obama and his image — a robotic prosthesis designed to compensate for his disability after surviving a near-fatal head wound — before Satan uses them both in a final attempt at global tyranny.
Britain’s desire for freedom is (like President Trump in America) a catalyst designed to bring us to the early Trumpets of the 7th Seal and the start of the four part harvest outlined by Jesus in his parable of the vineyard. See my article on the 4-part harvest to understand what I teach about the three Rapture groups and why Jesus used four Clock times to represent our redemption.
We are watching for the global elite to sacrifice Obama (Rev 13:3) in a false flag meant to target President Trump (or his supporters) in the days ahead. It could be they intend to kill Obama outright, but bible prophecy says he will survive his deadly wound, after which the Antichrist will arise to idolize the ‘fallen’ American leader.
We also watch for a ten-state confederation to replace the EU states that exist today, a configuration brought about by the destruction of “that great city” (Rev 8:8/18:1-10), meaning Rome. The meteor blast zone will extend approximately 1,600 miles, incinerating half of Europe and killing many tens of million of people.
While the impact shock wave will stop at the English channel and leave the Antichrist’s headquarters in London unscathed, it will alter the geopolitical landscape of the entire world in one hour!
The new political ideology of a reconfigured Roman empire will perfectly mirror the tyrannical nature of early Rome, which is why John wrote:
“The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.” (Rev 17:8)
The beast that disappeared for a period of time and is now returning to global prominence is Rome — meaning the empire, not the Vatican whore — soon to be joined by a confederation of ten satellite states.
Please share this message with your pastor, family, and friends.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: President Trump’s withdrawal of troops from northern Syria in the last 48 hours is of utmost importance due to a military response involving Turkey. Turkey is a key actor in the confederation of Islamic states prophesied to attack Israel in Psalm 83, thus we are moving closer to the battle of Armageddon with these developments. A future assault on the Jewish state, as well as the head wound event and destruction of Rome by meteor, will bring us to the start of early Rapture as this trifecta of bible prophecy unfolds! Stay tuned!
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October 3, 2019
Friends, the 41st Golden Jubilee that may have ended in April relies on the calendar of early Rome and how it links to our modern era. For that reason, it remains a possibility that we have not yet reached the end point of these 41 Jubilee periods, and may do so in 2020.
In whatever year it occurs, it will mark a point of fulfillment for the following prophecy in the book of Revelation:
“And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven… that there should be time no longer…“ (Rev 10:6)
In fact, something strange will take place to mark the end of time as John also describes in the following passage:
“And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.” (Rev 8:1)
I believe this roughly half hour of silence in heaven marks the start of the four-part harvest, the catching up of the man-child (Rev 12:5), the rise of the Antichrist out of Europe (Rev 13:11), and the destruction of Rome when a large meteor strikes off the coast of Italy (Rev 8:8 / 18:1-10.) All of these events are what we mean by Critical Mass on the Clock!
In my book, I show how the half hour of silence appears on the Clock as 33 minutes (144 days) using the prophetic key in Daniel divided by the total number of verses in the book of Revelation, as I was instructed during a visitation of Jesus Christ in my home during the Spring of 2010.
Here is the math:
(2,520 / 404) = 6.237
Each verse of Revelation is therefore equal to about 6.24 days. Since the separation in verses between the end of the 6th Seal and the first Trumpet of the 7th Seal (where the half hour of silence occurs) is 23 verses:
23 x 6.24 = 144 days
The Clock measures a period of 2,086 days divided into 8 hours of prophetic time, or 480 minutes. This is an exact match to the number of hours Jesus used in his parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20, although I was not aware of this fact during his visitation in 2010.
Now let’s measure the number of days equal to one minute on the Clock:
2,086 / 480 = 4.35 days
A minute on the Clock is therefore equal to 4.35 days.
Next, we want to find how many minutes are represented by 144 days of silence in heaven:
144 / 4.35 = 33 minutes
John wrote, “…about half an hour…”
I discovered this mathematical proof of the Clock in 2014, four years after the visitation in 2010! And while these measurements of time are prophetic in nature, it is quite possible some may be literal with regard to key prophecies yet to be fulfilled.
I published 10 monographs in my book to show the real-time convergence of past events and where they fell on the Clock as proof of the divine structure of the Bible.
The genius of God is that we are given this divine witness with regard to past events while the day or hour of any future event remain unknown to us!
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Now let’s look at how the period of time between the catching up of the man-child and the rapture of the Church may be a period of just four months based on a count of verses between the first and sixth Trumpets of the 7th Seal!
In Revelation 12, the catching up of the man-child and the flight of the woman mark the start of a 42 month period in which all the events of the 7 Trumpets take place. The wrath of God is poured out only after the rise of the Antichrist. Since the head wound event (Rev 13:3) also occurs at the start of this 42 months (Rev 13:5), we know the trumpets of harvest and the trumpets of God’s Judgment are either the same trumpets — or else they closely overlap!
I have previously explained that the catching up of the man-child takes place between the second and third Trumpets when two objects strike the Earth, one of which will destroy Rome. This is described in both Revelation Chapters 8 and 18, as well as reference to a departure or exodus as Rome is consumed by fire.
Let’s read it now:
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” (Rev 18:4)
The phrase “come out of her” begins with the Greek word “exerchomai” (G1831), meaning “to depart,” and remarkably, “to emanate with a sudden flash of lightning.”
The harvest according to Jesus in Matthew 20 takes place in four parts, and since the man-child is the “first fruits” according to John in Revelation 14:4, we know the Rapture of the Church cannot occur before the catching up of the 144,000.
I have shared why I expect the larger Rapture group (group two) to occur at the sixth Trumpet, both because Jesus refers to the second group departing at the 6th hour of the day, but also because this larger departure took place at the 6th Trumpet in a vision shown to me many years ago!
It follows, then, that we want to measure the time between the second Trumpet of the 7th Seal and the arrival of the sixth Trumpet using the divine structure of the bible. We find the earlier event in Revelation 8:8, while the blowing of the sixth Trumpet occurs in Revelation 9:13.
A total of 19 verses separates the second and sixth Trumpets where they fall in scripture. Using the earlier instruction, we want to measure the time value this represents, as shown below:
19 x (2,520 / 404) = 119 days (or about 4 mths)
If the man-child is caught up closer to the third Trumpet (Rev 8:10), then the gap in time is about two weeks less, but since we have no way of knowing if these measurements are to be applied literally, we won’t concern ourselves with such a minor separation in time.
Here is where this time value falls on our modern calendar:
April 17, 2027 + 119 days = August 14, 2027
I find it noteworthy that during the 119 days following April 17, 2027 (read about the importance of this date in the previous message), we will pass into the Festival of Weeks before reaching the Feast of Trumpets in early October of that year.
While none of this means we know the day or hour of any future event, we should take comfort in the fact that the divine structure of the bible is guiding us closer to the moment of our departure regardless.
Keep in mind that the exodus of harvest group two may not be confined to a single day, just as the journey of the Israelite’s out of Egypt was not confined to one day. Nor did the rapture of Enoch and the catching up of Elijah occur on the same day.
The “Universal Day of Rapture” doctrine taught by the modern church is refuted by Jesus when he says we are to watch for our “Lord when he shall return FROM the wedding.” (Luke 12:36)
That is also why the virgins are separated at the door into the marriage (Matt 25). And it is why Jesus warns that “many first shall be last, and last that shall be first.” (Matt 20:16)
See my article on the four-part harvest to understand why Jesus used four clock times in his parable of the vineyard, why John in Revelation 6:6 refers to the four crops of Israel, and why the man-child is called the “first fruits” of harvest in Revelation 14:4.
The 7th and final Trumpet of the 7th Seal occurs in Revelation 11:15, or some 33 verses after the 6th Trumpet in Chapter 9.
Here is the time value (or gap) represented by this verse count:
33 x (2,520 / 404) = 206 days
Now let’s apply this time increment should it occur as an actual placement in real time:
August 14, 2027 + 206 days = March 7, 2028
If this represents the actual date of fulfillment for the 7th Trumpet, it might explain the words of Paul when quoting Isaiah in the book of Romans:
“For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth.” (Rom 9:28)
Might this mean the return of Christ occurs in 2028? I think it more likely means that the first two harvest groups are fully removed before the remainder of God’s wrath has been poured out upon the earth.
If that is the case, the return of Christ might still occur in late 2030 after a period of 1,260 days, thus the time of Jacob’s Trouble would come to a close at its appointed time.
If indeed these time values represent literal fulfillment on our modern calendar, the most severe period of God’s Judgment upon the world (including roll-out of the MARK) will occur between 2028 and late 2030.
At the same time, it appears the first two harvest groups will be spared the final two and a half years of Great Tribulation!
I mentioned before that Brexit poses a risk to the globalists and that God is using this to move us closer to Critical Mass on the Clock. We can see a parallel assault on liberty here in the US and in Israel as agents of Lucifer are trying desperately to destroy our democratic nations.
The real objective, of course, is the destruction of the Jewish state. The media is awash in propaganda aimed at Israel, President Trump, conservative speakers, and religious leaders. My own YouTube channel has been virtually shut down, with exposure confined just to my immediate base of subscribers.
We need your help to make this information available to everyone in the churches by linking to this material from your own social media and email platforms. Instead of money, all we have ever asked for is your participation in sharing this end time message!
Remember that everything we see happening now is being orchestrated by God to force Satan’s hand and bring us into the events of Revelation 13. While this may happen in 2020, it may also happen later, or we may progress to Critical Mass in the next few months.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, the suspension of the UK parliament by the Queen of England (and Boris Johnson) is another blow to the globalist cabal representing the power of modern Rome. The success of Brexit threatens to dissolve the EU, which is why the forces of Antichrist are under pressure to stage a near-fatal assault on Barack Obama. His look-alike (image) will be used to garner support for the Antichrist, whose rise to power out of England has been discussed at length in these pages. There is more to come as we move closer to Critical Mass on the Clock! Stay tuned!
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August 14, 2019**
Revelation of the Man-Child: 2014 to 2027
Friends, our passage out of the black ring on the Clock before the events of Revelation 13 means we may be moving past an 80 year generation in which all (or most) of the events of Revelation occur by the Fall of 2020.
Remember that this is based on the lunar cycle and not the solar cycle calendar. An 80 year generation continues for one additional year using the solar cycle.
Regardless when an 80 year period ends, this critical update will show how the takeover of the nations has already begun, and why I expect the rule of Christ to begin in 2027!
We want to examine what Jesus said and how God, through scripture, is guiding us forward. Let’s begin with this key passage from Matthew:
“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors. Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” (Matt 24:32-34)
Jesus used the Greek word, “genea” (G1074) meaning a period of time equal to as little as 30 years, but according to Strong’s bible compendium, it can also refer to the lifespan of those alive to see the events described by him in this passage.
Further, Jesus said the first day of a final generation would be marked by the rebirth of Zion, which is the city of Jerusalem. Remember that when he cursed the fig tree a year into his ministry, it was a prophecy for the destruction of Jerusalem just one generation later.
The removal of every stone of Jerusalem’s foundation under Rome’s emperor Hadrian occurred in 132 AD, exactly as Jesus said.
Also note that this marked the start of the Jewish diaspora, a scattering of the Jews among the nations, described in verses 15-19 of the same passage. Much of what Jesus said concerning future events took place within one generation after his death, and for that reason I believe our current and final genea can be found within the boundaries of this earlier time frame.
Since the length of a genea in Greek is not prescribed using a specific period of days or years, we must seek God’s guidance in our study of His Word during this critical period of history as we Watch, as no one can calculate the day or hour.
[See the introduction of my book to understand the significance of May 11, 1942, the critical date in modern Jewish history consistent with the prophetic key given to Daniel to mark the start of our final generation.]
Let’s look at the period of time between the Lord’s death and the (final) prophesied destruction of Jerusalem, which occurred nearly 2,000 years ago:
132AD – 30AD = 101 years
We are calculating 101 years to reflect the partial years consumed by both events, and because actual dates cannot be established with complete certainty. My own exhaustive study has led me to believe that Christ was born in the year 3 BC, thus the Lord’s age of 33 years at the time of his death in 30 AD.
I have mentioned the importance of the number 101 for me personally in an earlier update, but in this message, I want to explore another calculation that pertains to the birth and maturity of the man-child in Revelation Chapters 7, 12, and 14.
In Part 2, I will explain how the time frame Jesus prophesied for Jerusalem’s destruction in 132 AD, a period of about 101 years from the time he spoke this prophecy, is also the duration of our final generation before it is shortened, as Jesus promised to do in Matthew 24:22:
“…but for the elect’s sake, those days shall be shortened.” (Matt 24: 22)
I expect our final genea to conclude with the takeover of the nations during a period of exactly 13 years, and the next segment will make clear why I believe we are already near the mid-point of this 13 year period.
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In a past message, I shared a personal revelation regarding the hour and minute of my birth, on the date of my birth, where it fell on the Clock in 2014, and where John describes the birth of the man-child in Revelation 12:2.
I did not delve deeply into this at the time because I didn’t understand why it happened, or what it meant. Now that we have moved outside the black ring on the Clock, however, I have been led to share more about it, and to open a final chapter of revelation into the Clock Prophecy.
First, let’s take a look at the math:
Dec 17, 2010 + ((2520 / 404) x 194)
= April 10, 2014
[2,520 is Daniel’s master prophecy number and there are 404 verses in the book of Revelation; the number 194 refers to the final verse of Revelation 11, where Chapter 12 begins); this is according to the Lord’s instruction to me during a visitation in my home in the Spring of 2010.]
This shows that on April 10, 2014, we entered Revelation 12, in which a woman wearing a crown with 12 stars is about to give birth to the man-child.
Historically, we view the man-child as representing Jesus, who was saved from the diabolical plot of King Herod who sought to murder him.
We also know this passage to be a prophecy for the man-child found in Revelation Chapter 7, in which John describes a group of 144,000 Hebrew male children taken in equal numbers from all the tribes of Israel.
“And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the CHILDREN of Israel.” (Rev. 7:4)
The word for “children” here is the Greek huios (G5207), meaning a firstborn male, and John further amplifies this description when he describes their birth using the term “man-child” in Revelation 12:5:
“And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations…”
John writes in Revelation 2:26 that Christ will rule the earth with those to whom he “gives power over the nations,” and not by himself. I believe this points to the 144,000 as the army God is preparing now to take over the nations!
The 144,000 Hebrews are further described in Chapter 14:
“These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins.” (Rev 14:4)
It should be obvious that an infant must grow to sexual maturity before the trait of virginity becomes meaningful. Since the word “virgin” does not apply to newborns, we must consider how Hebrew culture defines the nature of infant males as they move from preadolescence into adulthood.
In Jewish law, Hebrew males reach manhood at 13 years of age, at which point they attain bar mitzvah, or accountability. This threshold of emotional and spiritual maturity is marked by a religious ceremony dating back thousands of years. It is a hallmark of Jewish life to this day.
What this tells us is that a Hebrew male cannot become a virgin until he has reached the age of 13!
Please be sure that you fully grasp these key points, as we are about to make a quantum leap forward in our understanding of our place on the prophetic timeline.
One of the earliest pages of this website can be found by clicking the Clock image from the home page. You may have seen a list of several key dates archived to that page since the website’s original upload in 2010.
The first date listed there is April 6, 2012.
This date was a result of measuring time from an instruction I received audibly which I did not record (as such) in these messages. The date itself, however, has been archived here for many years without explanation.
Now I need to share exactly how this mark in time came about for the purpose of revealing its prophetic significance.
The words spoken to me on the evening of October 14, 2006 were:
“Thirteen days out of 2,000 days.”
I had not yet experienced the visitation in 2010, nor had I received the audible message in 2008 referring to the importance of 1942 in modern Jewish history.
In any event, the next morning I calculated ahead 2,000 days and found the result to be the night before Good Friday in 2012.
Since this fell just one day before Passover six years later, I recorded the result as Good Friday, as shown here:
October 14-15, 2006 + 2,000 days
= April 6, 2012
This date in 2012 took on added meaning for me after the visitation in 2010, because it fell into the period of time marked by the Clock of the Four Night Watches — between the Tenth of Tevet in 2010 and late 2016 — near (but not on) the Feast of Trumpets.
For nearly two years, I believed these dates pointed to either the Rapture of the Church or to the rise of the Antichrist!
The portion of the message referring to “13 days” remained such a mystery to me that I made no effort to discuss it at all, which is why I published only the future date based on the second portion, as shown in the measurement above.
I have waited all these years to understand the significance of these “13 days,” and now the time has come for the full meaning of those words (as revealed by the Holy Spirit) to be realized.
As you know, I teach that the Seals began to be opened in the summer of 2012, and that Passover in 2012 was the final Passover before Christ began his conquest of the nations, as stated in Revelation 6:1 and Revelation 11:15.
Let’s briefly review the evidence for this before we continue discussing the timeline. Here are events that show how Christ has already begun his assault on the nations:
1) Increasing exposure of the elite and their crimes against humanity
2) Global banker deaths close to two hundred since late 2012
3) The electoral defeat (or containment) of tyrannical governments around the world
4) The near elimination of ISIS since the election of President Trump
5) Victories in the legislature increasing protections for the unborn
6) Victories in the legislature protecting our civil and religious freedoms
The arrival of Passover in 2012 thus points to a dual layer of prophetic fulfillment after the conclusion of 2,000 days that year, even as we came to the end of the First Watch on The Clock of the Four Night Watches, just weeks before Psalm 40:7 — announcing the return of Christ and linked mathematically to Revelation 6:1 — fell on the Clock!
[For the divine witness that marked the opening
of the first Seal, see the first monograph on
page 31 in Chapter 3 of my book]
I now want to share why I believe the words, “13 days out of 2,000 days,” points to a longer period of time and a final layer of prophetic fulfillment in which 13 years out of 2,000 years will bring us to the complete takeover of the nations by a fully developed man-child!
In scripture, a week of years refers to one day as equivalent to one year, and I now understand the words, “13 days out of 2,000 days” to mean, “13 years out of 2,000 years,” as it pertains to the birth of the man-child in 2014 and his divine appointment to rule with Christ in 2027!
As stated earlier, my time of birth at 5:41 AM on my birthday in 2014 fell on the Clock exactly where the woman delivers the man-child in Revelation 12:2. (The exact date was the 17th of April.) Obviously, I am not currently five years old and I do not believe myself to be part of the man-child. Rather, God has provided us a marker in time to show the actual year in which the 144,000 were given birth!
By adding 13 years to my birth date in 2014, we arrive at the year 2027, which I now understand to be the year the man-child will be caught up to God after reaching 13 years of age in April of that year!
As you know, the Clock Prophecy shows the catching up of the man-child between the 2nd and 3rd Trumpets of the 7th Seal, indicated by the same mathematical matrix that shows the head wound, the rise of the Antichrist, and the destruction of Rome.
It is because so many events are linked in such a tight matrix using the divine structure of the Bible that we refer to this as Critical Mass on the Clock.
Revelation Chapter 12 states that after the man-child is caught up in verse five, the woman will be shielded from the face of the serpent for a period of 1,260 days, or 42 months.
John refers to this same period of time following the head wound event just 8 verses later.
[Note: The Clock has identified Barack Obama as the First Beast of Revelation, the individual whose facsimile — or ‘image’ –will be promoted by the Antichrist after a near fatal injury leaves the First Beast disabled. The ‘image’ will allow him to appear and speak in public (Rev 13:11-16) using computer voice synthesis. See my article on the MARK of the Beast from the main page to learn more.]
I understand these 1,260 days in Revelation 12 and 13 to be the remainder of Daniel’s 70th Week — as explained in Chapter 4 of my book, where I show how Jesus himself divided the 70th Week by the period of his ministry to the Jews before his own death.
If the man-child is caught up in the Spring of 2027, a subsequent 1,260 days will pass before a final round of harvest in late 2030.
This final harvest is the rapture of those who are “alive and remain” at the Last Trump, as Paul prophesied in 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
Read my article on the four part harvest to understand why Jesus used four distinct Clock times in his parable of the vineyard in Matthew 20, and how this explains all of the teachings of Jesus, Paul, and John, with regard to the Rapture.
The second harvest group, a gathering of summer wheat, could occur as late as the sixth Trumpet and, based on earlier time measurements, as late as 2028. I believe this harvest group will be the largest of the three rapture groups, possibly affecting tens of millions of believers.
Keep in mind that the Lord’s ministry to the Jews most likely began in 27 AD when he was baptized in the Jordan.
Let’s look carefully at the math to show how the man-child’s 13 years of growth from infancy to adulthood is related to the year 27 AD, and to the years 2014 and 2027:
27 AD + 2,000 years = 2027 – 13 = 2014
As you can see, a period of 13 years can be subtracted from the larger period of 2,000 years to arrive at the year of the man-child’s birth in our time! The words spoken to me 13 years ago this Fall point to 2027 as the year in which the man-child will reach adulthood!
Now let’s look at the evidence that 2030 will be the year Jesus re-enters Jerusalem 42 months after the catching up of the man-child in 2027. We would expect this to take place 1,260 days after the 144,000 Hebrew children have reached 13 years of age in April of that year.
Since the man-child’s birth in scripture converged on the 17th of April in 2014, we want to use the same date in 2027:
April 17, 2027 + 1,260 days
= September 28, 2030
This date in 2030 is exactly the first day of the Jewish new year! The Feast of Tabernacles falls exactly 14 days later, and may well mark the arrival of Messiah in fulfillment of the final Feast, known as Sukkot.
The critical date during Sukkot in 2030 will be October 11-12, the sabbath on which Tabernacles begins.
Since the Final Trump may well take place before the start of the Millennial reign of Christ in 2030, however, we must keep Watch in case we reach Critical Mass on the Clock sooner than expected!
We will discuss how the timeline is moving forward as a result of current events in a future message. Please print or email this update and share it with your pastor, your friends, and others in the body of Christ!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, our high alert for the Obama event continues. God is confounding the globalists with every advance forward by President Trump. Their goal is the destruction of Israel, which is a result of their allegiance to Lucifer. This in turn fuels their hatred of America, which is all (they think) that stands in their way. A new update is in progress, we have some rather amazing things to talk about. Keep Watching!
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July 13, 2019
Friends, it has been 7 years since a fallen angel appeared at the door of my home in a prophetic dream I will never forget. It started with the appearance of a triangular shaped craft that floated a few hundred feet above the house. It was pink in color and, since it was also night in my dream, I could see both it and the top of the trees it illuminated.
Next I saw what appeared to be men descending from the sky using ropes or cables, but they were not close enough for me to see them clearly. That is when I noticed a strange mist coming down through the trees, almost like spider webs, black in color and sticking together as they fell.
At that point the door at the back of the house opened and a very tall creature with two arms and two legs, but with the head of a reptile, stood in front of me. I was not frightened and there was no emotion whatsoever in the dream. The creature did not move or speak, nor did it threaten me physically.
The dream ended there.
About three years later, I had a similar dream in which my brother (already deceased by then) stood with me on a wooden deck at the back of the house. This time it was daylight. Suddenly a storm began to disturb the trees and the same thick mist started falling through the branches, blocking most of the light from the sun.
My brother quickly went inside the house but I stayed outside. I watched as the storm grew stronger and the mist grew thicker. I sensed danger but I felt no fear or need to hide. It later became clear to me that my brother’s death was represented by him seeking refuge in the house, and that he had departed this life prior to the release of a locust of demons (Rev 9:1-5) that are now covering the earth.
In recent news, individuals that seem to have a connection to our military industrial complex are seeking to move us toward acceptance of an extraterrestrial presence on the earth.
Is it possible that the Nephilim, or fallen angels, have made physical contact with our government? Could demon spirits soon be unveiled to the public in the guise of aliens visiting from another galaxy? Will the fallen ones make their presence known to humanity in material or physical bodies?
Media stories on the aerial phenomenon known as UFO’s is nothing new, but news outlets are suddenly overflowing with talk of intelligent visitors from another planet. This has also been the plot of numerous Hollywood films, TV shows, books, and children’s programming.
The parallel between this pop culture embrace of ‘extraterrestrials’ and the influx of illegal aliens crossing into our country by the millions each year is hard to ignore. A physical manifestation will often follow a related event in the spirit world, as we have seen since Satan was cast out of heaven (Rev 12:9 / Psalm 78:49) where this prophecy fell on the Clock in 2014.
You can see the divine proof of this connection in Chapter 3 of my book, where the mathematical link between the Revelation prophecy, and its mirror prophecy in the book of Psalms, is fully documented. The Clock Prophecy itself is linked mathematically to Revelation 10:10 and Psalm 71:19, as shown on page 37.
Could I or any other individual have created this mathematical link (or any of the other 9 mathematical links recorded in my book) across 3,000 years of biblical history?
I have previously felt that the physical appearance of Nephilim in our time was unlikely. But recent media focus on this topic seems to be connected with sources inside our government. For instance, the US Navy has released several videos of previously classified UFO sightings that took place during official military flight operations.
To my knowledge, this has not happened before.
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Those who participate in discussions that have to do with government knowledge of (so-called) extraterrestrials refer to it as “disclosure.” The idea is that our government has known about intergalactic visitors to planet earth for many decades, with plans to “disclose” that information once it appears the public is willing to accept it.
Even without a physical manifestation, deception could be forthcoming in the form of manufactured scientific consensus used to promote it, not unlike the use of fabricated ‘science’ in support of man-made climate change.
In either event, the result would be the same, fulfilling both the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul in the following verses of scripture:
“…for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie.” (2 Thes. 2:11)
“For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” (Luke 21:35)
Such a psyop would be the perfect pretext for suspending national elections, outlawing religious speech, and criminalizing political dissent on a global scale.
If so-called disclosure does take place, I believe it will be the culmination of a propaganda program planned by Lucifer from the beginning. Satan knows his time is short and he seeks the destruction of the woman (Rev 12:1) − both Israel and the Church − before the return of Christ.
We may see ‘disclosure” take place before a near-fatal head wound disabling Barack Obama (Rev 13:3), shortly after a meteor strikes off the coast of Italy (Rev 8:7,8) destroying Rome (Rev 18:1-10) and most of the EU, which is the heart of modern Babylon.
Now that we are moving past the conclusion of the black ring on the Clock, I will seek God for his guidance on future discussions about the timeline and share them with you here.
Remember, every day we wait brings us one day closer to redemption!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Watch Note: Friends, I hope you will keep vigil with me as we Watch together should we reach Critical Mass on Friday the 12th! I expect to post an update the same night, but it may go up on Saturday instead. The new message will discuss whether the Nephilim will attempt to make a physical appearance on the Earth with possible help from our government.
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Interim Update: Our Watch continues as we near July 12 where the black ring on the Clock comes to an end. This may be the most important month in Bible prophecy since the Lord’s resurrection 2,000 years ago, or it may be a pause for us to take stock of how many bible prophecies have been fulfilled already, and to seek God for His direction in our lives.
Each of the archeological discoveries I have shared with you over these past many years has been a direct fulfillment of Revelation 12:16 in the holy land. In each instance, the Earth has opened up its mouth to reveal the truth about Israel, swallowing up the lies Satan has sent forth like a flood in his attempts to destroy the woman.
God’s people have returned to the holy land and their interim king has also returned, as prophesied in Hosea 3:4,5. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the literal return of king David, the man selected to hand the keys of Jerusalem over to Christ when he returns!
The 144,000 are the princes found in Psalm 45, chosen by God to take over the nations and rule with Christ. These young men have not been called to evangelize but rather to act as the “sword of His mouth” in order to conquer the ungodly (Rev 11:15) and remove them from power. That is why the first harpazo (Rev 12:5) removes them from the Earth before all the events (and trumpets) of the 7th Seal.
Kim Jong Un continues to be prominent in the news, and I believe his demise will coincide with a near fatal head wound (Rev 3:3) disabling Barack Obama before the rise of the Antichrist. While Obama will survive his head wound, I expect Chairman Kim to lose his battle for control over North Korea in the very near future.
We will cover more ground soon if time permits!
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June 9, 2019
Friends, we will reach the end of the black ring on the Clock in just 33 days on July 12 as discussed earlier in these messages. We may then move to Critical Mass where the events of Revelation Chapter 13 at last unfold, only 42 months before the return of Christ, or less if the time is further shortened.
The growing perception that President Trump has emerged victorious in his many battles with the Deep State is yet another sign for us that the forces of darkness will soon make their move. Likewise, two meteors streaking through space near the Earth just weeks ago (click the image below for more information) tell us we may have run out of time.
Previously, I described President Trump as a catalyst ordained by God to move us further into the prophetic timeline. This pertains initially to the deadly head wound (Rev 13:3) disabling the First Beast, identified on the Clock as Barack Obama.
As the second in a trifecta of biblical events, the head wound will follow a large meteor (Rev 8:7,8 / 18:1-10) that destroys Rome (and most of Europe), and this will trigger the rise of the Antichrist out of London (Rev 13:11).
See my book, The Clock of the Four Night Watches, to learn how the Clock identifies the prince who becomes King as described in Daniel, and to understand his role as the world’s last tyrannical King, the man we call Antichrist.
In Chapter 3, I provide ten mathematical proofs of this end time message, one of which documents the arrival of Revelation 6:1 where it converged with the largest storm in recorded history on the morning of August 8, 2012.
Nine countries of South Africa were blanketed with snow in just 36 hours to mark the opening of the First Seal of Revelation — where it fell in real time that same morning on the Clock!
I was alerted to this by the brother in Christ I was staying with at the time, who had just received a phone call with a message that I should not overlook the prophetic significance of this event.
While I was fully aware that Revelation 6:1 fell on the Clock that very morning, I had no idea it would converge with actual events the same day! I was greatly comforted to receive this news, but did not discover that an angel had delivered this message to me for several more weeks.
Contrary to modern church dogma, the First Seal is about the preemptive takeover of the nations by Christ (Rev 11;15), a conquest prophetically matched to his preemptive ride into Jerusalem before his completed work on the cross.
When Judas betrayed Christ at the Last Supper, was it Judas or God who initiated the events that led to the Lord’s crucifixion? Likewise, when the Antichrist betrays the Jews before Christ returns, will it not be used by God to bring the revelation of Christ to them as planned from the beginning?
Does this not show that God always goes first?
The government of Israel has fallen into a state of collapse that is also divinely ordained to take place at this time. Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu has been denied a coalition government despite his reelection as Prime Minister last year. As a result, an entirely new election must take place in the Fall, at which point I believe Netanyahu and his party may lose their grip on power.
I believe this would have the effect of inciting Israel’s Arab neighbors to make a move against her, initiating the War of Psalm 83, or the battle of Armageddon, as it is called in the book of Revelation.
The time of Jacob’s Trouble will be a period of crisis for Israel during the events of the 7 Trumpets, and scripture says her journey into the wilderness will last for 42 months. We are told in Revelation that the First Beast is given a continuance of power for a period of 42 months following his near fatal head wound. Consequently, I expect to begin a final count of days from that event.
Will the meteor that destroys Rome (and most of Europe) strike this summer? I don’t know, but if it does, we can expect the removal of the 144,000 by harpazo (Rev 12:5) to occur in 2019, the first of a four part harvest explained by Jesus in his vineyard parable (Matt 20:1-16), where he used four Clock times and a warning that many who are expecting to be first will instead be last.
Since the Rapture of the Church will not occur before the removal of the 144,000, I expect the larger “catching up” to begin in 2020 at the earliest.
It is quite possible we will move past the summer of 2019 before reaching Critical Mass on the Clock, however current events suggest we may have reached the precipice of Revelation 13, meaning the events of the 7 Trumpets could begin here.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for President Trump in your daily devotions. I also ask that you share this end time message with your pastor and friends in the short time we have left.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, the upcoming update will address the collapse of the Israeli government and our progression to Critical Mass, possibly by July 12 where the black ring on the Clock comes to an end.
I may also discuss the possibility that our entry into Revelation 13 could begin later than this summer.
While events seem to be moving us to Critical Mass this year, there could be greater prophetic significance for us in 2020.
Time will tell. I hope to have the new update published by next week. God bless!
Friends, the IFCJ is an organization worthy of our support.
Click on the image above to learn how they defend Israel and religious freedom. A new update is in progress… keep watching!
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May 7, 2019**
The Mystery of Notre Dame’s Prophecy to the Churches
Friends, this two part message explains the prophetic nature of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. I pray you will share it with other believers, your pastor, and loved ones as you are lead by the Holy Spirit.
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PART 1 — Two Mary’s
In this update, I want to share with you how the fire that ravaged the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris is a harbinger for the destruction of Rome as described in Revelation 18:1-10.
This is a sign from God that idolatry in the churches (whatever form it may take) will soon come under His rebuke, as foretold by Jesus in his letters of warning to the 7 churches (Rev 2:1-3:20.)
Recent news out of Sri Lanka is more evidence of our progression to Critical Mass on the Clock, but in this message, I will confine my discussion to the fire at the iconic Cathedral in Paris.
Before I continue, let me point out that I was raised Protestant, and have never been to a Catholic service, however years ago I was led by God to study Catholicism in order to understand its role in the book of Revelation, how it came to represent apostasy in our modern era, and why idolatry is not confined to the false doctrines of Rome.
Most Protestants view Catholicism as a religious cult, and while I agree that many Catholic doctrines are completely unbiblical, we need to distinguish between the secular definition of a cult and the biblical definition of a cult.
As believers, we embrace the central teaching of Christianity that Jesus Christ is God in human form. That is the core doctrine of Christian faith, and as we are told in 1 John 4:3, those who reject this doctrine are Antichrist.
On the other hand, anyone who embraces this doctrine of Christ’s deity is, according to the same passage, of God.
Despite its many private teachings, the reason that Catholicism is not a religious cult to be compared with the false religions of Islam, Mormonism, or Jehovah’s Witnesses, is that it embraces the core doctrine that Jesus Christ is God in human form, the revelation that makes salvation possible.
In this regard, we can see that both Protestantism and Catholicism are, without question, the two candlesticks of the Christian faith, their flaws and strengths datailed in the first three chapters of John’s Revelation, and their ultimate purification assured by Jesus himself in Revelation 2:21-23.
In John’s book of prophecy, the wealth, pageantry, prestige, and colors of the Vatican are unmistakably linked to “mystery Babylon,” with the added epithet, “Whore.”
Do you recall that the two Mary’s of the four gospels include the mother of Jesus, a virgin who gave birth to the Son of God, and a prostitute, to whom Jesus gave spiritual birth, making her a virgin in God’s eyes through grace?
Like the two candlesticks that stand before Christ in John’s vision, each flawed and both waiting for redemption as virgins seeking to enter the Marriage through a door that no man can open or shut! (Rev. 3:7,8)
In the Old Testament, we are given the account of the prophet Hosea, who was instructed by God to do something quite remarkable. He was instructed by God to marry a prostitute!
In a third biblical account, a woman caught in the act of adultery was brought to Jesus for his pronouncement of guilt, and to approve of her stoning. As we all know, Jesus instead rebuked her accusers and offered her grace and restoration.
I hope these biblical accounts make clear to you why the Beast in Revelation hates the ‘whore’ that God seeks to redeem (Rev 17:16), just as adulterous Israel ultimately returns to her husband (Rom 11:26) to whom she had been unfaithful for so long.
Likewise, many in today’s apostate churches – both Protestant and Catholic – will find redemption after they turn from their idols and enter into true union with Christ before the 7 Trumpets of God’s Judgment are fulfilled.
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PART 2 — Two Candlesticks
Before we discuss the amazing properties of this structure, it is important to understand the unusual nature of this fire and the evidence that it was not man made. I believe that comments made by Friends of Notre Dame of Paris Foundation’s Michael Picaud are evidence of this.
Based on his statements, the fire is inexplicable in terms of its origin, its speed, and its detection. The wiring had been replaced only a few years earlier, so the chance of an electrical spark has been virtually ruled out.
In addition, the extreme density of the timbers makes it almost impossible for them to be ignited without accelerants, none of which were detected. Further, such accelerants would require more time to produce the level of destruction seen than what occurred during the timeline for this fire.
Here are other details we learned from Picaud:
> There was no evidence of arson
> There was no evidence of a break in
> Two men provide 24/7 onsite security for the cathedral
> The fire had two points of origin:
1) the rooftop
2) the North bell tower
Keep these facts – and especially the revelation that the fire had two points of origin – in mind as you read the remainder of this message.
A few key historical facts will set the stage for the Cathedral’s prophetic role as a warning to the modern church.
Let’s review that history:
1) Built 856 years ago over the site of Lutetia, a pagan Roman city where the planet Jupiter was worshiped as a Deity
2) Cathedral surface area is listed as 4,800 square meters.
3) The two towers are 226 feet high and were completed in 1250 AD
4) Fire occurred on day 28,098 of our final generation*
*See my book for an understanding of this topic based on Daniel
As many of you know, the Clock Prophecy is based on the divine mathematical structure of the bible, as shown in Chapters 2 and 3 of my book. A counterpart to this structure is the numbering system found in Strong’s Concordance, also divinely linked to bible prophecy, thus I use it to assist me in my study of the Clock Prophecy.
The first item above refers to the 856 years since the Cathedral at Notre Dame was built. The Hebrew word in Strong’s numbered 856 is Ethba`al, a proper name that means “Father of Jezebel.”
The Greek word in Strong’s numbered 856 is aphedr, which means “draught, or toilet.”
We know that Jezebel in the bible refers to those who bring false teachings to the Church and whose doctrinal errors link to the pagan rituals (and ideas) of ancient Rome.
Note that the Cathedral in Paris was built atop a pagan Roman city known for worshiping idols, the very influence Jesus warned against in his letters to the 7 churches!
In the Old Testament, defilement of the temple was a serious offense that made it unusable. This was sometimes referred to as “strange fire,” meaning the use of fire not created according to God’s instruction, or some other violation of the priestly duties.
Whenever the temple was desecrated, it would later be destroyed.
[Note: This is how we know the third and final temple to be used by Christ during his 1,000 year reign will not experience animal sacrifice, as this would pollute the temple and make it unusable. While animal sacrifice may take place elsewhere, it cannot take place on the altar of the millennial temple described in the book of Ezekiel.]
The erection of a Christian edifice like Notre Dame Cathedral over a pagan site was a sign that Christianity had descended into apostasy and would continue to do so, as Jesus himself prophesied in his rebuke to the early churches.
Here is what he said:
“And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.” (Rev. 2:21-23)
Although descration of the temple led to its destruction, we see that Notre Dame Cathedral was permitted to survive its test by fire, a sign to us that God will not destroy his body of believers, but rather purify and redeem them!
What are the divine mathematics of the Bible telling us? That God will purify his church and bring us into perfect union with Him before this present age comes to a close!
In item two, we see that the total surface area of the structure is 4,800 square meters. The Hebrew word in Strong’s associated with this number is merchab, which means “large place, or broad and wide expanses.”
The Greek word in Strong’s numbered 4800 is syza, meaning “to live together with,” as well as, “to live a new life in union with Christ.”
These are certainly the ideals God expects of those who gather in Christ’s name, whether they congregate in large cathedrals, open spaces, or in home churches.
I was amazed to learn that the Cathedral in Paris was not a result of one architectural blueprint or one set of coordinated designs. Rather, it was constructed over hundreds of years, which is why one of its two bell towers, thought by many to be symmetrical to the other, is actually larger.
Institutional Christianity can be divided into two roughly equal halves: Catholicism (which, as I have pointed out, embraces the central doctrine of Christ’s deity) with about 1.3 billion members worldwide; and Protestantism, a slightly smaller group estimated at about one billion affiliated members worldwide.
Look at the two bell towers in the images of Notre Dame Cathedral in the image below and you will notice that one is slightly larger than the other!
This is commonly known by Cathedral aficionados, a fact easily verified using online published sources. Oddly, these sources do not publish the actual width of each tower, so using a full frontal view of the structure, I took the known height of both bell towers (226 feet) to visually measure the approximate difference in width between them.
Here is the result of that measurement:
Remarkably, the North Tower is slightly larger than the South Tower and was built last, a mirror to the fact that Roman Catholicism arose almost a millennium after the Lord’s death and resurrection!
The South Tower, on the other hand, is slightly smaller than the other and was built first, a prophetic match to the birth of the early church, at that time free of Rome’s corrupting influence!
Do you recall the words of Jesus that “many first shall be last, and last first?” (Matt. 20:16)
As noted above in item three, the towers were completed in the year 1,250, so we want to know the meaning of the Greek and Hebrew words associated with this number in Strong’s lexicon.
The Greek word associated to the number 1250 is diakosioi, which means “two hundred.” Do you recall that the height of the towers is 226 feet? Also, the root from which diakosioi is derived (G1364 and G1417) means “twice,” and is the source of our English word, “duo.”
Even the width of these two towers is a testimony to the prophetic message of the Cathedral, as it demonstrates the difference in size of the two candlesticks that stand before the God of the Earth in Revelation 11:4!
The recent fire that destroyed Notre Dame’s spire and most of its roof brings us to two additional details that you may find equally amazing.
The height of the spire is listed by various sources as between 295 and 315 feet depending on how it is measured, so I am using the number 315 in Strong’s to discover what it represents and why God chose to completely destroy it.
The Hebrew word associated to Strong’s number 315 is Achrach, which means a “following brother,” with an associated meaning of “afterward in time,” or “hinder part.”
This was perplexing to me until I saw the Greek analog which is the word, anagkaz, which means “to compel by force, threats, entreaties, or by other means.”
When I reviewed the root for this Greek word, which is anagk (G318), meaning “to compel by LAW of duty regarding to one’s advantage, custom, or argument,” I realized that a spire is the architectural feature most commonly associated with Islam, the religion whose practice is required by law.
These word associations in the biblical text could not more accurately describe the edicts of the Quran, the teachings of Mohammed, and the nature of Sharia!
The spire on the Cathedral, I believe, represents the assault by Issac’s brother Ishmael (and thus Islam) upon the Church through the future progeny of his “hinder brother!”
While Islam has been used by God in various ways to bring the Church to a state of greater purity, it will also end with the destruction of Islam and that is why the spire (but not the roof) was completely consumed.
Finally, the loss of two thirds of the roof of Notre Dame Cathedral may hold prophetic meaning for the spiritual fate of humanity as a whole.
It is reported that almost a third of the world’s 7.7 billion identify as Christian. Is it possible that the survival of a third of the Cathedral’s roof points to the salvation of one third of mankind when the Book of Life is finally opened?
I believe the evidence that the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral was divinely orchestrated is overwhelming. It was my purpose in this message to help you understand how the Church will be purified before it is redeemed, and that our redemption — with each and every passing day — is drawing closer!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: The 9 year anniversary of the visitation of the Lord Jesus Christ in my home is today, March 18, 2019. It began that Thursday morning and lasted until he appeared to me on May 12, 2010, when he showed me the Clock of the Four Night Watches.
See the update below as it contains some of the most important information I will be able to share with you before we reach Critical Mass on the Clock in the days ahead!
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March 10, 2019**
Agropoli Image Over Sea Confirms Site of Meteor Impact: Rome’s Judgment is Near
Friends, this critical update gives confirmation for the location of a meteor impact described in Revelation Chapters 8 and 18!
For the past two years, I have discussed the arrival of a meteor that I expect to strike the Tyrrhenian Sea near Rome. About a week ago, an Italian man captured an image over the sea just 200 miles south of Rome, not far from where the Tyrrhenian Sea flows into the Mediterranean.
An unusually bright cloud formation near the coastal city of Agropoli has gone viral and millions of people have now seen it.
I have done a spectral analysis of this image by removing all glare to reveal additional details and both the original and filtered images are shown below. Nothing has been added — all images are derived solely using the source image.
Above: Original Image
The filtered image reveals a number of geometric shapes that are stunning for their resemblance to the architecture of Vatican City. The presence of column-like structures is unmistakable. I have inserted a picture of the Vatican grounds so you can see how they compare. Notice the villa like shape in the yellow circle. Smoke and fire appear to be depicted in the area outlined in blue.
These kind of right angles and geometries do not occur in nature apart from divine orchestration. These images are a clear warning that Rome is near Judgment, fulfilling the very words of Jesus that signs would appear in heaven to help us know where we are on the timeline!
If this image marks the impact site of the meteor described by John in Revelation chapters 8 and 18, it may indicate fulfillment before we reach the end of the 41st Golden Jubilee as early as April 7, 2019. As always, I do not know the date of any future event, that is why I ask you to Watch as Jesus instructed.
I have updated the meteor impact map I published in 2017 to show the epicenter of an impact about 200 miles further south than in my earlier estimate. [See map below].
This more southern location will mean a somewhat less dire outcome for France and Germany, but not for Greece, which would be completely engulfed in flames, along with most of southern Europe.
Remember that Greece produced Antiochus the 4th, a vile Antichrist prototype whose persecution of the Jews was especially brutal. If the Agropoli cloud formation marks the site of the meteor strike, there will be virtually nothing left of Greece after this impact occurs.
The same applies to Italy and to Rome, which are inside the most affected portion of a 1,600 mile wide blast zone. At least half of Europe will be devastated and the lives of more than a hundred million will be lost.
I want to remind you that the black ring on the Clock ends on July 12th of this year, which does not mean all the events in Revelation will occur in 2019, rather it means we may reach Critical Mass on the Clock and see the rise of the Antichrist before year end.
In January, we talked about the last full lunar eclipse before the end of an 80 year period since Israel’s first Prime Minister (David Ben-Gurion) declared it was time to open the gates of Palestine.
The Psalmist wrote that the days of man are between 70 and 80 years, and Jesus said the rebirth of modern Jerusalem (represented by a fig tree in Matthew 24) would mark the final generation of human government on Earth.
Jesus said that a late sign would be the moon turning to blood. The blood moon eclipse in January was quite possibly the very astronomical event to which Jesus was referring!
It is important to point out that the moon can appear as blood for other reasons. For example, when massive amounts of volcanic ash are ejected into earth’s atmosphere or when dust particles are ejected from the impact site of a large meteor, as we would expect when the two objects John describes in Revelation impact the Earth.
I applied the parameters of the destruction John saw in his vision using computer modeling software at Liverpool University in London to assess the size and speed of the “great burning mountain” he saw impact the sea near Rome.
My research has shown this object to be a meteor of 5 to 7 miles wide traveling close to sixty five thousand miles per hour when it strikes. The amount of debris the impact ejects into our atmosphere will create a kind of blanket around the earth that blocks light from the sun and moon for up to three years before it begins to dissipate.
I believe this event will fulfill John’s prophecy in Revelation chapter 16 verse 10 that darkness will fall upon the kingdom of the beast.
Just five verses later (verse 15), we see reference to a rapture event in conjunction with the battle of Armageddon, again affirming the removal of the man-child John calls the ‘first fruits’ of harvest in Revelation 14:4, a Jewish remnant caught up to God in Chapter 12.
The Church is always described using the female gender by the Apostle Paul and, unlike the 144,000 virgin Jewish males found in Revelation Chapter 7, cannot be numbered according to John in the very same passage!
This is how we know the 4 part harvest taught by Jesus in Matthew 20 includes an early rapture of the man-child and a separate rapture for the Bride of Christ. In other words, there are two major rapture groups followed by a final catching up at the end for those who are alive and remain. The martyrs are a separate harvest group.
Here is how the Bible breaks it down:
1) First fruits /barley /man-child /3rd Trumpet /3pm (Rev 14:4/Matt 20:3)
2) Bride saints / wheat / 6th Trumpet / 6pm (Rev 6:6 / Matt 20:5)
3) Martyrs / grape-wine harvest / 9pm (Rev 14:18 / Matt 20:5)
4) Final remnant / olive-oil harvest / 11pm (1 Thes 4:17 / Matt 20:6)
As you can see, my teaching that the Rapture of the Church occurs at the sixth Trumpet corresponds to the Lord’s reference to 6 pm — linked by him to the second harvest group in his vineyard parable!
It should come as no surprise then that the divine numerics of scripture place the ‘first fruits’ rapture of the Jewish man-child at the 3rd Trumpet, which is why Jesus links the first harvest group to 3 pm on the Clock in the same parable!
Remember that the second and third Trumpets of the 7th Seal pertain to two objects that strike the Earth, separated in time by no more than a period of weeks in the two visions I was given.
I have suggested that the second such object may hit the northeastern United States, and possibly New York will be the target of God’s wrath due to its approval of infanticide.
As a reminder, here is the order we expect during the prophecy Trifecta once it begins:
1) A meteor off the coast of Italy (Second Trumpet)
2) The war of Psalm 83 and the Obama head wound event (Rev 13:3)
3) A second meteor, perhaps striking New York (Third Trumpet)
The Antichrist will arise immediately after the Obama event and we will have reached Critical Mass on the Clock.
To learn more about the importance of an 80 year generation based on Psalms 90 verse 10, see the introduction of my book where I discuss May 11, 1942, the key date in modern Jewish history when a decree for the rebirth of modern Israel was first uttered.
I believe it is this date that defines the true start of our final generation, as it adheres to the instruction given by God to Daniel that he count time not from a point of prophetic fulfillment, but from a date of decree.
Keep in mind that while an 80 year generation may conclude in late March of 2021, a solar year count takes us one year further, into May of 2022.
This is also why the final chapter of my book discusses 2020 as the year the Lord may physically return, because the Feast of Tabernacles that year will be the last to occur during this 80 year period of time.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
February 11, 2019
Friends, my focus for the next few months will be uploading a series of podcasts for my YouTube audience that bring us up to date in that format. The website has reached a quarter million words of text, making it the largest bible prophecy website on the Internet, but YouTube continues to draw more views so my writing here will probably slow down a bit, at least until late Winter.
There were some details of the Clock Prophecy revealed to me in the Spring of 2010 I have not been able to share, however there is a milestone coming up in my YouTube output that I feel may be significant.
This will occur when there are 101 videos, a number of great significance for me personally, and one that may be converging with our place in time as we come to the end of the 41st Golden Jubilee in April.
The trifecta of Bible prophecy we are watching for begins with a meteor off the coast of Italy, followed by the War of Psalm 83 and the head wound event in which Barack Obama fulfills his role in Revelation Chapter 13, making him the first leader in world history to be represented in public by an image (robotic prosthesis) of himself.
The Antichrist will share the world stage with Obama’s image, using it as a kind of banner for his campaign of world conquest from the financial capital of modern Babylon, which (contrary to the belief of some) is not New York, but London.
The Clock Prophecy has identified the prince in Daniel as the man who will shortly become the King of Britain once the head wound event has taken place. This is why he and Obama met (without initial media coverage) in late 2014 at the White House, and why Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with him several months ago in Jerusalem.
The first event in the trifecta is the arrival of a meteor between 5 and 7 miles wide that strikes the sea off the coast of Italy (Rev 8:8/18:1,10), destroying Rome, the Vatican, and most of Europe. We can expect London itself (which sits about 100 miles outside the blast zone) to be spared.
The divine mathematics of scripture tell us the meteor will precede the second event of the prophecy trifecta, meaning the assault on Israel by Arab states described in Psalm 83, also referred to as the battle of Armageddon in Revelation 16. The head wound event is found inside this time matrix, as well, thus all the events of Critical Mass appear to take place within a period of just several months.
Incredibly, the path of this meteor over Jerusalem could be God’s means of direct intervention should a portion of it break away to strike the Arab coalition in northern Israel just minutes before the main object reaches Rome!
Watch Obama, Watch the sky, and Watch the rise of the new King of Britain in the days ahead!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
January 27, 2019
Friends, the Watch window we entered on the 12th of this month will continue through April 7, and represents the most critical period of Watch on the Clock thus far.
The black ring portion of the Clock comes to an end on July 12, 2019, and although not inevitable, the meteor impact off the coast of Italy could occur this year. If it does, we will have reached Critical Mass, meaning the early Trumpets of the 7th Seal and the start of early Rapture!
It may seem I have focused less on Rapture timing in these messages than on other issues, but the four part harvest described by Jesus in his vineyard parable is a critical teaching of this ministry. My article on that topic links his words in Matthew 20 to all other passages on rapture timing so as to avoid a private interpretation, as we are warned in 2 Peter 1:20.
The four crops of Israel listed in Revelation 6:6 is directly linked to the vineyard parable in Matthew’s Gospel. Jesus did not use numbers or numeric groupings casually, his mention of four groups sent into the fields of harvest at specific intervals on the Clock has a literal meaning.
The crops referred to in John’s Revelation represent four harvest groups (and seasons) because there are four distinct groups of believers to be harvested.
Some in the churches today see themselves as part of the 144,000, however the underlying Greek used by John in his description of the man-child in Revelation 7 and 12 makes clear reference to virgin Jewish males from each of the 12 tribes of Israel.
This is impossible to confuse with Paul’s characterization of the Church as being female, or as a bride, prepared for her bridegroom.
Paul’s prophecy in Romans 11 for future ethnic Jews and their redemption before the return of Christ points to this remnant called the “first fruits” of harvest by John in Revelation 14:4. The redemption of the church cannot precede that of the Hebrew man-child in Revelation Chapter 12.
An earlier group of resurrected saints (those raised up after Jesus’ resurrection but before he ascended) foreshadows the greater resurrection to come. While this smaller group appears in the Lord’s parable, it is not given a time on the Clock because only the four later harvest groups are in front of us, as the book of Revelation makes clear by noting the four key crops of Israel.
Notice the four times stated by Jesus in the parable:
3rd hour (crop 1)
6th hour (crop 2)
9th hour (crop 3)
11th hour (crop 4)
The ‘first fruits’ harvest of a Hebrew remnant was foreshadowed by the translation of Enoch, whose catching up is represented by the harvest of barley in the Spring.
The later rapture of Elijah foreshadows the catching up of the Church, and is represented by the harvest of wheat in the Summer.
It was the separation of Elijah from Elisha when the elder prophet was caught up that foreshadows the separation of virgins at the door into the marriage, famously portrayed as a group of ten virgins in the Lord’s best known allegorical story.
This is why Jesus also said:
“And [be] ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately.” (Luke 12:36)
Notice how the return of Jesus in this passage occurs after (not before) the wedding! This echoes his warning of a separation to come, and it is perfectly illustrated in the life (and death) of Elisha, whose burial then sparks a resurrection to complete the four part harvest teaching of Jesus!
Elisha (not Elijah) represents the grape (wine) harvest, which is a Fall crop, and foreshadows those who are martyred, or who otherwise give their lives during Great Tribulation. They will, of course, be resurrected at the Last Trump as part of the third harvest group.
A final rapture group is represented by the harvest of olives (oil), which Paul says will experience harpazo (a catching up) as the Lord descends out of heaven, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 4:17.
We have no way to know the extent to which these harvest groups might overlap, however I believe an overlap will occur between them before we reach the 7th Trumpet.
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The popular One-Day-Rapture-for-All doctrine puts Christians at risk during the early portions of the harvest as it will sow confusion in the churches once the early raptures have begun. Satan will use this false theology to convince Christian believers that they were never truly saved. It will be during this time that betrayals within the church may lead many to fall away. God is calling on us to stand against these false teachings before we run out of time.
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It appears that the forces of Antichrist will soon fulfill their role in a false flag assault in which Barack Obama narrowly survives. Based on my understanding of current events, this will be the ploy used by the globalists to either depose President Trump or to otherwise maintain their grip on power. If President Trump is in office at the time, he may well be accused of personal involvement as a pretext for placing him under house arrest, or in order to incriminate anyone the Antichrist wishes to silence.
I expect the head wound event to occur shortly after (not before) the meteor strikes Europe. A second object (third Trumpet) will strike the Earth shortly after that. I have been shown that the Obama event will be sandwiched between the arrival of these two objects, all within a very narrow period of time.
Note that the mathematical matrix of scripture also places the War of Psalm 83 during this same time-frame.
You can imagine the social turmoil in America during Obama’s near brush with death as the media promotes the false claim that Trump and his supporters were responsible. It will be during this period of mayhem that the second object strikes the Earth, unleashing the plagues of God’s Judgement upon the world.
The rise of the Antichrist out of Britain will immediately follow the assault on Obama, after which Obama will be presented to the public using a facsimile, or prosthesis, in his image. His disability will prevent him from appearing or speaking in public without this device. According to scripture, the image of Obama will be given power to speak, most likely using computer voice synthesis.
Remember that a second (smaller) object will strike the interior waterways (Rev. 8:10,11) in fulfillment of the third Trumpet. While John does not describe the location of this impact, I believe it may occur in the great lakes of the northeastern United States, possibly devastating New York. Based on what was shown to me, the ‘first fruits’ rapture will have occurred by that time.
We have no way to know the extent to which these harvest groups might overlap, however I believe an overlap will occur between them before we reach the Last Trump.
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
Interim Update: Friends, last night I watched the lunar eclipse and marveled as it pulsed bright red about five or six times on its right side in a way I could not explain. As I stood in the dark on that lonely stretch of road near my home, I prayed for each one of you as we watch together for our Redeemer to appear.
An update is in progress and I expect to have it uploaded by mid-week, so keep Watching!
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January 8, 2019
Friends, the Google platform continues to pare down my channel, messages approved by me do not post, and my discussion page has been eliminated (including hundreds of comments) without warning. My views are also down to about 10 per cent what they were just one year ago and comments I leave on other channels often appear only when viewed from within my own account.
My YouTube channel is a target of increasing censorship as my output is shadow banned, preventing exposure to the larger viewing community.
I believe my efforts to expose the activities of propaganda operations on YouTube is the primary reason for this censorship. They do keep track of us!
You will recall I discussed the anti-Israel propaganda channel of ‘Brother Nathaniel’ in an earlier message. I have left comments on his channel (and others like it) to expose the anti-biblical nature of his content and how it aligns to the same views as those of George Soros, a self loathing atheist activist Jew bent on bringing an end to the Jewish state.
President Trump is not alone in his efforts to dismantle the Deep State, and his allies, both those who aid him directly and those like myself who publish evangelical content affirming the prophetic role of modern Israel, are under assault. With more than one million views on my YouTube channel, you can be sure the Clock Prophecy has not gone unnoticed by various government psyop groups whose objective is the destruction of Zion.
Again, if you have not read my article from the main page, “My Servant Israel, Land of the Jews,” please do so, as it explains how the Vatican and the World Council of Churches are attempting to redefine Jewish identity in order to turn public opinion against the Jewish homeland.
The Vatican, by the way, has received a copy of my book!
My purpose with this update is to remind you that we reach the first of three markers in our passage through the black ring on the Clock (see earlier discussions from 2018) on January 12, 2019. This will be the day we reach the 630 day reverse count from the start of Tabernacles in 2020, marking a period of 21 months − the same time value as all the verses in Revelation devoted to the events of the 7 Trumpets!
Will something critical happen on January 12? It is possible, and it is the reason for our Watch, so it may be a good time to share this commentary with others. I hope you will do so as you are led by the Holy Spirit.
Just eight days later, on the night of January 20, we reach the final lunar eclipse of an 80 year period to mark the end of a biblical generation based on the words of King David in Psalm 90:10. This period of eighty years will not end until the late winter of 2020, however this blood moon will be the last during the Psalm 90 span of time on or modern calendar!
[It is for this reason that I highlight Sukkot in 2020 as a possible year for the Lord’s physical return in the final chapter of my book.]
I am well aware that 1948 is the year used by most (or all) modern bible prophecy teachers as the year of fulfillment for the rebirth of Israel. I agree that Israel’s statehood was officiated by the UN in that year. However, the use of this date for assessing the length of our final generation violates the instruction given to Daniel to count time from a point of decree rather than its fulfillment.
We have assumed that Jesus was counting forward in time from this point in time determined by the United Nations, but was he? I believe this is why Jesus spoke to me audibly in May of 2008 about the year 1942, the same month 66 years earlier when Israel’s first Prime Minister declared the reopening of Palestine for the Jewish people!
I explain this remarkable history in the introduction of my book, along with an exhibit of the Zionist document Jesus told me to search for that night on the 29th day of his visitation in my home, showing this key event in modern Jewish history. Before that, I had no knowledge of a gathering of Zionists in New York City where the decree for Israel’s rebirth was first uttered!
The Clock of the Four Night Watches is available in hard copy for just $11 using the image link below, as well as the Prophecy Alert button from the main page of this website. There is a download link that allows you to read it for free, as well. I do not profit from the sale of the book.
It is my hope that hard copies will be sent to your pastor and others in ministry since a book is more easily shared, and more easily remembered.
With respect to Internet access once the meteor described by John in the book of Revelation has hit the Earth, it is difficult to know what level of communication will be possible during that time. We may well see a disruption in every day Internet access that leads to permanent changes in our ability to share on these social platforms.
The penultimate [editor’s note: the word used here in error originally was ‘final’] marker during this journey through the black ring on the Clock will take place on April 7, 2019, when the 41st Golden Jubilee (in Hebrew years) comes to an end.
Whether or not the final marker on the Clock in July brings us to Critical Mass in the current year, I don’t know.
What we do know is that we have a lot of work to do before darkness falls!
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In closing, I hope to publish here again before the lunar eclipse that begins shortly before midnight on January 20, resulting in a blood moon during the first half hour on the morning of January 21, 2019. The unique appearance of the moon should continue until about 3AM.
Contrary to what some may claim, this eclipse will be visible (either fully or partially) from most parts of the world, including Israel.
I see evidence that some of my readers have begun to share the link to this website with others, which is especially important now that the Google media conglomerate has begun to shadow ban my message on the YouTube platform.
Please continue to share this end time message with those you know!
God bless as you continue to Hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches:
“Behold, I come quickly!” (Rev 3:11)
January 1, 2019
Friends, all 2018 updates are now archived and can be viewed using the link provided from the home page (pending a delay due to the rebuild now in progress!)
Enjoy your holiday and keep me in your prayers as we prepare to Watch for new developments in 2019!